Thanks Megs
I was told long ago
That I was either
remarkably Brave
or really, really Stupid
Jury is still out
i've decided to become a jwd groupie... i was thinking fan club, newsletter with biographies and features, perhaps an annual convention
Thanks Megs
I was told long ago
That I was either
remarkably Brave
or really, really Stupid
Jury is still out
dear all, thank you for your warm welcome!
this is my story in short (pls excuse wrong spellings, english is not my native tongue and that it still became quite long).. i'm 34 and was born into the truth by parents who in their turn were baptist in young age.
i have one older sister who is currently serving at bethel with her husband and a younger brother who never embraced the truth (which was my big sorrow for many years).
Thank you for sharing your story
Letting it out can be liberating
Being part of an organization
is not a requirement for
spirituality if that's your choice
It's great that you can share more time
with your parents
Please don't be a stranger here
I look forward to hearing more in the future
i finally got it!
i'm finally free!
i'm so happy to be leaving this cold, love less, money making, manipulative sect.
Hello Welcome You will be amazed Now you can see Fog is lifting Look around Keep eyes open Ask questions Live your life
she is an amazon...i'm guessing 5' 11" with big hips.
her speech was ok, but she says "um" a lot.
our table was very close, which translates into we paid $500.00, instead of $200.00, per plate for our cold chicken salad.
I had a turkey sandwhich
with fresh tomato - yum - for lunch
Ate at my desk
Couple of weeks ago
my son, executive chef at a 4 star,
catered a fundraiser for McCain
at the complex owners home
Only got within 20 ft.
did get a thumbs up for the food
from McCain
when william miller (baptist farmer turned theologian) predicted the 2nd coming of christ in 1843/44 a large segment of america's population believed along with him.. miller was invited to preach in church after church.
he gave his points in sermons demonstrating the nearness of armageddon.
perhaps a hundred thousand devout christians waited for the end.
Nicely put together
Clear, concise and accurate
All your effort is greatly appreciated
i have been thinking that i am over it - i am ok - i am not angry anymore, but after a conversation with one of my best friends today, well i am not sure.... my husband comes from an anglican/catholic background.
we, however, as a couple are not religious at all and have never tried to take our kids to church or sunday school etc.
i sometimes feel that we should be giving them some attempt at a christian education, but i cannot bring myself to go to a church.
Been out since 1980
Still plagues me on occasion
Keep working at it
I think the best you could do for your kids
is teach them good principals and values
and when they get older they can decide
what they want to do.
i look back and think of how mindless, boring and dumb it all was.
i think of having to sit at mind numbing meetings, bored to tears, making believe i was enjoying the fine spiritual banquet.. i think of how we used to drive around in "service" looking for nothing to do----just so that we could put our time in---hoping that no one was home.. everyone had to conform to direction and whims of elders or the society.. i am soooooooooo glad i'm out!.
I spent the first half of life in (born-in)
and the second half (give or take) out
and 99% conflicted about what I felt for
the whole time (first few years excepting)
I had some very good experiences while in
and out
It's taken me a lonnnnnnnnng time to
reconcile it all
Hang on to the good but don't let it cloud
over the bad................cause it's bad.
so how did it go some have asked?
at some point the lady therapist asked me what was probably my number one just came out...."i don't know if i can stay married to a jw"...wife burst into tears...and never let up...not even on the way back to drop me off at work...i also said in session i would prefer an open minded wife, and i don't think wife would pick me now either...not an unbeliever, not an overdrinker, and that marriage to me meant being able to share pretty much everything with one another, my feelings, my friends, my concerns, and that i did not like living a double life...and explained what that was too......she of course said she would stay in the marriage, and mentioned the adultery only i said it sounds like she feels she is stuck with me...she said it sounds like our marriage is already over....the lady says she does know for a fact that jw's do indeed get divorced without sex sins...cause she has counseled more that one couple like in, one out....that ended with divorce.
i did say nice things about her...said the things i love.....and vice verse...and we both said we wanted the marriage to at least a good basis for continuing the sessions.....the lady wants us to find common ground and just ignore the religious difference for now...i said great but how can we do that when the religion is all encompassing to my is everything....i will be glad to go to the ground if she can find it....but she never got a chance to find it yet...we ran out of time.
I feel for you
It is a rough, long, lonely road your on.
You do have a way station here though.
The heart is both tender and tough.
You can endure.
As far as the bi-polar thing
My step son is bi-polar
My wife is subject to depression
Both can be dibilitating illnesses
Both are being controlled with medication
It took 3 years to find the right combination for my step son
It took almost 10 years on on again, off again to find
the right combination for the wife.
Acknowledgement and persistance is absolutely required.
The mania (obsession) is the worst
Do not give up on it
us women have always told you what we want, how to be treated, now it's your turn.
what do men want us to know about you?
Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich.
fyi, tomorrow night on vh1 there is a program honoring the who.
i'm a massive townsend fan.... "long live rock!
Big fan
Best live album
"Live at Leeds"
Have most of their music
on MP3
I put most on an audio DVD
Can play around 12 hours worth
I have a huge audio collection
Ripped most of it myself
Complete Discography's from
the 60's through today of both
popular and obscure
Good thing storage is cheep