Gayle - what are you sending to KH's? Do you think the person assigned to open the mail is usually alone?
JoinedPosts by AuntBee
Major anti-cult campaign in autumn? Post here if interested
by rebel8 inso we already have this thread which has separate actions for next month:
i don't intend to discourage anyone from participating in that.
those actions are meant to educate current jws (help people leave).
Those BOLD Apostates!!!
by purplesofa infrom an email i got.. .
apostates at it again.
i went for prep meeting for the da.
I attended for 2 days. Brought all kinds of material with me - web sites, blood info, etc. Put stuff in Bathrooms, kingdom melody books, bibles, cars, etc!! There were NO attendants in the bathrooms until the end of Saturday. By then, they had 2 in each one, and they were periodically combing every inch of the stalls, etc. I guess they realized they should be "keeping on the watch" in there.
Thank the JW woman who came to my house, who smilingly and unhesitatingly told me she would let her sons die if they needed blood. (i knew her sons well, which she did not know) She REALLY got me riled up!
Those BOLD Apostates!!!
by purplesofa infrom an email i got.. .
apostates at it again.
i went for prep meeting for the da.
Some of these aren't even exJWs, but i will say no more......
Healthy Boundaries
by rebel8 inhealthy boundaries.
you can say no or yes, and you are ok when others say no to you.. you have a strong sense of identity.
you respect yourself.. you expect reciprocity in a relationshipyou share responsibility and power.. you know when the problem is yours and when it belongs to someone else.. you share personal information gradually in a mutually sharing/trusting relationship.. you dont tolerate abuse or disrespect.. you know your own wants, needs and feelings.
Hi rebel8 -- WOW, thanks! That is an awesome compilation of the "boundaries" concept! I"ve got teenage and grown daughters I will pass this on to, and some friends. I know there are a few good books on the topic, but this list is VERY useful. Great stuff for anyone, exJW or not. thanks.
Total Strangers...would you believe and do whatever they tell you?
by oompa inthat is what i did the first 45 years of my life.
because i was born in...fourth generation...i really did not have much of a choice since i tried to be a good doubts started at 19, but i had been bad enough in high school that i became a pioneer for a year and a half as a form of penance to my parents....soon thereafter, wife and kids and job became a big distraction....and life just happened as it does to must born in dubs........ now that i am out i realize that all of what i was and did and spewed at doors....was actually accepted by me from total strangers!!
!.......that i had never even met!!!
"marital bed/couch/beach/kitchen island/deck.........."
WOW! creative, aren't you?
Transcript of "Answers to Questions About the Last Days" Now Available
by cabasilas inthanks to some transciption work by our own aunt bee, the text of this year's district convention talk "answers to questions about the last days" is now available as a pdf.
it is linked at the bottom of the page at the internet archive where the audio is also available:.
Thanks for the thanks! Being at the conventon was quite an experience.
Transcript of "Answers to Questions About the Last Days" Now Available
by cabasilas inthanks to some transciption work by our own aunt bee, the text of this year's district convention talk "answers to questions about the last days" is now available as a pdf.
it is linked at the bottom of the page at the internet archive where the audio is also available:.
I may have a chance to go back and get sunday - there are 2 more English convention weekends here in Tucson. I would love to 'complete' the project. i'll post about it, if it works out. :)
Talk at 2009 District Convention- World!!
by truthlover ini know that in one of the talks it was mentioned that we no longer use the wording "new system" it is "new world" - did anyone else hear that and if so, can u tell me what talk it was used in?.
i think it was on sunday - my mp3 didnt record that day... thanks muchly.
It was mentioned in the talk 'Sing to Jehovah" , referring to changes in some of the terminology for new melodies.
" 25 years have passed since we received our current songbook. During that time, the light has become brighter on a number of topics. As a result, some of the expressions used in our songs are new …… For example, we no longer speak of the new order, but of the new world. Love, joy and peace are not fruits of the Spirit; they are aspects of the fruitage of the Spirit. And Jehovahs name will be sanctified, not vindicated"
What's with that whole "fruitage" of the Spirit thing, instead of fruit? Is that a real word? Who talks like that, and why is it an important difference?
I love the title of new melody , "The Beauty of Gray-Headedness" Perhaps i should have my family and friends memorize the lyrics, as i am 49, and don't plan to dye! LOL.
Should Martin Luther have refrained from posting his 95 theses and "waited on Jehovah?"
by gubberningbody inwhere would any "reformation" come from or any "great awakening" without dissent?.
was he wrong to act in harmony with his conscience?.
do we view him and every reformer since jesus christ as simply "impatient, faithless people who refused to 'wait on jehovah?".
Well, it was presumably a good thing, according to Russell, who called Luther one of the Seven MEssengers of the CHurch. (along with St Paul, St John, Arius, Waldo, Wycliffe, and .......... C T Russell!!!)
Kind of a garbled message. ?
If Russell is one of the 7 messengers mentioned in Revelation, i'm one of the 10 virgins mentioned in the Gospels! No, really. It came to me in a vision after reading the Bible for 14.9 months straight, without pausing for food, sleep or sex.
Too bad our daughter was born....
by Albert Einstein in"too bad our daughter was born...., otherwise we could jehovah more fully.... ".
thats what on many occasions our long time family friend (an elder) told us.
believe it or not, they were saying this in her presence (she was 16 at the time)!!!.
"Now observe that when that clever harlot, our natural reason . . . , takes a look at married life, she turns up her nose and says, “Alas, must I rock the baby, wash its diapers, make its bed, smell its stench, stay up nights with it, take care of it when it cries, heal its rashes and sores . . . ?”
What then does Christian faith say to this? It opens its eyes, looks upon all these insignificant, distasteful, and despised duties in the Spirit, and is aware that they are all adorned with divine approval as with the costliest gold and jewels. It says, O God, because I am certain that thou hast created me as a man and hast from my body begotten this child, I also know for a certainty that it meets with thy perfect pleasure. I confess to thee that I am not worthy to rock the little babe or wash its diapers, or to be entrusted with the care of the child and its mother. How is it that I, without any merit, have come to this distinction of being certain that I am serving thy creature and thy most precious will? O how gladly will I do so, though the duties should be even more insignificant and despised. Neither frost nor heat, neither drudgery nor labor, will distress or dissuade me, for I am certain that it is thus pleasing in thy sight. . . . God, with all his angels and creatures is smiling—not because the father is washing diapers, but because he is doing so in Christian faith. "
Martin Luther