For those questioning why to join an active JW Facebook group, think of it this way;
It reinforces with the GB that this is a dangerous site. It will be viewed as a place where apostates are secretly trying to drag the brothers and sisters out of the truth. It will not be tolerated.
You can have the viewpoint that it only increases their self absorbed idea that they are being percecuted. I would argue that those who adopt this view are those following blindly. and will stay in no matter what the borg says.
I believe the more likely scenario is those who are told to close their FB accounts may either refuse to do so or begrudgingly do so. It may cause those teetering to realize the high control mentality of this religion. Also, those with FB accounts are those who have deafened the very stated warnings of these social networking groups. They are not the "strong" friends. I also cannot help tp wonder how many 13-18 year olds will be p*ssed off at this stupid rule.
The point is, don't join to argue with JW's. Join to force these individuals to make a choice, freedom or the cult.