I was at brother Samuel Herd's (a member of the Governing Body) talk 2005 in Sweden. His theme was "The Prayer is a Miracle". He asked us to pray for the Governing Body, because if there are matters they do not understand correctly, Jehovah will open them for them thank's to our prayers. He told us interesting storries. One was about how wrong Governing Body understood the matter with husbands who became homosexuals. He said: "We did not allow the sisters to divorce and remarry with normal brothers. And it took many long years for the GB to make a change. And he said: If affected sisters would have prayed more we would have corrected our oppinion much quicker.
Many have prayed for them since 2005 about different matters. Many have wrote letters to them. But why are they so slow? I would like to ask brother Samuel Herd personaly what's wrong?