I wanted to be with my four apostate siblings...They were enjoying life to the full and I was miserable with (like Lady Lee) my abusive (boring as hell) elder husband
JoinedPosts by Magwitch
What Got YOU Out Of The Organization?
by minimus inhow did you come to the final decision to get out of her (the organization, "mother")?
Did You Hate Going In Service???
by minimus ini really thought it was a stupid waste of time!
especially weekend mornings and holidays..
I always HATED service! My first 21 years of life I prayed for windy Saturdays so we would not have to go out ( My father wore a toupee). The next 20 years I pretended an interest in sex with my (yawn) ex husband on Saturday morning - anything to get out of the misery.
Snapped. It just occurred to me that I REALLY hate my life. Mostly all of it.
by easyreader1970 inhere lately, i have just been wishing that i could just fast-forward through my remaining years on earth and just die to get this nonsense all over with.. i have only myself to blame.
if i had gone through with my attempt to leave this hokey religion about sixteen years ago when i attempted to--before i got married and had kids--then maybe i wouldn't be teetering on the very slippery edge of sanity.
instead i punked out, buckled under the threats of shunning and guilt of abandoning family members, and so here i am--looking into the mirror every morning wondering when the nightmare is going to end.
Dear Easyreader 1970:
Get out of that religion! It won't be easy at first, there will probably be a lot of fighting. But, your kids and wife will respect you in the long run when they realize you are being true to yourself. You do not have to leave your wife or kids, just put your foot down and take the wind out her sails. My advice is to say "I am finished with this religion, and there will be no visits between me and the elders, end of discussion". Life is short - have some fun!
What steps did you take to stop your association with the congregation?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwhen i finally knew that the wts didn't have the truth,i decided to take steps to slow down and become an inactive member.
( i still have my whole family in.......so..... i prefer to remain inactive).
i took these small steps :.
Baptized in 1979, pioneered from 1983-1993, married the PO in 1986 - shortly after getting married started having serious doubts. My pioneer, PO husband was such a hypocrite (pornography, drunk almost every night, marijuana). After my second daughter was born in 1993 I stopped pioneering and started my fade. Never, ever answered, stopped the book study. By 1999 I was only attending the Sunday meeting and always sat in the back row. Many times leaving during the Sunday meetings to get a tan or get groceries and then return for the last five minutes. Never went in field service after 1999. I did this until the Memorial of 2006. I sat in the back room with my two daughters and knew I would never set foot in KH again. It was my 20th wedding anniversary (4/12/06). My husband was up on the stage giving the Memorial talk. That night I told my husband to pack his bags and get out. It was a huge scandal because my husband was so well loved at the KH. I filed for divorce and got full custody of my girls (thanks to him being more interested in the people at the hall than his daughters). The elders hounded and hounded. I met a man a year later (2007) and was thrilled to have real sex for the first time. I wrote to the body of elders telling them that my ex had grounds to remarry. They continued to hound me until 2008 (I refused to meet with them). I had not been in a KH in two years and had not been in service for nine years. They disfellowshipped me 4/08. At least that is what I heard from a friend, nobody has officially informed me, but the announcement was read. FINALLY FREE!!!!!!!
To SO CAL: What CO's and DO's do we all know?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH inokay, in order it goes like this for me............brother peace 1980-83, brother rose 1984-86, brother yasko 1986-88, brother sekella 1988-91, brother billy ford 1992-95, brother davis 1996-99, brother irskin 2000-03 and then it gets kinda blurry....brother burge and another, brother hairston.
okay, that just about does it.
i have this topic becauce i tried reading the favorite co and do thread, but did not recognize any names......
I cannot beleive it took to the bottom of page 4 to name Don Emshoff. Boy did he ever get a raw deal, one of the nicest people you will ever meet. Served full time since he was a very young teen-ager, never married, became CO and then DO and then some sister accused him of leading her on. The society felt he had served his usefullness to them. Dismissed him at the age of 70 (about five years ago). He is now in CA bagging groceries and driving a minivan to shuttle people to the airport. Disgraced to a publisher (not even a MS) , no children, no social security, insurance etc.
Does anyone know where Ray Harriman is??????
What was your congregation's Theocratic School "Written Review" like?
by juni inhey everyone... what do you remember from your experience w/written reviews?.
did you correct your own paper or did you pass it to someone else?
any other details?.
My ex was the TMS conductor...I always made a copy of the answers (from his confidential folder, of course) and then during the answers I tried to appear spiritual and interested (which I was neither).
"Only active "jw's will survive armageddon"....a list please.......
by oompa ini find it interesting that jw's so often think they are in full harmony with all wt teachings, but in reality, they have softend a tough jw position in there own mind.
for instance, a close jw friend of mine....my age....actually told me he did not think wt ever said that only jw's will survive armageddon!!!!
of course this is because he does not want to think of billions of good decent people that are not dubs dying....i believed that way....and my elder dad does too.
My four siblings and myself all became atheists much to the chagrin of our very active third generation parents. For years we have heard that all five of us are going to be destroyed at Armegeddon (We took comfort in knowing we were all going down together). Last year one of my brother's (the loudest activist against the JW's) was killed in a motorcycle accident. Now my parents are loudly proclaiming that he will be resurrected and just four of us will be destroyed now. All I can say is that Derek is going to be very pissed off to find out he has been resurreccted to live forever with these people and the other four siblings got off the hook.
My Marriage just ended I feel so sick and stressed please help me. Serious.
by Witness 007 inmy wife and i split from the witnesses about 2 years now....and now she says we need a divorce asap!
she doesn't want to work thru it.
lately and for awhile she has been amazingly aggressive to me.....and pretty much everyone else she knows.
A big clue here is that she hurt her back....What medicine is she on? Pain killers really screw up people's thinking.
Tried to fade away
by Magwitch ini left my chauvanistic po elder husband 2 1/2 years ago (after 20 years of marriage - ten of those spent pioneering as a couple).
i took my two beautiful teenage daughters with me - he did not seem to care too much that we were gone.
his main concern was the humiliation and aggravation of having to step down as an elder.
I left my chauvanistic PO elder husband 2 1/2 years ago (after 20 years of marriage - ten of those spent pioneering as a couple). I took my two beautiful teenage daughters with me - he did not seem to care too much that we were gone. His main concern was the humiliation and aggravation of having to step down as an elder. After not going to meetings or having any association with any witnesses for over a year, I met the love of my life and have been with him for the last year. I wrote the body of elders a letter 18 months after disappearing, telling them that my ex-husband had grounds to remarry. It was a gesture of kindness on my part to him. Twelve months after writing the letter and 2 1/2 years after totally disappearing from the Fauxtower Babble and Crap Society, I find out they read an announcement last month disfellowshipping me. No committe meeting, phone call to tell me what they are up to ...nothing. I get the news from a witness relative living 60 miles away. How can they get away with this?