I was exposed to a mildly apocalyptic atmosphere within evangelicalism, and i really appreciate Gary's thoughts on Matthew 24. I hope it will be of interest to some of you to hear a completely different perspective.
JoinedPosts by AuntBee
Another way of looking at Matthew 24, short video
by AuntBee inhttp://americanvision.org/3802/matthew-24-a-summary/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=feed%3a+americanvisionmedia+%28the+gary+demar+show%29.
i was exposed to a mildly apocalyptic atmosphere within evangelicalism, and i really appreciate gary's thoughts on matthew 24. i hope it will be of interest to some of you to hear a completely different perspective.
Facebook makes people you don't see very often more real
by sabastious insocial networks have their pros and cons, but overall i really enjoy them.
it lets you peer into the window of the lives of people you care about that live too far away to have a regular relationship with.
you still feel connected.. -sab.
"If they replace real interaction with you, with virtual interaction, how good of a friend are they really? Real friends will still be just as committed to you regardless of facebook. "
Yes, so true, mr. freeze.
OK, i'm the only one with any negative comment about FB. I'll admit i'm outnumbered! LOL. I'll also admit, i was feeling cranky today, maybe i'll like it more tomorrow....
Facebook makes people you don't see very often more real
by sabastious insocial networks have their pros and cons, but overall i really enjoy them.
it lets you peer into the window of the lives of people you care about that live too far away to have a regular relationship with.
you still feel connected.. -sab.
That's a good point; i agree! Although i have mixed feelings. I've had the experience of it reducing the amount of more personal contact with some friends. They had some news, and felt they had already told me because they put it on their FB! boo. Previously, they would have emailed or called me. I don't know, i guess i just like having a few more personal, committed friends, rather than like a million virtual friends.
When jw's tell you how evil the world has become
by carla inask them if they are aware of stories like these?
good news does not make the news.
it doesn't sell.
That is a great point Carla - Good people don't make the news. Also, in our modern era, with the modern media, we hear every single piece of bad news from every part of the world in all its gory detail, almost instantly. So the 'bad' is constantly before us, much more so than in previous generations.
Six Screens of the Watchtower Conference call THIS EVENING with Author of new book.
by TheEndIsNigh inhi gang,.
for anyone interested in joining me at the six screens of the watchtower conference call this evening (sat) at 7pm est usa then please feel free.
i'm told the call is free.
Is this one going to be on PalTalk too? I tried last time, and couldn't find it.
Babies Rule
by sabastious inbefore i had my son 8 months ago a baby was just "another baby.
" now i seem to be constantly noticing babies around town and watching them more intently to see how their personality is.
i never really though of the fact that even very small babies have very prenounced personalities.
Those are great pics! He is too cute. I remember one of the things i enjoyed most when i had my first, was seeing my husband with her; it was so sweet. I agree with you that babies rock! Did you see the movie "Babies"? I think you'd really like it. It's a documentary where they follow the first year of four babies from different parts of the world. It sounds kind of boring, but it's really mesermizing.
"Before the Generation ... of 1914 Passes Away"
by doinmypart inthat quote must be embarrassing for the wts, so i figured i'd post it.
it appeared on the inside cover of every awake magazine until a few years ago.. a few weeks ago i attended the funeral of someone born in 1916, she was 94 years old.
i don't know anyone born before or on 1914.. governing body are you ashamed?
" be reminded what Jesus said in Matthew 25:13. And notice how He put it- He said, Keep on the watch therefore, because you know neither the day nor the hour. So, not knowing behooves us to really be alert, to be vigilant, to be watchful. And when we keep on the watch, it allows you and I to develop this waiting attitude on Jehovah. To be patient, and to be content and satisfied not knowing the day or the hour. …..We’re going to consider 5 beneficial reasons as to why not knowing the day or the hour can help us. "
From a 2010 Convention talk. A whole talk about the benefits of not knowing the day or the hour. FIVE of them.
Brotherdan's New Blog
by brotherdan inalthough i know it is not the place to advertise, i just wanted to inform you guys that i am starting a new blog.
i will be updating it at least weekly.
it will be an analysis of older wt publications.. as you'll see in my first post, my intention isn't to "bash" the watchtower, but only to give a critical eye to what was said (good and bad) and how it contributed to the jw culture that we see today.. if anyone is interested, check it out.
WAY TO GO! I look forward to following it!!
cheers, bridget, tucson
Do JW's (and uppity-christians in general) walk around with a false sense of accomplishment?
by Joliette ini ask this because so many times when i was growing up, i was told that a certain sister or brother wasnt spirtually enough because of this or that.
i wanted to ask the person who said this: what makes you so spiritual, especially since you do the same thing that the so called unspirtually person does.
except you do it behind closed doors..
Recited in many churches each week:
"Most merciful God,
we confess that we have sinned against thee
in thought, word, and deed,
by what we have done,
and by what we have left undone.
We have not loved thee with our whole heart;
we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
We are truly sorry and we earnestly repent.
For the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ,
have mercy on us and forgive us;
that we may delight in thy will,
and walk in thy ways,
to the glory of thy Name. Amen."If Christians are 'uppity, they aren't really getting it. "Wir sind alle Bettler. Hoc est verum.” (We are all beggars, this is true) -- Martin Luther
How to prepare for a JC defense
by brotherdan inmany of you have heard this recording, but i wanted to post it again for some of you (bottleofwater) that will possibily be in jc's soon.
rick townsend does an excellent job (imo) of attempting to defend his position to the elders.
in nearly every category his arguments are stronger.. it is a bit frustrating to listen to because of the elders lack of reasoning ability, but rick is amazing.
Brotherdan, this one is really good too.