Even though I agree that the bible is largely a book of history and myths, living in Israel, it was the experience of the fulfillment of prophecies regarding Jews and their country that really impressed me.
After all and contrary to JWs, Jews can point out quite a lot of biblical prophecies that have been fulfilled clearly and visibly in ours days, and this fulfillment has become living reality in a modern, very vital country; just to mention a few that come into my mind:
— (history since 70) Scattering and pursuit of the people of Israel over the whole earth. Deut 28:64-66
— Retaining the unity of Israel even in the Diaspora and through all tribulation; ‘tradition’. Isa 49:14ff; Jer 31:35ff
— Regathering of the people back into their country which will assume the name ‘Israel’ (e.g. Theodor Herzl 1860-1904; Zionist movement). Ezek 37:11-14
— Revival and renewal of the language that had been a ‘dead’ language only used in the Synagogue at least since the days of the Persians and that is now a living language in daily life as well as economy, science and all other fields of a modern society (revived by Eliezer Ben Yehuda 1858-1922). Jer 31:23; Zeph 3:9
— Repossession and cultivation of the completely devastated country (e.g. Kibbutz movement since 1909). Deut 29:23ff => Ezek 36:33-36; Jes 35:6; Ezek 28:25,26; Amos 9:13-15
— ‘Root of Jesse’ as banner of the people of Israel (‘Magen David’ as flag of Israel). Jes 11:10-12
— Reestablishment of the political state (May 14, 1948: David Ben Gurion). Jer 16:14,15
— Resurgence of Israeli military (4th most powerful conv. and nuclear armed force of the world!). 2Sam 7:9-11; Zech 12:5-9; cf. Ps 110:2,3
— Focusing of the political interest of the world on Israel and Jerusalem; concentration of conflicts in this region (see daily news). Zech 12:2,3; Ezek 5:5
— Reoccupation of Jerusalem by the Jewish people, Jerusalem is capital of Israel — End of the ‘times of the Gentiles’ (formally announced by the Chief Rabbi on June 7, 1967 during the conquest of the Western Wall). Zech 12:6; Luk 21:24
Understandably, these things are usually not mentioned by JWs or in their literature.