I'm not going to read all 12 pages of comments on Tec's OP.
However, I would like to chime in.
I was raised JW by JW parents, of which my mother was raised by JW parents. I served the organisation faithfully for 36 years before waking up in 2008, and swiftly exiting.
Upon exit from the Watchtower, I "found" Christianity. It was comforting. It "made sense". My wife and I quickly found ourselves attending a church and being as intensley involved in it as we'd been with the Watchtower society.
However, 3 years after that, I now identify myself as an atheist.
You see, Tec's reasonable list of subjective evidence "for God" is just that; subjective. And as a result, not evidence for anything other than Tec's belief that there is a god.
OnTheWayOut is right; any evidence posited to "prove" that there is a god is merely confirmation bias.
Tec - like I once did - wants to believe there was this all powerful, sovereign being who created the universe and has a "plan and a purpose" for his/her life, and that this God was best represented in a man, his son, Jesus Christ.
Now that I don't believe in any god or supreme beings, I realise that the evidence I used to convince myself of a god's existence was subjective and was merely confirmation bias.
- the Bible doesn't prove there's a god
- the content of the Bible doesn't prove there's a god
- the world we live in doesn't prove there's a god
- the awesome wonder of the universe doesn't prove there's a god
- our emotional/physical/psychological/spiritual/souful/mental experiences aren't proof that there's a god
- Christianity doesn't prove there's a god
- the story of Jesus doesn't prove there's a god
- the story of the resurrection of Jesus doesn't prove there's a god
Add anything you want to that list and I guarantee you - having once been an ardent believer - it won't prove there's a god.
However, anyone can choose to believe in God, and use whatever evidence they so choose to shore up that belief and faith. But that evidence will always be subjective and will always be biased towards confirming that belief.
On a personal note, since jettisoning belief in gods, I have never been more calm, at peace, contented, happy and at ease before in my life. I highly recommend it.