THANK YOU ALL. TERRY I will answer your post because I have couple of doubts...YOU SAY: Christianity, at its best, represents charity, love, forgiveness and optimism. JW's, by stark contrast, defame Christianity, abhor charity, prey on fear, shun rather than forgive and are the biggest pessimists on the planet. I am not sure about this as I do know they have helped in many situations in the past and also people who were not JW. JW's are among the most unschooled know-it-alls walking around with a chip on their shoulder, ready to scripture duel to the death by provocative name-calling taunts to mainstream church-goers. JW's jury-rigged theology turns scholarship on its collective head. They won't admit to being wrong when they clearly are and claim the highground in fights they start while pretending to be victims of discrimination. The Governing Body, under Judge Rutherford's leadership, was clearly engaged in treasonous activity during a time of war by encouraging members of the Armed Forces to lay down arms and leave their sworn duty. Yet, the white-washed official history proclaims they were innocently wronged by Satanic minions persecuting them because of their pure worship. I do know that JW do not believe in war or politics. I'm sorry I do not get the connection between the 2 points you're trying to make here... Being Christian isn't good enough for JW's. They ignore Jesus and clothe themselves in a "better" name brand: Jehovah's Witnesses. I wouldn't say they ignore Jesus, but they DO consider themselves better than everyone else , just for being JW. JW's refuse to vote to change social conditions that hurt people or to improve the policies with which they disagree. They allow others to fight and die on their own behalf while ridiculing those who lay down their lives for them to practice a bogus religion. Same reason as above. Anyway I am not a JW and yet I DO NOT believe any politicians can really make something to solve our problems. JW's flout the laws of the land when they see fit to do so, while at the same time, going to court to preserve their peculiar theology in seeking decisions which give them special treatment. JW's pretend to love one another, but, gossip about fellow members and see it as a righteous duty to turn their back on former brothers and sisters in times of trouble. True! They're human after all who hope to be one day perfect... JW's pretend to be charitable in times of disaster, but--their aid is only for members of their own religion!! Really? Did you experience this? JW's cop a superior attitude about themselves and their door to door activity. Yet, the efficiency of the preaching work (actually selling boring magazines and recycled claptrap books) is belied by how few members they collect in this work to offset the alarming number being ousted out the backdoor of the local Kingdom Halls. JW's teach and preach a message of fear and doom and gleefully await the destruction of men, women, children and even the as yet unborn at an Armageddon which allows them to claim the spoils of the massacre for themselves. JW's are petty, mean-spirited and ignorant because they refuse to attain higher education and confine their reading to polarized rhetorical propaganda messages from their Governing Body. JW's are willing slaves to mind-control concerning who they can and can't talk to or associate with. They will kowtow to narrow-minded injunctions against private sexual intimacies between husbands and wives without protest while insisting they are free, indeed. TRUE unfortunately JW's permit no individuals to blossom in their midst. They are like coins in a mint alike in manner and deportment to the exclusion of an original thought. JW's are a cult because a cult is a religious group without political power or efficacy. They are culled into two groups which make no sense by definition. The first group is a mystical and mysterious spirit-begotten overclass which is oddly further divided into the elite and the non-elite. The other group are dogs who are permitted to eat scraps from the table of the elite class. This hierarchy mirrors the Catholic Church ( emulated adoringly) whom they denounce as Satanic. The cheese-eating grin of a good-old-boy JW at your door flippin' the pages of his NWT trying lay rabbit traps for him to spring on you, epitomizes the pinnacle of attainment for these Wal-Mart searsucker suited dropouts. They are under-achievers with delusions of grandeur. They earn and deserve the opprobrium against them. What have they built to shine merit upon themselves? Hospitals? None. Daycare Centers? None. Colleges for Education? None. Women's Shelters? None. They are nobody and nothing claiming the divine right to pick your bones and your pocket under the banner of an invisible Christ. Their proofs are as invisible as their ne'er-do-well Christ, whose Second Coming was a non-event--and--who hasn't done a damned thing worth mentioning since he set up shop in the heavens to jumpstart their nonsensical magazine peddling. Ridicule is too good for such a lot as they. It seems as though you were really damaged by these people. I agree with you on many levels and I really don't kno what to think. They all seem so nice, so sure of their's incredible. But there's something I can't figure out about them that makes me absolutely uncomfortable.
JoinedPosts by smilelover
Can you explain this?
by smilelover ini am not a jw but i am really curious to know why are there so many people who criticize and ridicule them?
please give me some logical answers not personal judgements :p
Take out your bibles and tell me......with the proper verses
by JH inshould one adore and pray to jehovah or to jesus?.
As far as I know Jehovah and Jesus are NOT the same. Jehovah is God Father while Jesus is God Son. You pray to Jehovah but through Christ. Makes sense? It's pretty much what most Christians do when they pray...
