Give em' hell honey!!!! I hope all comes out best in the end for you and your family.
well im back from my " relaxing trip to the coast "........ and apparently wile i was gone my jw father in law stepped up his plan for total jw world domination .
he has now officially threatened me with dfing .
and informed my wife that by my continued association with a disassociated person i am placing myself in jeopardy of changing my inactive status into a situation that needs to be handled in a judicial manner.
Give em' hell honey!!!! I hope all comes out best in the end for you and your family.
Hope you feel better!!!!!!
well this is mine.
i'm pushing all the buttons and turning all the knobs and trying to figure out how everything works around here.
i'm looking at this posting limit line and it's just not sinking in right now.
Welcome David,
I just recently looked to see what my very first post was out of curiosity.....so I do remember.......it was in response to a thread of some here asking about some abuse cases having to do with Silentlambs vs the WBTS.
It took me a while to figure out the board....dont be afraid to ask ?'s the ppl here are very helpful.
Welcome again and looking forward to hearing more from you.
the flu is going around.. i missed a couple classes last week.
and right now, i am just in bed with the laptop enjoying your company.
i can't breath and i get hot flashes...wtf?.
AWWWWWW hope you feel better!!!!!!!!!
I have been battleing with allergies myself........not as bad as the flu but not feeling 100% myself.
Hope you get up and around soon!!!!
since i was raised a witness, it was only as i got older that i started to "think" about what i was teaching and believing.
but even as a young teen, i never accepted the thought that 1975 was going to be the end of the "system of things" and the beginning of the "new system".
i just didn't quite believe that.........what belief or teaching did you have a "hard time swallowing"?
Well my biggest thing was prayer............I never felt anyone was actually listening, but since I had to do it I just went through the motions. I would say at about age 11 or 12 I just didnt believe any of it anymore.
I hated the df rule too with a passion and didnt understand when someone needed family and friends the most they were left all alone.
I also hated the fact that since my father was an elder and I would tell the elders my father was beating me, the elders took my father's word over mine everytime and it made it worse for me at home.
Just to name a few.
hi... i haven't been in the internet in such a long time, i just wanted to say thank you sooo much for your support on the recent events on my lawsuit.. i wanted to tell those who are interested that it is being appealed and it will take about a year for it to go to the apellet court.
i must admit when i heard the news it was really disappointing, but it made me feel a little better knowing that it was over a statue of limitations and not because they tried to say it never happened.
i think you all might find this a little funny, a few months back my lawyers had a deposition with the elders involved in the congregation and i was able to attend, one elder kept on saying that he just followed watchtower policy, he also admitted that the two eye witness policy is true, he said that he was no longer an elder and said it was because he wanted to spend more time with his family but is still a jw (of course).
Nice to see ya again girly!!!!!!
Hang in there honey we are all behind you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it tolls for me!.
yep, mrs. czar and i made it official this weekend.
in a small civil ceremony, definitely not at the kingdom hall!!
i just wanted to introduce myself and share my verbose story.
my name is kyria, i'm 29 years old, originally from the pawtucket/lincoln rhode island congregation in the states.
i found this board yesterday, and am completely blown away by what an amazing place it is.
WOW what a story!!!! Welcome!!!!
What a STRONG woman you are..........it is truely inspiring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for sharing it with us and cant wait to see more from you!!!!!!!!!!!
have an interview at 3:00 central time.
please wish me well, keep your fingers crossed, send good thoughts.. thanks.
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Strange indeed.