I enjoyed it.
humanist views: how to talk to a jehovah's witness.
humanist views - august 2012.
I enjoyed it.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/bdr742mgzj8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>.
luke 1:41 "when elizabeth heard marys greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and elizabeth was filled with the holy spirit.
" was the 1st bub-bubs bouncing recorded in the bible?
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BDr742MGZJ8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
have you ever met people more suspicious and paranoid than jws?.
"did you hear about the demon-possessed smurfs?....play that record backward and it says 'worship satan!
'....world war 2 was started by satan as an attempt to eradicate jehovah's witnessess....the un has secret plans to attack religion soon - i heard it from my 3rd cousin's nephew's chiropractor....'they' are sneaking blood products into candy bars....".
I have been reading this book, it explains why a person that is a JW, would also believe in just about any of the conspiracies, that make it around.
Great book, check it out.
the september km is out, here is the thread pointing to it:.
of particular note is the "highlight" on page 4, announcing the attendance at the memorial in the usa.. the 2012 yearbook notes the memorial attendance in 2011 was 2.563,318, while in 2012, per the september 2012 km, it was 2,502,055 -- a decline of 2.4%.. .
Are the drops in the past, from the new generation understandings?
more goodies: .
Are the guys in the upper right corner playing CHESS !!
They will find out soon that JEHOVAH gets sad when you play chess.
it took me a long time to write this....i'm being brutally honest...i am still a reg pioneer...three sundays ago,i was praying and asking god for a sign or something because i was so confused...i told him exactly what i needed to see for me to believe.i was feeling terrible--crying and feeling sick because i was so confused.ten minutes after, i walked into the kingdom hall and to my surprise--my prayer was answered!
i soooo wasn't expecting it, even though i prayed.
so this is where almighty god wants me to be,ii've reasoned.
Sounds good: Don't forget to keep thinking !!
asher allen, a defensive back who has played three seasons for the vikings and who just turned 24 years old, has abruptly retired.. vikings coach leslie frazier told reporters today that allen informed the team last week that he decided to call it quits.
frazier described himself as very surprised by allens decision, and its impossible not to be surprised: nfl players just dont walk away from the game, by choice, at the age of 24.. .
allen retired because he recently became one of jehovahs witnesses.
Asher Allen, a defensive back who has played three seasons for the Vikings and who just turned 24 years old, has abruptly retired.
Vikings coach Leslie Frazier told reporters today that Allen informed the team last week that he decided to call it quits. Frazier described himself as very surprised by Allen’s decision, and it’s impossible not to be surprised: NFL players just don’t walk away from the game, by choice, at the age of 24.
Allen retired because he recently became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. He reached the decision shortly after being drafted, but wanted to fulfill his obligation to the Minnesota Vikings. The concussion issues may have been a catalyst to accelerating his timetable, but this was already in the cards.
I just heard that he was at my cousins wedding this weekend. He is now baptized, and just quit the NFL about 2 weeks ago.
well our dear faithful ones at jwtalk have seen fit to provide jehovah's "food at the proper time" earlier to the rest of the world than their governing body sees fit, so to follow are the scans from the convention.. .
dvd front:.
I noticed that on the back it says "Printed in USA - Made in Mexico"
Are they using cheaper mexican labor rates? Cheaper then free?
the original soft tissues, blood vessels, cells and blood components [shown above] in a supposed 65 million year old t. rex dinosaur published in 2005 shocked the secular community, but not literal bible believers.
the stench of rotting flesh could still be smelled.. the chart below is a list of all kinds of things that are supposed to be hundreds of millions of years old , yet the evidence is consistent with a literal biblical view of only thousands of years old.. .
here's a "still pink" supposed 350 million year old shrimp:.
Are you saying that they all went extinct a few 1,000 years ago? Like from the flood?
has there been an article on asthma lately?
my dad seems to have every sickness that the watchtower talks about.
now he has been walking around with an inhaler claiming to have asthma, so i figure there must have been an article about it.. .
I will be in Vegas from June 4th to 7th