still here,sad about the forum closing,lots of info and good people.
a great place for us to get help.
thanks to those who took the time to post their experiences and all.....
it's sad we have no newbies joining anymore.
i miss them.
it must be very frustrating for people who have just discovered this site and can't join.
still here,sad about the forum closing,lots of info and good people.
a great place for us to get help.
thanks to those who took the time to post their experiences and all.....
so simon is closing the forum.. i thought randy was running it .
when i found out that simon was closing because he received threats i supposed they came from the wts but from what i can understand that's not the case.. so who is it?.
so simon is closing the forum.
i thought randy was running it imagine that
when i found out that simon was closing because he received threats i supposed they came from the wts but from what i can understand that's not the case.
so who is it?
like many i probably hesitated to post anything.
i've been a baptized witness for 21 years.
i was raised roman catholic, went to a parochial school for 8 years, public high school, the usaf for 4 years during vietnam, got my first good job after the military in 1974 at age 25, got married in 1976, went to pentecostal, baptist churches for awhile, and was presbyterian for 8 years during my first marriage that ended after 10 years.
Welcome to the club
I've noticed that you mentioned that in some occasions you should have been stronger,and that you admit that you have your faults........
In my humble opinion those statements make you a lot more of a man than some "elders/spiritual people" that i've met in the 3 or 4 congregations that i've been through.
The problem is not you.
Were do you go from here?
Don't worry too much ,lots of help on this site to find your own path.
i am wondering how much of my anxiety about the end of the world is from the wt experience, and how much is just me.
i just watched wall-e, and while a cute movie, it really made me anxious.
scifi in general makes me nervous.
Fear of the end of the world is jw ' bread and butter.
last time an elder visited me to encourage me to go back he told me ,and i quote :"what if Armageddon comes?"
i think it depends as for myself,since i still believe in god and Jesus i think it will come when God decides.
many here don't believe it anymore and it works for them.
I'm personally trying to get to a point where i'm at peace with myself and the world to the best of my circumstances,that is all that i can control.
after that it's in God's hands....
peace out
i've had something on my mind for a while.. the local county paper, (30000 copies/week) goes in all mail boxes on thursdays for free.. in it, every week people anonymously petitions or thank st.jude or other saints, you know what i'm talking about (i hope).. just to mess with the local boe,i was thinking of sneaking a little ad in between those i was referring to.. something like: .
"make sure of all things.. " 1 th 5:21.
would i need permission from randy or others?.
I've had something on my mind for a while.
The local county paper, (30000 copies/week) goes in all mail boxes on Thursdays for free.
In it, every week people anonymously petitions or thank st.Jude or other saints, you know what i'm talking about (i hope).
Just to mess with the local boe,i was thinking of sneaking a little ad in between those i was referring to.
something like:
"Make sure of all things.. " 1 Th 5:21
Would i need permission from Randy or others?
Would i risk a lawsuit?
Is it a dumb idea?
I'm sure some local jw will see it and get curious.
after finishing "combatting cult mind control" i decided to move on to the next logical book.
i've read the first 100 pages of "crisis of conscience" and it's gone by really fast.
now i know why this book is so important.
I went to the library and got "CoC".Read it in no time.So far that's THE big one for me.
I bought "in search of christian freedom" rigth away,thinking i would do the same but i have had a hard time reading it.
I was (am) so emotionally sick, that only now ,after maybe a couple of months, i'm starting to look into it.
CoC confirmed some things that i was already thinking and just got to me when it told what goes at the top of the wt.
rock on JP
thinking about just giving it up....i always revert back to a nightly habit.....and the occasasinal big escape into the bottle.
but of course you can't live there, and it fixes nothing.. because i think i do have a problem, i went to some aa meetings and found them to be too much like wt.
if alcholism is a true disease, then why is it the only one that needs god (or a higher power to cure (or cope with).
i'm in the same boat,oompa.
i don't want to drink,but i have to ,to stop my mind.
sometimes i just don't want to think,too much baggage......
my wt books are going in the recycle bin a little at the time.what did you do with yours?
My wt books are going in the recycle bin a little at the time.What did you do with yours?
my wt librery is going in the recycle bin a little at the time.what did you do with the wt books?
my wt librery is going in the recycle bin a little at the time.what did you do with the wt books?
in art, there can be no wrong opinions, we like what we like and have to offer no explanation for what we like and/or do not like.
that said... my take on last night's rem concert at lakewood amphitheater.
ok, so i'm an athenian, that means i'm supposed to love all things athens, georgia is about; but i've never been a big rem fan... in fact, when i was offered front row tickets given by the band themselves, i really didn't want to go.
no rem fan here,i know that one song.i went to see eric clapton about a month ago.$125 per ticket.i think it's worth to pay for that kind of performer once in a lifetime.i would not go out to see rem even if it was for free.i don't mean it in a bad way ,just not my thing.on the other hand,i went to see some horrible shows just because my son wanted to go.(the things we do for our children..)i've seen some good stuff in the past,i don't go out to concerts anymore unless it's somebody i really, really the way i've got even with my son and dragged him to the ec show.