UBM + Unbelieving Mate -- the only stupid question is the one never asked
Posts by kzjw
Regarding Simon's Announcement
by AK - Jeff inwe have known behind the scenes for a time that this was being considered, obviously.
i just want to express my personal appreciation for what simon and angharad have done here on jwd.
i found jwd just a few months after leaving the organization, and kind of believing that i was pretty alone in the world at the time.
Tell Simon why we want JWD to stay... our apprecaition...
by burningbridges inok, i'll start, maybe if we can all tell simon our reason why this site means so much to us he will reconsider and leave it here.
this site has given me the courage to speak out.
i used to be ashamed of my history with the witnesses.
You can't deny the power that JWD wields in helping others, not just jw's but UBM's like me...JWD is the reason I'm not experiencing a nasty divorce and why I realize that the things my wife believes are not her fault. Simon, I again emplore you to take your time, and consider a way to make this work. I know you carry a heavy load, but never forget that Jesus is carrying you...and the rest of us!
WT Study vs Public editions(the new bait & switch?)
by kzjw ini grabbed one of the public editions of the wt from the wife's car yesterday.
o noticed there was no mention of the fds, god's org or any of the hardline stances found in the study editions.
no verses frorm matt 24, proverbs 4 or any of the other standard verses found inthe kool-aid versions, but a host of others concerning the holy spirit.... so how is the wtbs still so successful at the age old bait & switch?.
I grabbed one of the public editions of the WT from the wife's car yesterday. O noticed there was no mention of the FDS, god's org or any of the hardline stances found in the Study editions. No verses frorm Matt 24, Proverbs 4 or any of the other standard verses found inthe Kool-aid versions, but a host of others concerning the Holy Spirit...
So how is the WTBS still so successful at the age old bait & switch?
Phone Conversation With My Dad (Elder)...
by deaconbluez ini got so pissed off yesterday after this phone conversation...he's such a sweet man, but very much under the control of the watchtower.
we both agreed that we missed each other and would love nothing more than to be able to do some stuff together and have a relationship, but he said, "that's all up to you.
well if that's the case, let's plan a trip or something in the next couple of weeks.
Are you suer you weren't talking to my wife? It sounded soooo familiar
Wet Pants...Great story from my hardline wife? No JW references? bmfm!
by kzjw incheck this out.... wet pants.
come with me to a third grade classroom..... there is a nine-year-old kid sitting at his desk and all of a sudden, there is a puddle between his feet and the front of his pants are wet.
he thinks his heart is going to stop because he cannot possibly imagine how this has happened.
betterdaze said; Her decision was made from natural human compassion alone.
betterdaze, wouldn't you take that any day over the borg? Human compassion is what God wants from us...
Wet Pants...Great story from my hardline wife? No JW references? bmfm!
by kzjw incheck this out.... wet pants.
come with me to a third grade classroom..... there is a nine-year-old kid sitting at his desk and all of a sudden, there is a puddle between his feet and the front of his pants are wet.
he thinks his heart is going to stop because he cannot possibly imagine how this has happened.
Check this out...
Wet Pants
Come with me to a third grade classroom..... There is a nine-year-old kid sitting at his desk and all of a sudden, there is a puddle between his feet and the front of his pants are wet. He thinks his heart is going to stop because he cannot possibly imagine how this has happened. It's never happened before, and he knows that when the boys find out he will never hear the end of it. When the girls find out, they'll never speak to him again as long as he lives.
The boy believes his heart is going to stop; he puts his head down and prays this prayer, 'Dear God, this is an emergency! I need help now! Five minutes from now, I'm dead meat !!
He looks up from his prayer and here comes the teacher with a look in her eyes that says he has been discovered. As the teacher is walking toward him, a classmate named Susie is carrying a goldfish bowl that is filled with water. Susie trips in front of the teacher and inexplicably dumps the bowl of water in the boy's lap. The boy pretends to be angry, but all the while is saying to himself, 'Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!'
Now all of a sudden, instead of being the object of ridicule, the boy is the object of sympathy. The teacher rushes him downstairs and gives him gym shorts to put on while his pants dry out. All the other children are on their hands and knees cleaning up around his desk. The sympathy is wonderful. But as life would have it, the ridicule that should have been his has been transferred to someone else - Susie.
She tries to help, but they tell her, "Get out! You've done enough, you klutz!"Finally, at the end of the day, as they are waiting for the bus, the boy walks over to Susie and whispers, 'You did that on purpose, didn't you?' Susie whispers back, 'I wet my pants once too.'
May God help us see the opportunities that are always around us to do good..Remember.....Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car. Each and everyone one of us is going through tough times right now, but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that only He can. Keep the faith....
My Prayer: to you...
Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings.Amen
.I hope you found the beauty in the mesaage & the siplicity in the prayer...
The term "Jehovah God"
by kzjw ini'm having trouble with it...i accept that god has many different names, yaweh, allah, jehovah, etc.
imho, it doesn't matter what you call him as long as you him!
but what's up with "jehovah god" as i hear the term used in talks by certain elders.
thanx 4 the replies...anyone else wann weigh in?
just a typical marital counseling session?????
by oompa inso how did it go some have asked?
at some point the lady therapist asked me what was probably my number one concern....it just came out...."i don't know if i can stay married to a jw"...wife burst into tears...and never let up...not even on the way back to drop me off at work...i also said in session i would prefer an open minded wife, and i don't think wife would pick me now either...not an unbeliever, not an overdrinker, and that marriage to me meant being able to share pretty much everything with one another, my feelings, my friends, my concerns, and that i did not like living a double life...and explained what that was too......she of course said she would stay in the marriage, and mentioned the adultery only rule...so i said it sounds like she feels she is stuck with me...she said it sounds like our marriage is already over....the lady says she does know for a fact that jw's do indeed get divorced without sex sins...cause she has counseled more that one couple like us...one in, one out....that ended with divorce.
i did say nice things about her...said the things i love.....and vice verse...and we both said we wanted the marriage to work....so at least a good basis for continuing the sessions.....the lady wants us to find common ground and just ignore the religious difference for now...i said great but how can we do that when the religion is all encompassing to my wife...it is everything....i will be glad to go to the ground if she can find it....but she never got a chance to find it yet...we ran out of time.
I told you it's tough...sorry u had such a rough time. The first one's really hard because you're trying to get everything in at once. adn that's not possible when you're just getting to know the therapist. Monday try to pick one subject that's important to both of you, and take it on issue at a time. Maybe you'll find common ground there.
When the hell do I bcome a Jr Member?
by kzjw inand why do my post sometimes read "error"?
i'd be well over a hundred & 50 post if it wasn't for that!
and why do my post sometimes read "Error"? I'd be well over a hundred & 50 post if it wasn't for that!
so anxious....first joint therapy tomorrow with jw wife....how much do I...
by oompa inshare on the first visit?
i am ready to explode!
!.....i am tired of the apostaphone and the double life....i feel like a cheat and haven't even gotten to!
Been doing the therapy thing for a couple of months...feel exactly as you do (which scares the hell outta me) Take it slow & play fair...but watch out for that "psycological right hook"! Hurts like a Mutha!
good luck!