I didn't get that fancy with my time. The pen and timeslip at the end of the month always added plenty of hours for me.
Posts by heff
Helpful Techniques for Getting in your Time
by Jang ini found this a few years back on one of the sites which has since closed down ..... .
remember: there is a time for everything under the sun.
helpful techniques for getting in your pioneer time .
Best Bumper Stickers I've seen.....
by LDH injesus, save me from your followers!.
i do work for food!
"My Kid Beat up your honor student"
I've chuckled everyone of the million times I've seen that one.
by heff ini have been lurking around here for quite some time now, posted a few short replies, and engaged in a little chat from time to time.
its almost hard to remember, just a few months back, feeling like i was the only one to live through a jw experience and not be sorry that i am no longer a part of it.
i am very happy to have found this site.. i would like to better introduce myself as i have seen several others do.. i was born in '78 to a fanatical jw mother and an unbelieving alcholic father.
Hello everyone,
I have been lurking around here for quite some time now, posted a few short replies, and engaged in a little chat from time to time. Its almost hard to remember, just a few months back, feeling like I was the only one to live through a JW experience and not be sorry that I am no longer a part of it. I am very happy to have found this site.
I would like to better introduce myself as I have seen several others do.
I was born in '78 to a fanatical JW mother and an unbelieving alcholic father. I find it hard to remember much about my childhood, especially any happy moments. My mother and father fought constantly, untill my mother legally seperated from him when I was around 7 or so. I planned to run away and live with him when I was older. Even though he was dirt poor and abusive, I knew it would be better than living in the organization. Two years later, he passed out drunk in bed with a lit cigarette and that was the end of him.
I was severely depressed as a child, always the quiet one. I felt horrible that I entertained doubts, well, I guess I should say utter hatred, towards the organization. I was forced into baptism at a very young age so as not too look bad because someone else in the congregation was baptised younger. This is when I recieved the only wrapped gift in the first 18 years of my life; a leather bound NWT with my name and baptism date embossed on the front...YEAH!!, just what I had always wanted.
I remember wanting to die at several times. Coming back to school from Christmas break listening to everyone talk about what they had gotten or where they went. Being escorted out of the room for birthdays, refusing valentines, turning down parties, sitting like a fool while everyone paid respect to our great country. Ultimately, when I was caught with a "worldly" girlfriend in my freshman year of high school, I was immediately forced to take home school. This was the start of my "coming out".
Before this I had lived an elaborately constructed "double-life". Model-pioneer-witness to one group of people crazy-badass-druggie to another group. It was evident that one of my personnas had to come to an end and it took no thought to decide which one it would be. I stopped service/meetings/assemblies overnight at 16. df'd at 17 because I got smoking on several occasions (and thats how long it took them to finally drag me in for a meeting). I was swiftly kicked out of the house on my 18th birthday, never to speak a single word with my family since.
Until I stumbled in on this site (looking for WT site to see if their view on end of days was still holding water), this was my dirty little secret. I moved away from my hometown and have never told a soul I was once a witness. I still sweat when someone tells a JW joke or talks about a visit.
I think what sets me apart from most of the people here is that I never made the decision to be a JW. It never seemed like a good idea to me. I have a loathing for the society and everyone in it. Fred this means you!!
Well, there you have it. Dont know why I posted this, but for some reason I've been wanting to do it for some time.
by uncle_onion ini would be very interested in any creationalists response to genesis 1:30 where the bible tells us that all animals wre originallly vegetarians.. why aren't they vegetarians now?
what about gnats who only live on blood?.
this to me brings up a lot of issues that can not be answered.
I got the answer to this one....
If animals werent meant to be eaten, the why the hell are they made out of meat? Some answers are that simple :)
Your Top Ten Books
by GinnyTosken ini love the book lists on amazon; i get lost in them for hours.
recently someone asked me for book recommendations, and i thought it would be fun if we shared our lists of top ten books that helped us think our way out of the jw dogma.
im putting aside the obvious ones, like crisis of conscience and apocalypse delayed.. heres my list, in the order i discovered them as best i can recall.. ginny.
