JoinedTopics Started by Observer17
by iloowy inthe following is a translation of a message to (let's call it the spanish jwd).
mary, david, once again ... did you know that you are the new watchtower in many circuits?
original post in spanish .
Do The "Four Living Creatures" Have "Harps"??? (Revelation 5:8-10)
by Observer17 inplease consider with me the following verses, which raises a curious question for us all.. revelation 5:8-10 says:.
"8 and when he took the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the lamb, having each one a harp and golden bowls that were full of incense, and the [incense] means the prayers of the holy ones.
9 and they sing a new song, saying: "you are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, because you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought persons for god out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, 10 and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our god, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.
I just came from my elder's meeting
by BonaFide injust to review, i had my meeting today with the two elders who say a sister has accused me of "grinding" with her and thus porneia.
so i printed out several of your comments on how to defend myself.
i felt good about standing my ground, and repeating that i had not "grinded" with this ex-friend and that she wants to ruin the relationship i have now with the sister i am dating.. however, the two elders today really tried to pressure me.
Statistical evidence against WTS fulfillment of Mat24:14. Simple argument.
by Awakened at Gilead injehovahs witnesses are proud to point out that they are fulfilling the prophecy at matthew 24:14. jws are quick to point out that part of the purpose of the preaching work is so that jehovah can take note of how people respond to the witnessing, and thus can decide if they are worthy of survival or not.
last year, jws spent 1.4 billion hours in their preaching work.
so if we take: 6.6 billion people.
July 15 Study Edition
by StAnn ini just read the first article in the july 15 study edition, entitled "the house-to-house ministry--why important now?
" i thought it was insane overall but i noticed that they seem to be reintroducing the "marking work.
" hadn't that belief been eliminated?.
Romans 5:13, 14 Promises No Sickness & Death Before 1,000-Year Reign!
by Observer17 into get more details on this amazing info, please check out "salome's" thought-provoking posts found at this link:.
romans 5:13, 14 promises no sickness & death before 1,000-year reign!.
Examining Ezekiel's Future "Temple"
by Observer17 infor those of us who enjoy examining bible prophecy and considering new angles and perspectives on prophecy, please see the following article (link below).
i think you may find it quite interesting, with some new angles to consider.
here is the link for the article:.
Mary imperfect, Jesus perfect
by heyfea inmy husband never ceases to amaze me with the things he asks me.
yesterday night he asked me: why was jesus born perfect when mary was not perfect?
i said to him that it should be the same as having a surrogate mother.
Question: Is Satan The "Ruler Of This World"?
by Observer17 inin the book of john alone, jesus three (3) times referred to satan as the "ruler of this world.
" -- see john 12:31; john 14:30; john 16:11.. my first question on this topic for this discussion board is: .
(1) do you believe this to be true?