ok well , we got the one, neo,( keanu reeves) who is awakened from the outside by morpheus (lawrence fishburn) . it turns out that the machines had enslaved man as battery cells because they had destroyed the suns ability to be used for solar energy , it's along the lines of terminator . The computer in charge sends the smith virus to investigate who had been approached by outsiders . there's the red pill meaning willingness to leave the collective of computer controlled environment that keeps people alive and a blue pill that puts them back in the program without alerting the computer. There's a prophesy running around the program about a deliverer ............. and off we go with action and adventure . Great movie ,2 thumbs and four fingers up ....
JoinedPosts by heathen
just seen the matrix for the first time
by highdose inare we sure that its not really about jw's?
the writers aren't former cult members?.
i find the sci fi bits a little hard to understand, would appreciate some enlightening before i move on to numbers 2 and 3 please?.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-15-2012 WT Study (COURAGEOUS)
by blondie inbe courageous.
we may think of a courageous.
others displayed courage.
Yep I remember seeing stuff about how they already did all the research so you don't have to . that is just a complete control trip if ever I heard one , just convince yourself whatever the watch tower says is what God wants you to believe no matter how much the GB chases it's tail in search of some profound dogma . They even claim not to go beyond the things written in the bible when obviously they do so convincing myself of that would only be living a lie and lying to myself . Interpretation belongs to God .
It is highly symbolic without question but I think some of it was literal . I mean ,it makes no sense to give a specific number 144k then mention a great crowd without number . So without going further into scripture ,it's the way I see it . Until the new light ....LOL
I don't know where you get the idea they are gay because they don't defile themeselves with women = make themselves eunichs . IMO Not real eunichs just those that abstain from sex because they will rule in heaven with christ over the earthling class and as what happened in Noahs day was the angels rebelled because of their lust for women and sex . As for magic mushrooms , I certainly can't say for sure about it .
I think the 144k is litteral , John did write about not commiting adultry with the pagan religions since Israel was ensnared that way on occassion and was in fact exiled at some point, according to scripture, and they were considered adultresses in a spiritual way . OT. I think there's more to this tho . Jesus referred to people making themselves eunich on behalf of the kingdom , we are talking about men here obviously so to me is saying they no longer persue a family life here on earth but direct all their attention to the kingdom , the virgin part is just simply being the wife every man would like to have at marriage but in a spiritual way .
"Facebook" responsible for Middle-east revolutions and world changing events??
by Witness 007 injust reading "the facebook effect.
!....just thought the book looked good.
interesting over 500 million subscribers and rising.
I think twitter is a faster way to be connected but facebook has groups you can join . twitter was getting the attention for the egyptian revolt.
What Do You Think Of Howard Stern?
by minimus ini used to be a faithful listener but stopped years ago.. he's brilliant and repulsive.
funny and mean.
he loves women and hates them too..
One word , IDIOT. TY it is amazing tho how somebody with that kind of mentality can get so rich ,just by being rude and insulting .
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-15-2012 WT Study (COURAGEOUS)
by blondie inbe courageous.
we may think of a courageous.
others displayed courage.
It just looks to me they toned it all down a bunch whenever they became NGO , so they started going along to get along . At first they were very abrasive to other cults with their loud speakers blasting at their churches . Today they are persecuted in some countries and not others as much . So far here in the US they aren't having their building burned or their members beaten as they have been in other places . In Russia they were exiled to siberia .
Threats from the JW mafia (subtle threats)
by thecrushed inmy dad recently found out i wasn't coming to meetings and going out in field service.
he found an excuse to get me alone in his car and just lit into me about it.
he said that if i'm not going out in service that i'm not one of jehovah's witnesses and the brothers won't be able to trust me when the time comes to go undercover due to being attacked by the authorities.
i think that's a cowards way of looking at things , the apostles looked forward to persecution because it meant they would suffer as the master had suffered and were merely being tested .
Regular pioneers to be nominated by BOE
by yalbmert99 inapparently the regular pioneers will be nominated by the body of elders, not bethel.
however, elders will have to send bethel a notification when a pioneer is nominated or removed..
Wow that's even more nuts than I realized , you have to fill out an application for pioneering ? I thought you went into the back elders room where they molested you first and volunteer ......