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when a publishing company
no longer publishes...........
JoinedPosts by LockedChaos
Recent Literature Letter Sent out -Bound Volumes
by stillajwexelder inbriefly it stated that all those who make extensive use of the cd-rom should seriously consider whether or not they need bound volumes.
these have to be next on the hit list of things cut imho
I cannot "unprove" every single wild-side 911 theory...
by james_woods inhere is what i received this morning from an enthusiast.... james-woods, do you remember leoleoia (wrong spelling) whom you supported vehemently on this subject?
i've been waiting for her comments, and, still waiting.
as for you, you've taken the course of least resistance, you decided to ignore me and not address the issue.
Trying to disprove a negative
is difficult at best
In particular with a yes or no answer
Example question:
"Do you still beat your wife" -
"What a Brilliant question from a true scholar"
The lie
I Still Like JWD. Do You???
by minimus ini really enjoy the posters here.
it's a bit calmer but it still works for me!
I like it here
Never stopped coming around
I like the deeper topics
I like the diversity of opinions
Hate the drama!!
I go to many other places too
Lotsa topics
Many interests -
Kooky statements by Bethel leaders
by chappy intrue story.
a relative of mine finished his "tour of duty" at bethel in the 60's and was telling us some of the experiences he had there.
he was once in the mens room using the urinal and bro.
Tweezers -
Oddities in the Organization and at Bethel
by truthseeker inbethel:.
on one occasion, many of the friends were invited to bethel for association and recreation.
there was a special room for this function.
According to Steve Hassan
A destructive cult is a pyramid-shaped authoritarian regime with a person or group of people that have dictatorial control. It uses deception in recruiting new members (e.g. people are NOT told up front what the group is, what the group actually believes and what will be expected of them if they become members).
(my Note- Two versions of Watchtower)
It also uses mind control techniques to keep people dependent and obedient.
I. Behavior Control
1. Regulation of individual's physical reality
a. Where, how and with whom the member lives and associates with
b. What clothes, colors, hairstyles the person wears
c. What food the person eats, drinks, adopts, and rejects
d. How much sleep the person is able to have
e. Financial dependence
f. Little or no time spent on leisure, entertainment, vacations2. Major time commitment required for indoctrination sessions and group rituals
3. Need to ask permission for major decisions
4. Need to report thoughts, feelings and activities to superiors
5. Rewards and punishments (behavior modification techniques- positive and negative).
6. Individualism discouraged; group think prevails
7. Rigid rules and regulations
8. Need for obedience and dependency
What would you say the Golden Age of the Watchtower Society was?
by truthseeker inmy money is on the 70s even though i was too young to experience it, but from what others had said here it was a time when you could be proud to be a dub and have fun.
June 1879
Last 15 minutes of the month
From then on Life is an illusion
Barf! Puke! Ugh!!
by Frequent_Fader_Miles infacebook's all you ever wanted to know about the bountiful blessings awaiting faithful ones in jah's new order!
check out these comparisons with satan's filthy world ..... the new system verses what saten 's system has to offer:.
saten's system: unequilty, there are thousands of imigrants, but its not their fault, the country does not supply food for them because they are using the money to fight their war's instead of bringing enough food into the country and supplying jobs for them.. .
Probably pretty easy to take
care of everyone when there
is only a few million left (give or take)
to take care of.
All the homes already built left to choose from.
No electricity though - No one schooled to run 'em
(picture Homer Simpson at the power plant)
No sanitary system either
How about the water - nope bodies floatin'
Gotta dig all them holes - or just let 'em rot
Poor R&F got a lot of work to do
Elders oversee, Of Course
Ever had the Windshield replaced on your car?....
by restrangled inwatch for updates.....i had this done 4 months after buying a new car.....it has leaked so badly 3 years later, .....i had 2 inches of water in my car from front to back on the passenger side.
supposedly a life time warrantee.
i expect the carpet to be replaced and any wiring/radio/ airconditioning problems to be taken care of.. it has sat for 6 days after storm fay with these problems, with me suctioning out the water, using household bath towls, and a plastic cover over the car.. i will let you know how geico handles this.
This may help
In Memory of Ray Franz's Nephew ...
by compound complex in[...] however sincere the vice president [fred franz} was, it is an undeniable fact that his rather cloistered life at the headquarters from his early twenties onward had largely isolated him from life as lived by ordinary people 'on the outside' (a term used frequently by staff workers at the watch tower headquarters with reference to life outside their select community).
the things being experienced by those who were engaged in secular employment, who had homes and families, knew what it was to be married or to be parents, had to face the problems and difficulties of day-to-day living as most people face them, formed little or no part of his experience.
from my own personal association with him over many years, it was evident that he was quite detached---or perhaps the expression could be "insulated"---from the reality of life as lived by the average person.
Ray Franz
an inspiration for all
To think
There are those who consider him
as selfish and evil
They are denying themselves
a true example of Christian
compassion, principals and freedom