DId anyone see the movie? It's called FIreproof and I thought it was excellent! No, I'm not really a Cameron fan...
did anyone see the movie?
it's called fireproof and i thought it was excellent!
no, i'm not really a cameron fan.... kzjw.
DId anyone see the movie? It's called FIreproof and I thought it was excellent! No, I'm not really a Cameron fan...
i'm vacation and watched as my wife headed out for her piosneering this past monday...i was pissed, because i'm here, but she'd rather be out there, hawking the wares of the borg as a non-paid employee.
i stewed in the house for 3-4 hours, angry that i took vows with this woman, but she essentially is forsaking those vows for her "friends", when she knows i don't care for it.
well the tolerance finally wore off!
Reniaa said:
You twist my words a little so I will reword my question, Would you change your religion if your husband said he knew best and felt that religion was unacceptable to him? its a retorical question I do not know your hubby this is more of should any hubby/spouse have a right to change there spouse's religion type question.
You miss the point -- I never told my wife to change her religion, to what? It's like you jw's say, "If you can show me something better(meaning religion), I'll leave today! Well fact is, all religions, including yours is a "Snare and a racket!" Sound familiar? It shuold that is also what jw's used to say in Rutherford's day. I lost my religion -- I kept my faith! That is what is better, care to join me? My faith beats all religions because it is deeply rooted in my personal saviour, Jesus who died for my sins on Calvary (whether by cross or stake is irrelevant). and according to John 14:6 he is my only path to our Heavenly Father (God, Jehovah, Yaweh). It doesn't matter what you call Him as long as you call Him!
i'm vacation and watched as my wife headed out for her piosneering this past monday...i was pissed, because i'm here, but she'd rather be out there, hawking the wares of the borg as a non-paid employee.
i stewed in the house for 3-4 hours, angry that i took vows with this woman, but she essentially is forsaking those vows for her "friends", when she knows i don't care for it.
well the tolerance finally wore off!
reniaa said of my comment;
Of course not, but I do have the right to tell my wife to examine the scriptures without "bible-based" books. To use outside sources and as a black woman to stand up with strength and understand that no one can tell her what she can & cannot read.
you don't think he just contradicted himself in the same sentence there? surely if he thinks she has the right to stand up and have no one tell what she can and cannot read that also includes wts publications or is he making them the exception?
What is wrong with you? First, the rags that my wife reads are an abomination as well as an addition to the bible. I think the closing verses in Revelation have a huge problem with that. Since these publications twist everything to the whims of the boys in Brooklyn, they are as you said earlier man-made which = wordly which is something that JW are told to avoid. 2nd problem is she won't read anything else, therefore, when we have a crisis we are stuck with the sick interpretation of how things should be handled by people who don't live in the real world. They don't allow kids at Bethel, therefore it is safe to say that the don't know shit about how to raise kids. So why is the information they provide either practical or helpful. It does not apply to real world application!
scalton said;
The only problem is that the WTBTS takes God out of the marriage by telling the active JW to have NO SPIRITUAL DISCUSSIONS with his/her spouse. My wife is an active JW and we can no longer discuss anything religious, so the organization has stripped God from my marriage
Now this concept is new to me but after thinking about it is profoundly true. See the WTBS tells the wife to fall under teh headship of the husband, but if he's a UBM, they use the no spiritual discussion rule to undermine any authority the male might have. In my case I never had a desire to "lord" over my wife, but if I did, the fds rendered that move powerless by use of the rule.
Finally reniaa, did you forget about the rule of not seeking the help of mental health professionals? We tried that, but since jw's have the Trooof, they deep down consider themselves without flaw, therefore she pulled out, though deep down she's admitted something is wrong and she needs to find out what that is. I guess something in one of those publications will pull her through with some nu light - quickly -- since we're so very very VERY close to the end...though the time's been extended, but there's still a sense of urgency...really...
Now go to your meeting...
i'm vacation and watched as my wife headed out for her piosneering this past monday...i was pissed, because i'm here, but she'd rather be out there, hawking the wares of the borg as a non-paid employee.
i stewed in the house for 3-4 hours, angry that i took vows with this woman, but she essentially is forsaking those vows for her "friends", when she knows i don't care for it.
well the tolerance finally wore off!
Reniaa said...
Can I ask you guys if it was any other faith that asks a lot of devotion and commitment i,e Jewish, muslim, hindu would you feel the same?
I have made more than a concerted effort to be respectful of JW's...I attended the KH in hopes of saving this marriage - I only found the the message of doom for this "system of things", or out & out lies from speakers about world events because they were trying to make a point.
If you yourself had a strong religion not JWs and attended church giving a strong level of commitment to that God, would you give it up because your wife/husband said she/he didn't like it or the people and found it offensive?
I was baptised at age 6, and though the building of the Baptist church I was baptised in no longer exists..I can stand under the pool where I made my 42 year commitment to Christ. Not to an ORG, but the my Lord & saviour. I'm no longer a baptist, I lost my religion, but thru God's grace I have kept my faith. It's there 24/7, I just don't feel the need to let some man, or group controll how I worship Him. JW's do & that is offensive!
