Next they will probably introduce a new rule that hands are to remain folded over the chest or left hanging down the sides, as to not stumble anyone who thinks that just because you have your hands folded over your crotch you may be actually playing with yourself during the prayer... clearly not appropriate behaviour! lol
JoinedPosts by Prov1320
New Light: Don't hold hands during prayers
by RR infrom the watchtower november 15 study edition.. 19 when we are being represented in public prayer, we need to display reverential "fear of god.
" (1 pet 2:17) there may be a proper time and place for some actions that would be inappropriate at a christian meeting.
(eccl 3:1) for instance, suppose someone sought to have all in a group link arms or hold hands during prayer.
Who Or What Influenced You The Most To Get Out Of The Religion?
by minimus infor me, i think it was time and the realization of the idiocy of the beliefs and man made doctrines.
i just couldn't ignore it any longer..
For me it was logic and facts:
- 1914 didn't make sense
- 607BC didn't add up... "The bible is right over archeologists' findings" just didn't cut it. WTS says 1914 is right because 607 is right, and 607 is right because 1914 is right. Circular reasoning.
- prophesies that pointed to 1923 conventions? give me a break!
- Flood seemed like a big crock. Couldn't get my mind to accept it
- "This generation" scam. WTS getting it constantly wrong is proof that Jesus didn't even know what he was talking about (my opinion)
- faithful and discreet slave being taken literally. This, in my opinion, is the biggest scam of them all.
That was the starting point. Once I began my research so much more surfaced and I was finally convinced this was a lying, controlling cult.
Documentary About The Flood and Noah's Ark
by Blue Grass inabout a week or two ago i watched a documentary about the flood in noah's day entitled "in search of noah's ark".
two things i found very interesting in this program is a theory that one person had about how they believed the flood was caused due to a meteor hitting the ocean creating a tsunami that flooded the entire earth.
scientist were unanimous in their view that this is a very plausible scenario and that there is no way to rule this possibility out.
This kills me... People who believe in the flood, why not just use plain and simple logic????:
For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth. The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water. They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet.
Mount everest is 29,000 feet. So the ark was floating at 29,020 feet. Do you think Noah and the animals could survive at that altitude with thin oxygen and at a temperature of a maximum of -36C(-33F)??? How about for 150 days?
Every living thing that moved on the earth perished--birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died.
Well no f***ing kidding! Do you realise how much PRESSURE 29,000 feet of water would generate on the land below? It would DECIMATE all life forms, including plants, bacteria, fish, and all animals (never mind the fact that light cannot penetrate that depth... ever cover your lawn for more than a few days with a tarp or a blow-up pool? Notice the grass dies quickly???). The earth would be barren and lifeless. I wonder what the animals of the ark ate once the floods receded if all plant life was eliminated? Did Noah save 2 of every possible plant? Also, does the bible say it rained or SNOWED at that altitude?
Also, aquarium enthusiasts have a hard time keeping fish alive in fresh water tanks. Just a small amount of salt would kill any fresh water fish... never mind a small change in temperature of any other water condition. A global flood would kill just about any fish out there.
Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; men and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds of the air were wiped from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark.Try explaining how millions of species survived. Or better yet, how they migrated to their eventual natural habitat. Can you imagine an amazonian frog migrating the long trip when it's susceptible to slight changes in it's existing environment?
The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days." Genesis 7Right, nice round number. How long would it take for 29,000 feet of water to evaporate? It would have to be awfully hot and windy! I mean REALLY HOT and WINDY. Could Noah survive? And where the HELL did the dove find an olive branch , when according to the BIBLE ITSELF all was destroyed (and we know the plants could not survive such high pressure)?
Enough said.
Crop circles - the work of demons or E.T.s?
by truthseeker inwhat do you make of this?
it seems to complex to be a hoax and one would need an optical perspective to make this kind of pattern.. even if that were possible, how could this be done in one evening under cover of dark?.
It's called art. Can easily be done with software and GPS. Over the years with advancing technology the circles have become even more complex.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
2009 Drama - Kudos to Bethel. Sorry.
by Open mind inmy overall impression of this year's modern-day prodigal son drama was that it was one of the best i've ever seen.
"best" if the goal is to try to convince young jws to stay in the org.. the amount of cheesiness was at an all-time low, imo.
there were a few exceptions, but i got the impression that bethel is getting pretty good intel from the field and incorporating it into the program.