Can you explain this?
by smilelover ini am not a jw but i am really curious to know why are there so many people who criticize and ridicule them?
please give me some logical answers not personal judgements :p
LFCv, LouBelle and everyone THANK YOU for your insight. I am not a JW but my mother is and, as much as she'd like me to join them, she also understands why I do not feel like it and it is for the same exact reasons you have proposed: isolation from everything and everybody, being judgmental of others, trying to manipulate and control your life, etc. Fortunately she is quite objective and she sees good and bad people inside and outside the JW congregation. She is not one of those who believes and says that only JW will be saved. She helps me see only the spiritual part of it all.
Can you explain this?
by smilelover ini am not a jw but i am really curious to know why are there so many people who criticize and ridicule them?
please give me some logical answers not personal judgements :p
Thank you DJK :o) EDMOND, I agree with you as to not accepting their belief that they hold the pure sacred truth and that only they will be saved in the end. But, why do you say they have "false logic"? Isn't it as false and as true as any other religion? I mean, in the end who knows where the truth really stands. The Bible is pretty much all about intepretation and it doesn't mention any religion in particular. Religion is man-made I think... By the way Edmond Dantes is my hero :p
Forbidden Love?
by ZeroZen ini like a woman who is a jw and im not; i know she has the same feelings for me as i do for her.
i would say im spiritual but not religious i would not take the bible word as literal truth like jw do.
do we have any chance of a relationship together?
I think if she's really open-minded then you shouldn't have a problem bringing this up. I met a married couple once: she was a JW and he was not. Of course, having the same beliefs makes it a lot easier but I guess you can totally do it if you share common values and pronciples anyway. And no, they do not hate non JW...they just think they need to save us.
Can you explain this?
by smilelover ini am not a jw but i am really curious to know why are there so many people who criticize and ridicule them?
please give me some logical answers not personal judgements :p
I am not a JW but I am really curious to know why are there so many people who criticize and ridicule them? Please give me some logical answers not personal judgements :p
I Say The Bible Teaches Evolution
by Fadeout inanytime a jw says that evolution is wrong, i respond, "well obviously it's not totally wrong because if you don't believe in evolution you don't believe in the bible.
that at first glance sounds like some kind of apostate statement, but i'm taking the stance of defending the bible so they don't really get too much of an "apostate" vibe.
it does, however, confuse them, because they have no idea what i'm talking about and all they know is that nothing in the bible supports evolution.
Of course evolution exists, but within the same species not from animal into human being. As much as I utterly adore animals, I hope you agree with me that there's quite a big difference between us and them, mean of God to let some apes become human and others stay apes...
Do You Ever Fear The Jehovah's Witnesses???
by minimus inare you completely devoid of fear regarding jws in your life at this point?
For years the Trinity believers have said that the people who do not believe in Trinity are the Anti-Chirst! The Jehovah's Witness believe that people who believe in Trinity belongs to Satan organization. Perhaps, you should ask how many people suffer from depression or anxieties due to the guilt trips that organizations have placed on their members? I THINK THAT ALL THESE PEOPLE, JW AND NON, WHO SAY THEY KNOW WHAT GOD WILL DO AND HOW HE WILL JUDGE US ARE ALL CRAZY. THEY SHOULD STOP PUTTING ALL THESE SCARY IDEAS INTO PEOPLE'S HEADS. EVERYBODY WILL BE JUDGED BASED ON WHAT THEY BELIEVED AND HOW THEY USED IT IN LIFE. GPD READS THE HEART, THE BIBLE SAYS, ANS I AM SURE THAT THERE WILL BE MANY JW AND NON JW WHO WILL BE JUDGED EXACTLY THE SAME. BEING A JW OR ANOTHER TYPE OF STRONG BELIEVER DOESN'T SAVE YOU A PRIORI.
Do You Ever Fear The Jehovah's Witnesses???
by minimus inare you completely devoid of fear regarding jws in your life at this point?
Sometimes I feel that JW judge far more and worse than God himself. But I attribute that to the human imperfection and wanting to overdo God's ruling. But some JW are quite interesting and peaceful and their spirituality is very inviting. Still I believe that they often limit their lives by doing - or better NOT doing certain things just because those things are not explicitly commanded in the Bible, or because JW interpret a passage in the Bible as a way for God to kind of saying that He would not like you doing that, or for the fear to offend Him if they did or used a certain thing...
22nd march
by tank3r87 inhey, im not sure if any of u remember the other time i said that i liked this jw girl, but im gonna jump that.
well, she's invited me to her gathering on the 22nd.
which is like according to them, jesus's b'day.
I think you'll find it to be interesting. I thought it was. They celebrate the death of Jesus because Jesus said so in the Bible as it's at someone's death that you know if he/she did good or bad things in life. Although I still think the day I was born was a quite lucky day :p You can touch neither the bread nor the wine though. I think you should try. I mean, I didn't lose anything by going, just saw and learned something new.