JoinedTopics Started by inrainbows
The Gun Story You Did Not See This Week
by hillbilly incourt shoots down s.f.
gun banstate supreme court rejects initiative to regulate firearms .
posted: 5:57 am pdt april 10, 2008updated: 11:00 am pdt april 10, 2008. san francisco, calif. -- a ruling by the state supreme court has brought an end to san francisco's attempts to ban handguns in the city.
C.S. Lewis and his "trilemma".
by gaiagirl inauthor c.s.
lewis once wrote that one of three situations exist: .
1) jesus was the son of god .
Athiests please answer these questions
by Mrs Smith ini'm not trying to pick a fight i was just sitting at my desk pondering on some threads on jwd and i would very much like this question answered.. why is it that athiest often (not always) direct their argument for athiesism towards christians?
why not direct your argument towards buddists or muslims or even new-agers?
i mean they also believe in a higher power so why is it that only christains seem to get knocked?
Pick 'n' Mix Christianity
by nicolaou inhow can someone who calls themselves a christian reject those parts of the bible that do not sit comfortably with them?
without the bible there would be no christianity (now there's a thought) so surely it's a bit capricious to subjectively select doctrines you approve of and reject those you don't?.
for example, how can a christian possibly approve of homosexuality when the same bedrock of belief that gives you christ also condemns 'men who lie with men'?
"Real one" threatens athiests with Jugement Day! Why do Christians do this?
by Witness 007 in"real one" is a christian on this site and gets involved in many debates with athiests.
on my thread "jesus was just a man" he said:"non-beleivers will see jesus one day and you will not be happy.
" on my trinity thread:".....oh his {gods} existence is established.
Major JW flaw in reasoning?
by Satans Son inthey sell the idea of living forever with an all-knowing god as something to look forward to.. yet, that means no privicy, and they cannot hide anything, including their personal thoughts and desires... have they not considered this point?..
External, Observable, Verifiable Evidence Of God...
by Tuesday inlovely lil started a thread that said it had external evidence of jesus' which i think proved rather useless and ultimately ended in debate about god's existence.
she said she wanted to start another thread about proof that god exists so i figured i would.
so this thread would be for actual proof of god.
Yet more proofs of God's nonexistence- When will the believers get it?
by BurnTheShips inhundreds of irrefutable proofs for god's nonexistence....
Dutch courts consider banning JW's adopting children due to blood doctrine
by inrainbows inon wednesday the dutch radd van state (council of state) heard a case regarding the adoption of children by jehovahs witnesses.. heres a rough translation of this news item;.
the hague - a couple from veenendaal that are member of the jehovahs witnesses (who are against blood transfusions) cannot adopt a foreign child.
Atheist in U.S. poll 4% ------ Atheist on JWD 90 % ?
by caliber in( one recent post indicated this 90% figure) .
i don't wish to debate the pro's and con's of atheism, just help me understand your personal.
reasonings for this huge difference in figures.