Of course god condones slavery! Just look at Bethal workers.
the september 8th, 2001 awake aimed to answer this question.
to say the least, this is a topic of great controversy and embarrassment for christains.. essentially, the awake said that god is unequivocally opposed to oppresive forms of slavery (as if any type of slavery is not considered oppresive to the one being enslaved) and that he demonstrated his opposition to such slavery by freeing the isrealites from the oppresive eyptians (but of course leaving slaves under more despotic conditions to fend for themselves).. they acknowledged that god allowed the isrealites to own slaves, but not opression of them (an example given was that the isrealites could take women as slaves, but could only have sex with them if they made them their wives.
in the "opressive" forms the women would have sex with their masters without the benefit of marriage and only for the masters sexual gratification.
Of course god condones slavery! Just look at Bethal workers.
i ran into an old jw friend who remarked about the world trade.
tragedy, "we were hoping it was armageddon".. well, it wasn't -- and isn't.
the world economic system didn't collapse.
The WT would love to see everyone die, suffer for a short time first so they could gloat, that's the simple facts.
a circuit overseer, jarome sexton, ma circuit #4 is telling the congregations "the brothers were at ground zero", reading scriptures to firefighters and military personal and they would cry as they heard the words.
"as people ran across the bridge what did they see ' read gods word daily' ".
the dam doors were locked!
Thank you Fred. That's the best compliment I've gotten all day.
a circuit overseer, jarome sexton, ma circuit #4 is telling the congregations "the brothers were at ground zero", reading scriptures to firefighters and military personal and they would cry as they heard the words.
"as people ran across the bridge what did they see ' read gods word daily' ".
the dam doors were locked!
A circuit overseer, Jarome Sexton, MA circuit #4 is telling the congregations "the brothers were at ground zero", reading scriptures to firefighters and military personal and they would cry as they heard the words. "As people ran across the bridge what did they see ' Read Gods Word Daily' ". So what! The dam doors were locked!
I thought it was already established no non rescue personal were allowed on site at ground zero.
Under those conditions you could tell the toughest person on the planet a frog had been run over in Wisconsin, and a normal response would be to get emotional.
I'm in NY often and ask, out of curiosity, to many different people, "what is that building with the clock on top?"( pointing to the WT factory bldg.) Most people have simple answers and find it insignificant in their daily routine.
I wonder if this c.o. , being a representative of the WT is speaking on his own or from outlines from the WT? Every JW that hears it will believe it because this man, a "c.o." has spoken it, any thing else is apostate.
The propaganda machine appears to be in high gear cranking out salve stories for the r&f, and what else would you expect from the great "Whore" riding on the "Beast".
i thought that this was all out of the way when 2 weeks ago my wife & i handed in letters of disassociation.. we have been since then trying to adjust & just when i thought i was getting somewhere - starting to feel normal again - i got a phone call 1hr ago from our presiding overseer saying that they haven't announced it yet & wanted to talk.. he is a very nice guy & i was caught totally unprepared so i put him off - said i would ring back later - 2pm'ish uk time.. now i have that horrible feeling in my stomach again - help!.
basically, when it comes down to it i don't think we want them to come over - it will open us up too much & i don't want that.. also, though, i want to sort it out; so i am thinking of just chatting to him for a bit on the phone.. i didn't really want to do this since it could knock their faith & also i am not fully ready to argue all of the facts with elders.
however it looks like i will have to.. anyway when it boils down to it they can argue away all of the facts like the un thing etc.
What your feeling is the remains of mind control. The elders are nobody and do not have any authority over anyone. You've already written a letter, so stick by it and do not be intimidated by a phone call from elders. "The bottom line is there is no going back now..." you are correct in this statement, so enjoy the freedom and explore the future free of the heave control.
the setting could be a cheap motel named the un suites and a sister with bright red hair, large boobs and loose fitting red cocktail dress could be seen sneaking into a room carrying a glass of champagne in one hand with a cigarette (unlit of course) in the other.
she could have the letters wts marked on her forehead.. as she closes the door behind her, you can hear her laughing loudly and moaning the words, "you're the beast and i can't get enough!
you make me hot!"..
You hear through that closed shadowy door, from behind that cloaked wall of deceit, "I'll give you plenty of oral service."
at bill bowen's request, i have put the scan up on the web.
the un/wt official fax scan is available at:.
This is excellent!
i'm at a definite crossroad in my life right now and i don't know which direction to turn.. for my entire life i've been taught to believe in one thing but now i'm seeing things that i never knew where there before.
i find it very disturbing that there has been so many predictions the wts has made in the past that failed to come true.
also the bouncing back and forth on certain doctrines make me question my beliefs.. but on the other hand i can't ignore things like the fact the organization is growing while other religions are on the decline.
The course of investigating your beliefs in the WT is the best course you can take, your on the right track.
> "3. Finally this is the most important question out of the three. Is the society currently teaching anything that goes against scriptural basis? and can it be proven that the society in the past or present has violated bibical teachings?" <
The WT can interpret the bible any way it wants to, and no one in the org. can question them without repercussions. The answer to your question #3 is yes and yes. From their own mouth, or 'press' if you will, the have had what they will call "New Light" to absolve themselves of any falsity they may shed. Look at it this way, they are the self proclaimed exclusive mouth piece of god. You obviously believe in a god, so ask yourself, would an almighty god flip flop on a whim with the lives of followers when it means life or death to them?
Keep on investigating, it's the best course you will ever take.
just wondering.. i find myself having little mini panic attacks about all this.
now that i have a little one to be responsible for, i am a little nervous.. i am strongly fighting the urge to have my car loaded up with a weeks worth of supplies for us (ie food, gear, clothes, diapers, water) so if something happens big here - i can head out to canada.. warning (haha) be ready my canadian friends - my daughter and i may be joining you.. anyone else feeling these "survivalist" feelings?????.
I should back track a bit and apologize, I'm saying it's your "ideas" .
" 'Your Ideas' sicken me. I think you are a troll, WT shill, or some other similar degenerate. So keep up the good work of scaring away any future converts, YouKnow, that's what were all here for."
I still think you scare away more people than you endear with your style of presentation. It's not up to you to pass judgment. I realize you may say you are only quoting scripture, with the interpretation coming from the GB, but I do not believe the GB to be divinely inspired at all.
Since when is following WT doctrine not the same as following their god Jehovah?
i see so many seeming to be disappointed by the 'un-specialness' of the supplemental meeting yesterday.. i'd like to ask this question, how can it really matter?
deaths due to blood policy.. suicides due to child molestation.
and disfellowshipping.. tearing families apart...just for starters.. part of me wanted to believe so badly that there would be a 'big' issue that would cause the wts to fall, splinter and break into fragments.
It's just another piece of that big cookie they hate to break up and give anyone a real piece.
Crumbs is all most will ever see, or that artificial carrot dangling in front of their eyes.