Do we as humans have a right to tell another adult what they can and cannot worship? children are brought up in their parents faith but eventually they have to make a choice as adults for themselves but you as husbands/wifes do you have the right to make a spouse give up personal belief because you don't agree with it?
Of course not, but I do have the right to tell my wife to examine the scriptures without "bible-based" books. To use outside sources and as a black woman to stand up with strength and understand that no one can tell her what she can & cannot read. Slavery died in the late 60's (yeah I mean 1960's), I was alive then and know it when I see it. If you still have scales over your eyes & can't see around the blinders, that is your cross to bear. However, I have sat and observed this CULT destroy my wife, and it is my duty by the vows we took to try and save us by any means necessary. Now, don't you have a meeting to attend?
On a more positive note...
Carla, your post was huge for my day and I want you to know..
You are appreciated!!
i'm vacation and watched as my wife headed out for her piosneering this past monday...i was pissed, because i'm here, but she'd rather be out there, hawking the wares of the borg as a non-paid employee.
i stewed in the house for 3-4 hours, angry that i took vows with this woman, but she essentially is forsaking those vows for her "friends", when she knows i don't care for it.
well the tolerance finally wore off!
Thanks for the input...it's just so difficult to "get along" when my entire life I've known something isn't quite right with jw's. With the advent of info, I've become obsessed with knowing everything about the lies they told my wife...at times it's all consuming. I'm gonna keep figthing the good fight, meanwhile I told my wife that there will only be one jw in my house. I'll not tolerate any visits from the friends...they can meet on neutral ground or att he kh...
i'm vacation and watched as my wife headed out for her piosneering this past monday...i was pissed, because i'm here, but she'd rather be out there, hawking the wares of the borg as a non-paid employee.
i stewed in the house for 3-4 hours, angry that i took vows with this woman, but she essentially is forsaking those vows for her "friends", when she knows i don't care for it.
well the tolerance finally wore off!
I'm vacation and watched as my wife headed out for her piosneering this past Monday...I was pissed, because I'm here, but she'd rather be out there, hawking the wares of the borg as a non-paid employee. I stewed in the house for 3-4 hours, angry that I took vows with this woman, but she essentially is forsaking those vows for her "friends", when she knows I don't care for it. Well the tolerance finally wore off! Upon her return,I looked at her and said, "I have never liked JW's...the guy who makes the jokes, that was me...the one who avoided them on the street or slammed the door in thier face, I'm the one. Then after we married you chose to become one, so I tried to gain some understanding, I went to the KH, only to hear that the world would soon end, something that Jesus told us we need not worry about...only to hear lies from the podium, while all in attendance sit idle and say 'that's so wonderful!'." In other word I lost it! I have tried every approach suggested and told my wife that the only reason I'm still here is because I read Captives of a Concept and it gave me a better understanding of how she came to be where she is. I tried to explain that if she would just read that book instead of wasting her time in FS that we could save this marriage! then I told her that she can't because of the boyz in Brooklin, which by the way is being sold in the next few years form even more millions of dollars!
My wife's not stupid and there aer certain doctrines that she doesn't agree with, but I point out to her that picking and choosing is not an option with this religion/sect/cult. Yes I used the "C" word! I also told her that she won't open her eyes to the 12 million paid out in gag orders by the sick-society in it's child sex-abuse scandal, and that it was hidden from members! Or Barbara Anderson's compilation of the legal documents concerning the matter. I told her that I was essentially done with her until she would stand up on her own and examine her religion thoroughly. As the scriptures say if it is the truth it will stand up to such an examination. I can no longer stand and allow the blasphemy of a man-made religion based on a multi-million dollar publshing company to infect my home and my family.
Truth is, I may have really blown it this time...your thoughts?
as many of you know, i've got a new job.
quitting my old one is proving to be difficult.
i gave my boss two weeks notice.
We would never have terminated your employment with LV with only a 2-week notice period
Your boss is a lying sack of %#*@!. We lost 8 people this week at my job and not one were told 2 seconds before it was happening, much less 2 weeks! It is standard & proper to give 2 weeks notice -- stand firm!
i don't think i met one jw who can name the governing body ... which is strange since they basically surrender their conscience to them.
could you (without cheating) name each member of the governing body?.
and by the way how can people follow a "goobering body" of men whose names they don't even know? Shouldn't that be required?
i don't think i met one jw who can name the governing body ... which is strange since they basically surrender their conscience to them.
could you (without cheating) name each member of the governing body?.
Not only can they not name them, I spoke w/ a Street Witness one day & she swore they were all annointed...and argued the point even after I told her that they don't even admit the fact and and elder of 50+ years made the same admission!
i have a talk tonight.
anyone else still giving talks or parts?.
So am I to understand that these "Talks" come from a source book/publication? Where's that PDF? I gotta see it!