Does anyone know how that works? We have so many conventions where i live, i can easily tape it.
JoinedPosts by AuntBee
Taping Conventions from the Radio Frequency outside?
by AuntBee indoes anyone know how that works?
we have so many conventions where i live, i can easily tape it.
My husband got a Memorial Invite last Monday
by AuntBee inbummer i wasn't home and missed it!
he was very busy, as he works at home, so he didn't even take the flyer.
he said at first he didn't even think it was a jw, because she said something about how they have their own easter service, that will be on tuesday!
Asilenttone: only one sister. Interesting you should ask that. -- I find it curious that they would even invite so many to the Memorial. For most people who have even the slightest exposure to church, seeing a 'ceremony' like that would not draw them to the JWs; many would find it very strange, and a red flag.
My husband got a Memorial Invite last Monday
by AuntBee inbummer i wasn't home and missed it!
he was very busy, as he works at home, so he didn't even take the flyer.
he said at first he didn't even think it was a jw, because she said something about how they have their own easter service, that will be on tuesday!
Yah, that's what i thought. Maybe it was an imposter. I do believe him, though. We're not quite elderly or senile yet. LOL.
My husband got a Memorial Invite last Monday
by AuntBee inbummer i wasn't home and missed it!
he was very busy, as he works at home, so he didn't even take the flyer.
he said at first he didn't even think it was a jw, because she said something about how they have their own easter service, that will be on tuesday!
Bummer i wasn't home and missed it! He was very busy, as he works at home, so he didn't even take the flyer. He said at first he didn't even think it was a JW, because she said something about how they have their own Easter service, that will be on Tuesday! I"m like: WHAT? WHAT? SHe said EASTER? Are you sure? Do you think it could have been a newbie ? Or just a strategy, trying to say something that will resonate with some? i dont' know...
"Jehovah has really blessed me."
by stillin ini was at dinner with witness friends last night when one of the guys started that up.
i kept my mouth shut, let him have his say for a while; it's good to feel gratitude and i'm glad for him that he feels so blessed, but never, even in my most "spiritually healthy" days have i boasted like that.
finally, i spoke up with "how do you think that makes me, almost unemployed and struggling these days, feel?
"Good things come from Jehovah to the ones he loves. If things aren't good for you, He doesn't love you as much as he loves me." How is this different than any stupid televangelist on television? I call it "PROSPERITY GOSPEL". Martin Luther called it a "theology of glory," as opposed to the "theology of the Cross." Has this dude ever checked out the APostle Paul's life? It really sucked, from an earthly perspective.
Why the Memorial partaker numbers have gone up...
by undercover in...well, as was explained to me anyway.. since countries that were previously under ban are now able to report, this has resulted in the partaker numbers to go up.. .
um, yeah... .
In an online exchange with an active Witness, i inquired about this. This was her reply:
"(ONLY JEHOVAH and JESUS WOULD KNOW IF SOMEONE IS PARTAKING WITHOUT BEING "CALLED" AND ONLY THEY KNOW WHEN THAT NUMBER IS COMPLETE.) not the Watchtower. Sometimes new studies, and visitors have mistakenly partaken. Does that mean the Organization is wrong? "
The JW belief "death pays for sin"
by Chalam inhello jwners,.
i was just reading doublelife's thread and what struck me was this jw doctrine "she said that since my dad died, he paid for his sins, and he'll probably be resurrected.".
so, why did jesus to die for our sins if we are just going to pay for them with our own death's?!.
Chalam, The WT, as you know, doesn't teach anything close to the view of the Atonement most Christians have, which is called "penal substitution." Christ's death only paid for the sin of Adam. This is from a convoluted application of Christ being the "last Adam." The details are kind of in chapter 5 of the What Does the Bible Teach book, if you have the energy to try and untangle its thoughts. -- How do the people that live through Armageddon into Paradise Earth pay for their personal sins? -- THe WT theology is so incredibly sad, and can lead to only incredible despair or complete arrogance. If you think of the Scriptures as containing both "Law" and "Gospel", their teachings keep only "Law" and completely remove "Gospel", which is pure Promise, or declaration of Good News. (Except for the ever growing Annointed class, of course.)
I studied theology for a few years as an undergraduate. We learned about cults, as far as their doctrines. I was amazed when i found out here how little i knew about how JW-ism is fleshed out in real life, and i've been shocked by what i've learned here. I was looking for more info a few years ago, because my daughter's high school best friend was born-in. His mother pioneers, and came knocking at my door, not having any clue who i was, or that my daughter lived here, in spite of him being here several times a week during senior year! I asked her if she would let her kids die for lack of blood, and she said YES! with an eerie smile, and not even any hesitation. Since then, I've participated in distributing flyers detailing some of the practices such as blood, to warn the public. (Thanks for recruiting me, Sister Pioneer!) -- I'm still very interested in the Bible and theology, and i appreciate the intelligent discussion here, and the candid sharing of real lives.
Randy Watters on Phone-In Talk Show
by AuntBee injust passing along this info:.
special notice: randy watters, "father of the exjws&friends community" who has .
the long-running website will be .
Just passing along this info:
SPECIAL NOTICE: Randy Watters, "Father of the ExJWs&Friends community" who has
the long-running website will be
on this Tuesday night's phone-in talk show; for the time and how to listen in
see the information at
Be sure to hear this show! -
Jehovah's Witnesses and Amway
by paul from cleveland inmaybe you're all familiar with this subject already but i just came across it tonight.
it's an article about whether or not amway is a cult.
the similarities between jehovah's witnesses and amway are incredible..
A couple tried to recruit my husband and I into Amway when we were newlyweds. Even though we had very little money, after the presentation we told the couple that we had enough for our needs, and were really happy, so no thanks. Just the fact that we weren't interested seemed to cause tension in the relationship. They had never had us over before or after, so we felt like we were just being used anyway.
Another couple we knew was into Amway, and the thing that creeped us out was they always called it "the business", and never said to anyone in our group of friends exactly what it was, at least at first! Seemed like a red flag, but we didn't know much about it at the time.