I would like to see one scrap of scientific evidence that emotions are seated in the heart
JoinedPosts by recovering
Brain cells in your heart...Remember that DC with them on stage??....
by oompa inback in the 70's wt had this thingy going on where they thought the figurative heart may indeed be the literal heart....like it had cells in it that affected your thinking....esp on things of emotion...(i swear i am not makin this sheeite up)...i went to a district convention back then that had two six foot, thin paper boxes on stage, with lights inside.....on the outside of each box was a painting of a brain and a heart.......and when the person offstage was talking.....one of the boxes would light up.......like sometimes it was the brain talking.......sometimes it was the heart talking............but most of the time since i was a teen and the chicks were hot......my dick did all the talkin.............oompa.
sorry got off topic at the end....but anyone remember that dc or material?.
What Was The Very First Thing That Came Across Your Eyes That Lead You Down The Road To Doubt?
by Yizuman inany of you remember what was exactly the first thing that crossed your eyeballs to lead you into doubting the wts?.
I was a teenager and the absalute control that the wtbs insisted on was what finally did it for me. Because of familly reasons I had to stay a jw till i was older , however I knew that they where not gods organazation. It was not untill I was an adult (in my 20's) that I learned about all the flip flops. The faulty science that they presented also bothered me.
Brain cells in your heart...Remember that DC with them on stage??....
by oompa inback in the 70's wt had this thingy going on where they thought the figurative heart may indeed be the literal heart....like it had cells in it that affected your thinking....esp on things of emotion...(i swear i am not makin this sheeite up)...i went to a district convention back then that had two six foot, thin paper boxes on stage, with lights inside.....on the outside of each box was a painting of a brain and a heart.......and when the person offstage was talking.....one of the boxes would light up.......like sometimes it was the brain talking.......sometimes it was the heart talking............but most of the time since i was a teen and the chicks were hot......my dick did all the talkin.............oompa.
sorry got off topic at the end....but anyone remember that dc or material?.
I remember the claim that emotions originated in the heart oompa. Even as a teenager this made no sense to me. Stuff like this eventually led to me examining watchtower beliefs and concluding the WTBS was full of BS
Do you remember the claim that transfused blood did not carry oxegen for 24 hrs. More watch tower BS
by Luo bou to ini know the wt says a sister can have an abortion if her life is endangered but what if she is raped must she give birth to the child of her rapist?.
are you sure that she can have an abortion if her life is in danger? I don't think you are correct unless this is "new light"
Fatal Inheritance: Mormon Eugenics
by cameo-d inthe divine experiment.
d. michael quinn, former brigham young university professor, states the mormon practice of polygamy enabled men to marry daughters, nieces, cousins, granddaughters and former wives of other general authorities.. .
these groups are white supremacists, and inbreeding is an essential doctrine in keeping the bloodline pure.
you have been missed cameo
JW Compound in Mexico
by restrangled inyep, you read that right.
my sister-in-law and her new husband moved down not too long ago.
we just recently heard they had to leave....why?
jw compound sounds like Jonestown
Do the demons exist - or not?
by BonaFide inwhen i was a missionary and in the circuit work, i sometimes stayed in the friends' homes.
once i stayed in a bible's students house with his family.
they gave me a corner room down a long hallway.
Mass hysteria (also called collective hysteria, mass psychogenic illness, or collective obsessional behavior) is the sociopsychologicalphenomenon of the manifestation of the same or similar hystericalsymptoms by more than one person
Political correctness has nothing to do with it. Racist speach is just abhorant period and degrades whatever your argument is. I have no problem with the pirates being dealt with harshly. I do have issues with racist comments about an entire people.
As i said before no they are not justified in attacking anyone. However I strenously object to your racist characterizationof anyone. I am not an elder nor do i ever want to be one. These boards have always had a rule against racist speach. So if you can not refrain from using it, then you should not post here. Attack the pirates for their actions great , Attacking them for there ethnicity crosses the line.
first of all as i have said before they have never "put a bone in the nose" next your racist attitude is not needed here. NOR IS IT WANTED HERE. You demonstrate your ignorance not only by your ethnocentric rants (which are extremely misinformed) Please go away . There is no room for your racism here. Your claims are stupid .
as i have said before the region of Somalia is a world apart from the body modifying peoplles you describe.
Septum piercings are also still worn by the tribesmen in parts of Papua new Guinea, often adorned with plant stems and bone jewellery
and extension of the neck was performed in thailand