Dont let others intimidate you.
Speak your mind, whatever it is.
You are one of the more genuine and caring people on this forum.
I have read some of your posts and even when someone has an attitude, you seem concerned for them as a person. If that makes you "soapboxy" then so what! Not that I have ever heard that expression before, but I can think of worse things to be called.
Posts by Solace
Flame Ups? Tired? Scared To Voice...............
by ladonna ini am wondering how many here are often reluctant to post their true opinions on certain subjects to evade being flamed, made to feel lesser than human, or being ganged up on?
i ask this as i have read threads and had things i would have liked to contribute, but feel i have already had so much stress that i cannot take the type of personal attacks that occur here.. before anyone jumps in and attacks that statement, i have had a recent physical illness that has stressed me beyond normal limits.. we have all seen it happen.
then along comes a mr nice guy who sticks up for the attackers.. ana...,of the "just cannot be bothered class".. .
by metatron intell every witness sister!
warn every pregnant publisher!.
don't breastfeed your kids!
Thank you so much for the information!
I would have gotten back to you sooner but Im still learning about this forum. I didnt even know you could go back this far to previous postings. I have been talking about this issue with my sister, who also knows the truth about the Org. I also shared your info.
We couldnt believe it. Cows Blood? What the hell is that all about?!
I think the people who are writing some of this crapp in the Watchtower are deeply disturbed. I can see why they wont sign their name to any of the writings, I wouldnt either.
Pretty sick stuff.
Thanks again. -
Childhood memories of the "Truth"
by sleepy incan you remmember any of the things you got up to or happened to you when you were a child growing up in the "truth"?.
i remmeber once in a meeting throwing up all over an elderly sister.. also i remmeber the time when we were playing out side and there was this kid most of us didn't like, and a wall that had a very rought surface to it.boy and wall meet , blood goes every ware, parents run outside and panic.. the rest of us laught.. how about the rules you had to follow?.
me and my brother were banned from drawing while the meeting was on.. that probably because we used to draw over all the walls.. also i remmember my dad smaking us before we went to the meeting , just incase we did something wrong.. yes it was different being a watchtower kid.
That is so awful!
Whats sad is, I know some adults who have such a strong belief, they are going through the same thing as we speak. I know my mother is.
Pretty sick, huh?. -
Freaky picture
by Elsewhere inlook at the blue thing in the door in this picture... at first you won't be able to make it out, so look closely and very carefully.
it may take a few minutes, but eventually you will see what it is.. .
religion stops a thinking mind!.
Oh my God,
bluesapphire, I did the very same thing.
Now my husband really thinks this J.W. stuff is nuts! -
How many of us are in a Helping Field??
by lydia inokay - here we go many of us are in a helping field?.
i liked larc's post on my last thread - and want to explore it too - why did you choose the field and did you do so before or after the borg??.
so lets see how many of us there are..i bet alot.. this includes lawyers,and heath professional as well as therapists and teachers.... lets hear from everyone!!
I work at our local Community Action Agency.
I work in the office but I also help during food distributions and various other programs designed to help low income families and seniors. Our office provides services like, personal and respite care, cleaning service, home weatherization, people facing eviction from their homes or disconnections on their heat or electric services can also recieve financial assistance through our agency. Im not rich but I cant think of anything I would rather be doing.
I have always worked with the public, I dont know if it has anything to do with me having been a J.W. or not. I guess I never gave it much thought. Interesting topic though. -
Flame Ups? Tired? Scared To Voice...............
by ladonna ini am wondering how many here are often reluctant to post their true opinions on certain subjects to evade being flamed, made to feel lesser than human, or being ganged up on?
i ask this as i have read threads and had things i would have liked to contribute, but feel i have already had so much stress that i cannot take the type of personal attacks that occur here.. before anyone jumps in and attacks that statement, i have had a recent physical illness that has stressed me beyond normal limits.. we have all seen it happen.
then along comes a mr nice guy who sticks up for the attackers.. ana...,of the "just cannot be bothered class".. .
Not me.
I say what I feel.
Growing up a J.W. I always had to keep quiet. I was never permitted to voice my doubts about the society.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I say, speak your mind, if people didnt like diversity, they wouldnt be here. -
I'm angry and scared
by MoodyBlue ini've been out of the witnesses for a year...and in that span i've become more of a skeptic towards any sort of religion or god.
i don't know if i will ever again have faith in a supernatural, all loving and powerful being.
i suppose this is because the only god i really know anymore is jehovah of the watchtower- who to me is nothing more than a jealous, angry and vindictive creature.
Like you,
I went through an angry period when I found out the truth about the W.T.S. and an even angrier period when my family told me that my husband, children and I were going to be killed in armageddon, when I knew for a fact we werent. How do you convince a room full of J.W.s that they are wrong????? You dont......
I do continue to pray for them to know the truth about the Org. I hate the fact that they and others are being lied to and used to make an Orginization grow. Thats why I am here to help inform others.
I personally dont believe you need a manmade religion, to be close to God. Whatever you decide is just that, your decision.
I just finally said, O.K. I have to live for myself now, not my family. -
Childhood memories of the "Truth"
by sleepy incan you remmember any of the things you got up to or happened to you when you were a child growing up in the "truth"?.
i remmeber once in a meeting throwing up all over an elderly sister.. also i remmeber the time when we were playing out side and there was this kid most of us didn't like, and a wall that had a very rought surface to it.boy and wall meet , blood goes every ware, parents run outside and panic.. the rest of us laught.. how about the rules you had to follow?.
me and my brother were banned from drawing while the meeting was on.. that probably because we used to draw over all the walls.. also i remmember my dad smaking us before we went to the meeting , just incase we did something wrong.. yes it was different being a watchtower kid.
Where do I start,
what bugged me when I was young, they used me, "little blond Jehovahs witness girl" to get themselves into peoples homes.
They used to hand me a bible with a scripture highlighted to read to the person opening the door and then after I read it, they pushed me aside and started their heavy indoctrinating crapp on those poor people. They probably thought I was just selling cookies for God sakes, instead they get bombarded by these men in suits.
Oh, I mostly hated the hypocrisy. I was only supposed to hang around witness kids funny tho' they behaved worse than my worldly friends.
We used to get our hair yanked, soap in our mouths, my sister was hit so hard with a wooden spoon by my mom it broke in half on her rear end. "Spare the rod spoil the child".. Spare me, ya' know?
I would never do that to my kids!
I looked at some of the old J.W. books that I got from grandmothers house when she died. Cute, She doodled in the books too.
I had to answer at the meetings, read scriptures and it seems like when any woman in my family gave a talk, I had to be the householder.
Boy, would I play that part differently nowadays. -
Do they owe us anything?
by sleepy inhow do you feel?
does the society owe us for misleading us or do we just blame ourselves?.
imagine we were sold a pension plan that guaranteed us a certain return.
Its not fair that you found the out truth about the Org. after sacrificing your belongings. Hey, at least you have eachother. Imagine if you would have found out after say, refusing a blood transfusion for your son which caused him to lose his life instead of a just a college education. I cant even imagine having to live with that. I think its great that you found out when you did. Though it seemed late in life, it could have been too late, if you know what I mean. -
Do they owe us anything?
by sleepy inhow do you feel?
does the society owe us for misleading us or do we just blame ourselves?.
imagine we were sold a pension plan that guaranteed us a certain return.
wise choice &
Thats just what I needed to hear!
Thank you for telling us.