Hi and welcome doorboy00,
i just wanted to say that i'm having a blast reading all the posts.
i stumbled upon this site because i was curious to see what the jehovah's witnesses have to say about september 11th and instead i've been laughing at the top ten's and such.
i was priveleged?
Hi and welcome doorboy00,
sister got married back in the summer.
she had a small wedding and they only invited their families.
this is what i don't understand.
Yes,in my experience,being a JW does give you the right to be just plain rude.They do make their own rules and they hardly ever do the christian thing.My whole family was treated shitty by the JWs when my Dad died and none of us was even Df'd or Da'd.My brother's Baptist church really showed them up bad at that time.Sorry A-HOLES didn't even bother to stop by the funeral home to pay respects.HOW CHRISTIAN IS THAT?Thanks to them,my whole family has drifted.I'm so sorry about what happened to your Dad.I can certainly understand that they contributed to his depression.As far as your family goes,as long as any of them are still in it,be prepared to be hurt by them.Sad but true.
this is the first real sign of the 'tower's increasing fear of the internet - the dangers of the internet are covered in graphic detail.
there's no mention of watchtower trolls sending viruses to try and shut down this site, however.
Never mind,I just went back and saw it was for Britain.D'oh!
this is the first real sign of the 'tower's increasing fear of the internet - the dangers of the internet are covered in graphic detail.
there's no mention of watchtower trolls sending viruses to try and shut down this site, however.
I just went back and took a second look.Didn't realize it was 1999.Still seems like a low number to be that recent.
this is the first real sign of the 'tower's increasing fear of the internet - the dangers of the internet are covered in graphic detail.
there's no mention of watchtower trolls sending viruses to try and shut down this site, however.
Is the July service report for real?Only some 123,000 publishers in the United States?Last I knew of in January there were over 900,000.
last night, i returned from the chess club with my son to find my wife on the phone.
apparently the congregation secretary had phoned to get our time.
not wanting to disappoint him, she put us both down for two hours.. now, none of us have stepped foot in a kingdom hall since april 10, and we haven't been out in service since march/01.
HEY,I've been inactive since January 31 and nobody called to get my time!THAT'S NOT FAIR!!
i am fortunate enough to say "no.
" i tried very hard to get people to come to meetings and assemblies...and during it all i was bored out of my mind and had a voice in my heart keep saying "what if what you think is the 'truth' is not really the "truth" and you stand before the throne to be judged?
would these people take your place and die for you because you believed in them and not jah?
I use to get frustrated because I had not brought anybody in.Now I'm glad I didn't.
one of the best tools the elders have to counsel the congregation is the local needs part.
how does one usually get picked for this talk?
generally, during an elder's meeting, one elder will have his pet peeve.he convinces the body that this issue has to be handled by the body.
Once we had a local needs talk about someone carving dirty words in the back of some of the seats.
i awoke from sleep about a half hour ago from a dream in which i returned to the witnesses.
i had become so upset from losing my family and friends that i decided to return and seek reinstatement even though secretly in my heart i did not believe (i was trying to fool the elders).. i awoke from the dream with illusions of actually following through with this idea.
it took me about 5 minutes to arrive at reality.
The story in the KM probably isn't even true.
do you remember how many people would buy a car, with service in mind?
i remember people talking about how not to buy a 2 door, because it is not as good for going out in service.
people would be looked down upon big time if they bought a sporty or compact car.
I knew some who bought vans so they could act like a big shot and take a group out and then there were some who were pioneers and they bought trucks so no one could pile their @$$e$ in their car.