If you want jesus' own thoughts, just pick up a Watchtower. Hmm, well, is that jehovah or jesus inspiring them? Are inspirations "Jesus intercepted" the same as prayers, or do they have a direct connection?
Posts by heff
Just Wondeing
by orangefatcat ini was reading an interesting novel the other day, it had some religious overtones in the story and then something struck me right out of the blue (no notlightening)that the bible had several gospels that were written about the life of jesus and we know that many others scholars who lived at the time of christ that they wrote about him.
but then i thought to myself, did jesus ever write about himself on some manuscript paper or with a stylus and stone.
how do we know or not know if he ever had a kind of a diary and wrote about his own life.
anti-Borg bumperstickers
by target ini saw a bumper sticker today that said " i was betrayed by the baptist foundation and aurthur anderson".
got me thinking.
a good bumper sticker gets read by a lot of people.
Just a Red Cross sticker or your college parking permit would do the trick
EXJW`s Helping EXJW`s
by Beans inwould you help a fellow exjw out in times of need?
if sisterxxx had needs and approached you for help in a certain area would you?
if a current jw wanted your help supporting him or her in front of a judicial/investigative committee would you?.
hmmmm....SisterXXX, eh?
If she earned that name, I'd be MORE thn happy to give her a hand.
Send Sister "Triple-X" my way!! -
What should we name the baby?
by Eyebrow ini am due in the middle of october and my husband and i cannot come up with a name.
i almost had him sold on venus, until he asked people at work what they thought and he got wierd looks.
i wanted to name the last baby sidney, but let him name her because he has never gotten a chance to name a kid before.
I think YAWEH would be more appropriate
What is the real meaning of life?
by Nicolas ini mean, if we have been created by the evolution then, our life really have no purpose.
we live about 80 years and then we die and it's finish.
it seem really dull to me.
What do you wake up for in the morning? Thats the meaning of life...Do you have children? They're the meaning of your life....What do you have to prove to the rest of society? Thats what your life should center around.....
Yes, you have around 80-100 years or so...make that count....When you're lying on your deathbed thinking about all you should've done..Thats where life is at.
(My humble opinion, of course)
What WILL they do?!!!!!
by Copernicus inmy wife and i have been discussing the probability of the upcoming dateline program and the impact it will have on the org.
its obvious to us now that the retirement of the gb some time ago (all of their pr bs aside) was predicated by their awareness that this situation was developing, or something similar to it.
seems logical, yes?
My thoughts on this are:
The outside world has a negative opinion of JW's already. It'll be just like Microsoft being exposed for dishonest practices....no big whoop.
In other words, everyone on the side of the organization will see it as a trial by fire sort of thing and, if anything, be strengthened by it. All others will just shun the JWs just a little more.
The gap will widen, but no big change....except maybe a longer fall into or out of the org.
Who likes music?
by JW72 inhi everyone, i'm gonna do a bit of shameless plugging for my band, so excuse me.. if you like pop or rock music, check out my bands music at www.mp3.com/zane!.
i'm the guy on the top left, if u wanna know.. any comments will be greatly appreciated.
hope u like it....... love.
Just one question....Why isn't the lead singer chick in the picture?...Is she pretty? (OK, thats two questions)
I'll stick with Pantera for now...
Helpful Techniques for Getting in your Time
by Jang ini found this a few years back on one of the sites which has since closed down ..... .
remember: there is a time for everything under the sun.
helpful techniques for getting in your pioneer time .
I didn't get that fancy with my time. The pen and timeslip at the end of the month always added plenty of hours for me.
Best Bumper Stickers I've seen.....
by LDH injesus, save me from your followers!.
i do work for food!
"My Kid Beat up your honor student"
I've chuckled everyone of the million times I've seen that one.
by heff ini have been lurking around here for quite some time now, posted a few short replies, and engaged in a little chat from time to time.
its almost hard to remember, just a few months back, feeling like i was the only one to live through a jw experience and not be sorry that i am no longer a part of it.
i am very happy to have found this site.. i would like to better introduce myself as i have seen several others do.. i was born in '78 to a fanatical jw mother and an unbelieving alcholic father.
Hello everyone,
I have been lurking around here for quite some time now, posted a few short replies, and engaged in a little chat from time to time. Its almost hard to remember, just a few months back, feeling like I was the only one to live through a JW experience and not be sorry that I am no longer a part of it. I am very happy to have found this site.
I would like to better introduce myself as I have seen several others do.
I was born in '78 to a fanatical JW mother and an unbelieving alcholic father. I find it hard to remember much about my childhood, especially any happy moments. My mother and father fought constantly, untill my mother legally seperated from him when I was around 7 or so. I planned to run away and live with him when I was older. Even though he was dirt poor and abusive, I knew it would be better than living in the organization. Two years later, he passed out drunk in bed with a lit cigarette and that was the end of him.
I was severely depressed as a child, always the quiet one. I felt horrible that I entertained doubts, well, I guess I should say utter hatred, towards the organization. I was forced into baptism at a very young age so as not too look bad because someone else in the congregation was baptised younger. This is when I recieved the only wrapped gift in the first 18 years of my life; a leather bound NWT with my name and baptism date embossed on the front...YEAH!!, just what I had always wanted.
I remember wanting to die at several times. Coming back to school from Christmas break listening to everyone talk about what they had gotten or where they went. Being escorted out of the room for birthdays, refusing valentines, turning down parties, sitting like a fool while everyone paid respect to our great country. Ultimately, when I was caught with a "worldly" girlfriend in my freshman year of high school, I was immediately forced to take home school. This was the start of my "coming out".
Before this I had lived an elaborately constructed "double-life". Model-pioneer-witness to one group of people crazy-badass-druggie to another group. It was evident that one of my personnas had to come to an end and it took no thought to decide which one it would be. I stopped service/meetings/assemblies overnight at 16. df'd at 17 because I got smoking on several occasions (and thats how long it took them to finally drag me in for a meeting). I was swiftly kicked out of the house on my 18th birthday, never to speak a single word with my family since.
Until I stumbled in on this site (looking for WT site to see if their view on end of days was still holding water), this was my dirty little secret. I moved away from my hometown and have never told a soul I was once a witness. I still sweat when someone tells a JW joke or talks about a visit.
I think what sets me apart from most of the people here is that I never made the decision to be a JW. It never seemed like a good idea to me. I have a loathing for the society and everyone in it. Fred this means you!!
Well, there you have it. Dont know why I posted this, but for some reason I've been wanting to do it for some time.