I finally said it...I don't like jw's

by kzjw 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kzjw

    I'm vacation and watched as my wife headed out for her piosneering this past Monday...I was pissed, because I'm here, but she'd rather be out there, hawking the wares of the borg as a non-paid employee. I stewed in the house for 3-4 hours, angry that I took vows with this woman, but she essentially is forsaking those vows for her "friends", when she knows I don't care for it. Well the tolerance finally wore off! Upon her return,I looked at her and said, "I have never liked JW's...the guy who makes the jokes, that was me...the one who avoided them on the street or slammed the door in thier face, I'm the one. Then after we married you chose to become one, so I tried to gain some understanding, I went to the KH, only to hear that the world would soon end, something that Jesus told us we need not worry about...only to hear lies from the podium, while all in attendance sit idle and say 'that's so wonderful!'." In other word I lost it! I have tried every approach suggested and told my wife that the only reason I'm still here is because I read Captives of a Concept and it gave me a better understanding of how she came to be where she is. I tried to explain that if she would just read that book instead of wasting her time in FS that we could save this marriage! then I told her that she can't because of the boyz in Brooklin, which by the way is being sold in the next few years form even more millions of dollars!

    My wife's not stupid and there aer certain doctrines that she doesn't agree with, but I point out to her that picking and choosing is not an option with this religion/sect/cult. Yes I used the "C" word! I also told her that she won't open her eyes to the 12 million paid out in gag orders by the sick-society in it's child sex-abuse scandal, and that it was hidden from members! Or Barbara Anderson's compilation of the legal documents concerning the matter. I told her that I was essentially done with her until she would stand up on her own and examine her religion thoroughly. As the scriptures say if it is the truth it will stand up to such an examination. I can no longer stand and allow the blasphemy of a man-made religion based on a multi-million dollar publshing company to infect my home and my family.

    Truth is, I may have really blown it this time...your thoughts?

  • insearchoftruth


    I am not sure if there is just a renewed zeal due to the new campaign, but I am so close to doing the same with my wife......I feel that she is cheating on me with the JWs, the way she sneaks around with her 'personal bible studies'. Also, the last minute notices/changes of plans for meeting attendance, all a bunch of.....

  • isaacaustin

    I am in the same boat as both of you.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Sounds like you won't give yourself into corruption and you want to hold on to your own personal integrity,

    Thats very commendable on your part, perhaps your wife will see the light one day too.

    This cult/Publishing House has a way of exploiting the weak and venerable in society.

    You just have to be persistent and strong in times like these, hang in there !

  • slimboyfat

    piosneering... I like it, and not heard that before: a very accurate description of some pioneers' attitudes.


    ..Your wives are cheating on you with the WBT$..??????..LOL!!..That is so bad!...........Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • chickpea

    that practice of picking and choosing doctrines....
    it is attributed to catholics as well....
    the moniker "cafeteria catholic" was coined
    to describe the process of only adhering to
    the teachings one actually followed or agreed with.....

    guess there are some JWs in that lunch line too...
    that sort of quiet rebelliousness in the ranks
    could be a chink in her JW facade....
    she is definitely lacking in the "whole-souled"
    department if she has quibbles about the
    truthiness of "the Truth"©

    i think your edict is going to be life-saving for you
    in the long run, since heretofore you had gone along
    to get along and it has led to an untenable circumstance......

    hoping for the best of outcomes

    for BOTH of you!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    There is something that has to noted and that there are people that sit on the fence so to speak in a effort

    that if there were any validity to what the JWS are saying ( ie. GT or Armageddon ) they can inversely quickly jump over to the other side

    to save themselves, yes my guess is a least 25% of people that attend meetings on a regular basis are just those kind of people.

    Your wife KZ may be just one of those people, so you have to approach this matter with delicacy and sincerity.

    Its a difficult task but it can be accomplished.

  • kzjw

    Thanks for the input...it's just so difficult to "get along" when my entire life I've known something isn't quite right with jw's. With the advent of info, I've become obsessed with knowing everything about the lies they told my wife...at times it's all consuming. I'm gonna keep figthing the good fight, meanwhile I told my wife that there will only be one jw in my house. I'll not tolerate any visits from the friends...they can meet on neutral ground or att he kh...

  • oompa
    My wife's not stupid and there aer certain doctrines that she doesn't agree with, but I point out to her that picking and choosing is not an option

    I liked and like a lot of them....some are nice fun people. However, now that I have faded, I hardly hear from any. One though, a very great old friend received a hand delivered letter from me. He had told me he thinks many will survive Armageddon besides JW's and that they were never adamant about them only surviving it. I printed out three pages of WT quotes that were very clear billions will die and only active witnesses will live.

    It told him me and my Elder Dad always felt that way too, but that he better keep his mouth shut about it!! He knows I am very shunned for openly disagreeing with certain WT things, so I cautioned him that if he spoke out about this....how he really feels......and persisted in it.......that he would be DF's as an apostate!!! I told him...isn't it funny that this is a religion were you actually have to give up your free will....that if you voice ANY contrary opinion.....you face severe consequences....I hope he wakes up a bit after this....but am not hopeful.........oompa

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