I couldn't have put it any better than Spice did.
"serve the GB or die"
can you briefly sum up the teachings of the wtbts?.
eg "boo" or "god is actually an asshole, this way out" .
I couldn't have put it any better than Spice did.
"serve the GB or die"
there have been alot of post about feminity.
i am sharing a bit of writing done by my daughter.
my 10 year old daughter.
Hey Six,
I thought it was cute!!!! I love the way children see things!
hi...i was wondering why jw's think smurfs are evil?
also what is a dub?
Forgot to leave the add. sorry----silentlambs.org
hi...i was wondering why jw's think smurfs are evil?
also what is a dub?
First I want to say welcome to knighthawk. If you want to protest in frount of the headquarters of the JW's there is a march on Sept 27th (i think it's the 27th), it is to protest the abuse policy they have. See the web site of silentlambs, it has all the info on the march. If I can be of any more help please post here and I will reply.
And again welcome!!!!!
Love Jesika
i have contacts with quite a few dubs....still and can talk freely to a small number.
thats the conclusion that i've come to.
at least ones that have been in it some time.
Some people I have found need to be told what to do. It is too hard for them to make their own decisions and so they will let others do it for them as they bury their head in the sand at any sign of trouble. To use guidelines given by others--so called inspired by God---gives them a reason to stay and they will not argue cause they are robots. The simple fact that they believe they will run completely wild and loose all control of themselves and their families shows the brainwashing of that belief or the more simple conclusion of being weak.
Let them hold on to it, I am not weak and will not be told how to live or how to raise my child. I strongly believe if they decided to break from the WT, they would only find another religion or sect to fill the void. Cattle is what it reminds me of----all rounded up and if led to a cliff and not told to stop, would simply step right of it. Stupid!!!!!
Don't get me wrong, all those having doubts, that is a sign of thinking and asking questions. That is not stupid, that is the road to thinking for yourself, it isn't easy at first, but oh the rewards later!!!!!!!!!!!
Only my opinion and hope I didn't offend anyone.
Love Jesika
*laughing just thinking about it*.
did anybody out there lie on their service reports that they maintained the 'national average' when in reality you got .005 hours of service in any given month?
i magically always used to always get "10" hours out in service, while nobody ever saw me at the groups, no one ever caught on, or seemed not to -- maybe they just didn't give a shit.. i always lied so i could keep my microphone 'privelidges' -- that being, the privelidge to walk around at the back of the hall giving my deflated ass a break from those awful chairs they had.
I tried to come as close as possible when I was very young, but when I started "pioneering" I was 14 and in school. So I said most of my time was counted from preaching in school (ya right).
I lied about almost everything on the reports, mag placement, books, return visits (call backs now I think),etc.
I didn't know so many people did the same thing!!!!!!!! LMAO
a few days ago, the residents of wsm were treated to an amazing free display of flying.. the red arrows, the uk's crack display team, were limbering up for the airshow at farnborough.
for almost an hour, the arrows performed almost overhead our house.
this was the manoevre that had us all gasping:.
cool pic!!!! Musta been cool to watch too.
when i first came here i was happy to find a place where i could laugh, get pissed off or just speak my mind on a subject.the people i have met here are some of the most,kind,careing,informative,helpfull souls.
i couldn`t have asked for a better group to be involved with.i do not always agree with my board mates.even with the ones who piss me off,there is still a comradeship(yk comes to mind,lol).finding this board has taught me one important thing.we are not alone,we have each other...outlaw
I can email directly and tell him for you. Does he know you by "outlaw" or another name. I don't want Bill to think I am calling him an outlaw (just kiddin).
I love being on this board, I agree with Crazy151 about the job thing. Can't seem to tear myself away from the computer anymore to get a job.
Love you all,
Jesika Thoman
when i first came here i was happy to find a place where i could laugh, get pissed off or just speak my mind on a subject.the people i have met here are some of the most,kind,careing,informative,helpfull souls.
i couldn`t have asked for a better group to be involved with.i do not always agree with my board mates.even with the ones who piss me off,there is still a comradeship(yk comes to mind,lol).finding this board has taught me one important thing.we are not alone,we have each other...outlaw
I am glad I found this board. I have met alot of great people and had the chance to meet Valis and Sixofnine in person. I am looking forward to meeting more in Aug.
Being here was a nice break from silentlambs-------please don't misunderstand me when I say that----------what I mean is I don't have to be serious all the time and it is nice to be able to not have my abuse right in my face everyday. I can laugh and talk to people who understand where I come from.
Love you all,
so how many here were pioneers?
ha ha ha.
i used up my teenage years pioneering, good thing i didn't go to college or university i could be well educated and in a good job.poo.
I pioneered right after I got baptized, I was 14. I knew it was the next thing my dad would be hounding me to do. About 6months later I was df'd.