I see many newbies-- BTTT for their benifit and commnets
JoinedPosts by hillbilly
Ridiculous rules-
by ashitaka inso, what ridiculous rules have been imposed on you guys?
i had my jw father tell me that green shirts were rebellious, and an elder said that star wars was demonic, just to give a couple of examples.......
What's Your WORST Vice???
by minimus innow that you no longer have any real restrictions, have you allowed yourself to do something "naughty"?
what's your worst vice?
Number 1 Vice--- Post work, Hersey Bar, the large one. Number 2 Vice--utter vile oaths when provoked Number 3 Vice-- I do really enjoy a good nap, wasting valuable weekend time
I'd like to learn a few more vices, any single women willing to teach an old dog new tricks?
What Era Would You Like To Have Lived In?
by DakotaRed inbesides the one we are currently in, i mean.. for me, i feel a strong draw back to the late 1930s and early 1940s.
as i get older, i find myself enjoying the big band sound even more than i ever did, as well as the movies and radio programs of the era.
for some reason, the appeal to that era stops about mid ww2.
North America-- say 1890-1920-- a really cool but overlooked era in US history. Preferably in the west.
I could always imagine myself as a ex- Cavalry trooper working in the one of the old trades; blacksmith, cooper maybe a livery owner. Or, in the ranching business.
It's A Small World (robdar)
by hillbilly inwell today i had an experience even better than finding a $20 in an old coat pocket.
rodbar and i were chatting about places we had been back in the 70's.
i got off the chat and while doing chores recalled a chance encounter during a memphis assembly.
Rob--- you have mail.
It's A Small World (robdar)
by hillbilly inwell today i had an experience even better than finding a $20 in an old coat pocket.
rodbar and i were chatting about places we had been back in the 70's.
i got off the chat and while doing chores recalled a chance encounter during a memphis assembly.
Well today I had an experience even better than finding a $20 in an old coat pocket. Rodbar and I were chatting about places we had been back in the 70's. I got off the chat and while doing chores recalled a chance encounter during a Memphis assembly.
I was in the motel pool speaking with a dark haired teen girl. She had, as I found out, an interest in radio broadcasting. This little discussion was no longer than 15 minutes long as the girl was called out by her dad to tend to a sibling.
Later, I found Robdar in chat again and mentioned my recollection. Oddly enough, she was able to "finish my sentences" as it were. Seems she knew as many details about this encounter as I did. By our conversation it chat, I am 99.9% percent sure that was Robyn I had met all those years ago. The details are too uniqe for a scrambled recollection-- and two people with the same spin on the story has to make it unbelieveably believable.
Has any one else on JWD had a similar experience? Any others used to attend Memphis Dist assemblies?
So Robyn, after all these years--Glad to find you! Are'nt post like these much more interesting than the "BB vs. RF threads that drone on and on and on...................
Edited by - hillbilly on 27 October 2002 22:3:41 Edited cause I can't take much more of this BB vs. Ray stuff
Edited by - hillbilly on 28 October 2002 18:12:46
The Real Truth About Raymond V. Franz Revealed!
by bjc2012 inand for those reasons, coj wanted in the beginning, to stay with the organization, just like bill bowens.
that is all carl wanted.
yes, as members of the governing body, they knew full well, exactly what carl's writings meant.
You make some good points. But they beg the question; What, if anything, did you do IMMEDIATLEY after leaving the WT? 3 years after? Or 5 years after?
Ray says right in COC that he did not have an ax to grind, and most of us, all bitching aside, really don't proactivley grind ours either. The 'bottom line' is that Ray F (and Bill Bowen, plus mumerous others) stepped up to the plate and did the proactive right thing.
So cut the guy some slack. Or get yourself and sandwich board and stroll in front of your local hall, protesting the WT evils. Quit wasting your time fretting about what an "insider" should have done upon exiting the mother he knew so long.
Ray F and Bill Bowen are both American heros.
by Yerusalyim injust wanted to drop in and say hello and let ya'll know i haven't fallen off the face of the earth.
big news, on november 1st i will be promoted to the rank of sergeant first class.
this is a pay raise of over $300.00 a month (just in time for christmas) praise god!
Congrats on the new grade and pay.......... Now you can be the "big toe" for your unit. Oh-- when the shootin starts, keep your keister low...
The Overbeer's New Toy
by Valis inwell, i've finally saved enough and w/a little help from the dealership i am now the proud owner of a honda shadow 600 vt....not quite a harley, but it rocks!
just thought i would share and let the wholesome apostate sisters that rides are only a nickle..... .
Congrats on the new ride....... keep lots of Blue Star around for the gravel burns (knock on wood) Really, look out for the 4 wheelers and wet leafs and deer and....... well you get the idea...
Have lotsa safe riding fun--follow the leader, he's on a Honda
What Bad Counsel Was Given To You By The Elders?
by minimus ini've heard a ton of "bad counsel" given by elders such as "you should or shouldn't marry this person", "give up that job", "you should pioneer"........were you given any "bad counsel"?
after 'tie your shoe before you trip", most advice i ever got from elders was not asked for on my part and way off base...
Larc's weekend survey
by larc incould you please take a few minutes to answer the following questions:.
1. your age.
2. how long were you a witness.
1. your age 43
2. how long were you a Witness 20 years
3. how long have you been out of the religion. 6 years
4. which of the following symptoms did you experience as a witness.
4a. depression
4b. low self esteem mild loss of self esteem, I got over it quickly
4c. anxiety
4d. psychosis
5. Today, which of those symptoms do you have? none today, but mild depressions in the past 10 years
6. Today, how would you rate your overall degree of happiness 1. much less happy than as a JW 2. somewhat less happy 3. just as happy 4. somewhat more happy 5. much more happy.
6----- overall, about a 4