I have a morbid curiosity to see the last few minutes of the drama, and actually more so to see the expressions of people's face. Did anyone record it? If so, please post the last few minutes (only) on youtube and let us know.
A Jehovah's Witness Text Adventure Game
by sacolton in*** jehovah's witness text adventure ***.
version 1.0. written by shawn colton.
you are standing in the kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses.
Shawn, that was brilliant!!! LOL
You can also call it "Hitchhiker's guide to the way out of the Borg" or "Zork IV - Escape from Hell".
What happens if you type "Explain 607BCE" in your game prompt? Does it say "Sorry - Do not understand '607BCE'"?
Something that always puzzled me...
by DisconnectingDrone inassume that the first 11 chapters of the bible (i.e.
gen 1-11) are correct.
if the understanding is correct that satan raised issues in the garden of eden, and one of these issues was that man can rule on his own without jehovah interfering.
I suppose we would have to know the type of person Nimrod was, and what his motives were for building the tower.
Apparently the tower was built for the glory of man, and not God's. This obviously ticked God off, because he has always wanted the glory for himself. So he was compelled to throw the in the monkey wrench and scatter everyone.
Had he left them alone, could Nimrod have succeeded in achieving a unified and successful government without the aid of God?
Who knows? But he did manage to get everyone working for a single cause, and there is no mention of slaves... these were citizens of the city who submitted themselves to such labor. Nimrod was also known as a Great King, which can imply that he did much for his people... perhaps providing them with much needed services. And if they could build a tower to the heavens (which is highly doubtful), it meant that technology in contruction was rapidly advancing -- a good thing for society as a whole.
However, the flip side of the story is that he was a tyrant and perhaps held the "meek" and "rightous" captive... those who had an internal need (for whatever reason) to praise God instead of Nimrod. God had to step in to intervene to liberate those who were on his side concerning the issue raised in the garden of eden.
Anyway, i can go on and on, but you get the point.... and in all likelyhood this is a fable, so arguments surrounding this topic is quite pointless.
Something that always puzzled me...
by DisconnectingDrone inassume that the first 11 chapters of the bible (i.e.
gen 1-11) are correct.
if the understanding is correct that satan raised issues in the garden of eden, and one of these issues was that man can rule on his own without jehovah interfering.
Survival of Human Consciousness Beyond Death
by Rapunzel into anyone's knowledge, has there been any scientific research into the question of whether human consciousness can survive beyond death?
i am referring to research studies conducted by neurologists, neuro-biologists, and neuro-physiologists.
as far as i know, reputable scientific studies feature such factors as control groups.
As far as I know, the human "mind," or human consciousness, depends entirely on the human brain. If the brain is damged, human consciousness is either greatly impaired or else disappears entirely. Even if one uses the metaphor of "systems program" to describe the mind, this "software" cannot exist apart from the hardware which is the brain. Descartes spoke of the "ghost" [perhaps "spirit" might be a better word] in the "machine," in discussing the mind/brain duality. But no matter how you phase or frame the question, it seems that the "ghost" cannot survive, or live beyond, the demise of the "machine."
I think you nailed it right here. The "machine" or "computer" is reponsible for interpreting and storing data. If the brain is damaged, even slightly, the invidual will appear to be or act like someone else. It would almost seem like we are one chemical compound away from being someone else.
So I have always thought, even if there is a spirit, and the spirit leaves the body upon death, the spirit would have no means of retaining all the memories and life experiences that the person retained during their lifetime. If the spirit were to enter into another body, either physical or spiritual, it would be an entirely different person. This person would have no recollection of a past life or even any knowledge of existance. This person would be like a baby and hence, the transferrence would be without purpose!
The only way to get around this, in my mind, is to "download" the memories and experiences to a central database. Upon some sort of ressurection, this data would be transferred back to the body, coupled with the soul/spirit/consciousness.
A successful scientific experiment would have to involve close measurements of minute energy level fluctuations surrounding the immediate death of an individual. Hence, the ethical challenge.
Just my thoughts... anyone else care to add their input?
What was the most laughable JW teaching??
by chuckyy inhi all.
in your opinion, what was the silliest , most laughable watchtower teaching/doctrine, since its beginning until now???.
How about the fact that women have to cover their heads to show respect for spiritual headship?
I remember my sister doing this and i thought to myself: "how ridiculous". I went on a study with her (it was hers) and she was trying to explain to her study the absurdity behind this belief.