In my not so humble opinion, these are the best books on the face of the earth.
1. Look Homeward Angel - Thomas Wolfe
Which of us has known his brother? Which of us has looked into his father's heart? Which of us has not remained forever prison-pent? Which of us is not forever a stranger and alone?
The seed of our destruction will blossom in the desert, the alexin of our cure grows by a mountain rock, and our lives are haunted by a Georgia slattern, because a London cutpurse went unhung. Each moment is the fruit of forty thousand years. The minute-winning days, like flies, buzz home to death, and every moment is a window on all time.
2. On the Road - Jack Kerouac
A pain stabbed my heart as it did every time I saw a girl I loved who was going the opposite direction in this too-big world.
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say an uncommon-place thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles..
3. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test - Tom Wolfe
(Someone borrowed and never gave it back, so, no quote...sorry)
imprisoning elders
by heff ini had a thought recently (doesn't happen often).. since the elders seen fit to df me, thus taking away my chance at eternal life, maybe i should bring murder charges against them.
the act of tracking me down for months would prompt me to go with first degree.
i know it will be tough to press charges against spiritual and psychological gurus like the window washer elder and the floor cleaner elder, so i think i'm gonna go at the farmer.
I had a thought recently (doesn't happen often).
Since the elders seen fit to df me, thus taking away my chance at eternal life, maybe I should bring murder charges against them. The act of tracking me down for months would prompt me to go with first degree. I know it will be tough to press charges against spiritual and psychological gurus like the window washer elder and the floor cleaner elder, so I think I'm gonna go at the farmer.
Women are COWS!
by JanH inwhen a girl reaches the age of puberty or physical maturity, her.
body has developed in the matter of sex more than in the mind.. young folks like to be together, first in groups, later in twos.. if they have not been instructed by their parents in regard to the.
permitted, because the female is not in physical condition to breed.. the bull seems to understand this and keeps in his own place.
....If he did approach he would not receive a hearty welcome, but, rather, he might be gored by the cow's horns.....
I can personally attest to this statement....scars to prove it
A modest proposal: A national Do Not Call list
by Skimmer ingreetings to the readership:.
there have been reports over time that each kingdom hall keeps a "do not call" list of addresses.
these are addresses in the congregation's territory where, for one reason or another, the jws in the field service are advised not to make calls.
Personally, I LOVE it when the witnesses stop by. I have myself a blast with 'em. Keep em comin', I say!!
...is that a knock....?
JW evaluations?
by heff ini am new to this site.
i just want to say that its great, always nice to know that you're not alone in the fight.
i wish all current jws could be forced to sit and read through all these posts just once.....but thats dreaming, i guess.. it seems that from the psychological aspect the experience can be horrible.
I was born and raised in the so-called truth. Df'd at 17. Nonbeliever since around age 10 or so (23 now). I just remember always looking around at the hall at how miserable the people looked. It seemed to me that the majority of those there, especially the "zealous" ones, were people that would not have much of a place in the "real" society. Either those type, or the elder type who were power hungry and enjoyed feeding off those weaker minded ones.
JW evaluations?
by heff ini am new to this site.
i just want to say that its great, always nice to know that you're not alone in the fight.
i wish all current jws could be forced to sit and read through all these posts just once.....but thats dreaming, i guess.. it seems that from the psychological aspect the experience can be horrible.
I am new to this site. I just want to say that its great, always nice to know that you're not alone in the fight. I wish all current JWs could be forced to sit and read through all these posts just once.....but thats dreaming, I guess.
It seems that from the psychological aspect the experience can be horrible. I was wondering if anyone has seen any psych profile studies of persons in JW-type religions. I am interested in such profiles for current, ex, children of...etc.
Thanks, and, once again, great site!!