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JoinedPosts by Magwitch
marriage without affection/sex/touching
by zeb inyes thats my situation.
some where along the path of life the wt guilt trip was dumped on our marriage and we havent had sex for years.. anyone else?
the hearts and flowers and gifts and doing the cleaning, the house work and paying the daily accounts never being drunk on drugs playing the horses or screwing others yep its all there but nothing coming back due to the wt guilt trip.. they made so much of 'oral sex' and 'pornea' incorrectly quoted at that and ventured thereby into areas they were patently very ill equipped to comment on.
Your most DISTURBING WATCHTOWER Bethel/Branch experience? (No full names please)
by Balaamsass inok.. you 70 plus bethelite members.... this is your chance to share stories!
inquiring minds want to know !no full names please..follow t.o.s.
to avoid borg libel lawsuits).. i will start the ball rolling with week one.
I was only a temp at Wallkill, but this one is a favorite story from my brother. It gives a little clue as to the mental state of some of the older bethelites (late 70's)...
He rode to the meetings with long-timers Howard and Beana Z****. When this couple needed to miss a meeting, Beana would type up a letter to my brother with the date, address, greeting and body and then husband and wife would both sign it and put it in a sealed envelope addressed to my brother. Beana would knock on my brother's door and give it to him and have him read it before she left him.
Any of you folks from the awesome state of Colorado??
by SweetBabyCheezits inmy wife and i are thinking of moving our family to a better place in the us....away from jw family and out of the southern bible belt.
just curious how many of you live around co and, more specifically, near fort collins?
of course, we're open to any city that is less conservative and has awesome summer weather and outdoor activities.
We miss you Quendi!!
Colordo Springs Disater - Waldo Canon Fire Support
by HintOfLime ini hope everyone else in colorado springs is doing ok, and getting to safety if they are inside the evacuated areas!
for those that don't know, it is a literal apocolypse here.
I think they will get a handle on this Boulder fire without too much major damage. The Colorado Springs fire is a totally different story.
Apostafest at Magwitch's home Saturday, July 21st. I will make a killer dinner, the rest of you bring the booze.
Colordo Springs Disater - Waldo Canon Fire Support
by HintOfLime ini hope everyone else in colorado springs is doing ok, and getting to safety if they are inside the evacuated areas!
for those that don't know, it is a literal apocolypse here.
Diest, I thought you were out of town. Or did you just tell me that so you would not have to come to my party Saturday?
A Question For the Guys...
by Quendi inthis thread was inspired by the "a question for the ladies..." thread and anybody is welcome to post.. if you are now free and clear of the wts, how have your dress and grooming changed?
i'll start the ball rolling by saying that i made some changes that i really like.
i'm down to two suits and they are only for job interviews and perhaps some solemn occasion.
Quendi, you would look fantastic in a bow tie!
Colordo Springs Disater - Waldo Canon Fire Support
by HintOfLime ini hope everyone else in colorado springs is doing ok, and getting to safety if they are inside the evacuated areas!
for those that don't know, it is a literal apocolypse here.
Barely breathing here in Boulder Lime. Take care of yourself. This is all so sad!
Any of you folks from the awesome state of Colorado??
by SweetBabyCheezits inmy wife and i are thinking of moving our family to a better place in the us....away from jw family and out of the southern bible belt.
just curious how many of you live around co and, more specifically, near fort collins?
of course, we're open to any city that is less conservative and has awesome summer weather and outdoor activities.
It is not too different here in Boulder Lime. The Flagstaff fire is only 1.5 miles from town. I am watching the mountain burn from my office window.
What is happening in CO Springs is heartbreaking. I hope Sheep2Slaughter is okay.
Once a person learns critical thinking skills, staying a JW is next to impossible. So it is very risky to let any JW go to college.
When my ex's catholic grandfather died, he went to the funeral and stood outside the door of the church, but would not enter the church