Wow what a lot of information thanks to everyone!
I actually am not a 'pro home school' advocate, I only think it's for those very dedicated, and skilled parents (like some of you seem to be). The reason we are choosing to home preschool this year in addition to the other reasons listed, is that my son has some developmental delays that he sees an OT for as well as speech therapist. He has such trouble with loud noises and a lot of visual stimulation that I felt keeping him a controlled environment until he completes his therapy (at which point he is expected to be 'normal') would be easier on him and the rest of our family
I remember the constant social struggles of sending my aspergers boy to preschool -that was of course before he was diagnosed. The poor guy, he had such a hard time, it was heart breaking. Nine months of behavioral therapy and medication for impulsive behavior and he is doing SO much better. He has made huge strides socially. I just want my younger son to have a chance to develop before we put him in a publc school situation.
By the way, both my boys attended Montessori preschool. It is a great setting and I had planned on using the 'nido' setting at home with separate work, eating and play areas.....Good advice....