I think that you should put your old photo on here.
over breakfast, my wife and i discussed the feeling of distance between us.
i haven't kept her for going to meetings or anything of the sort.
yet, since i've left the organization - she has been more distant from me.
I think that you should put your old photo on here.
comments you will not hear at the 11-2-08 wt study (august 15, 2008, pages 21-25) (pure language).
are you speaking the "pure language" fluently?
speaking the pure language fluently .
Why is it that I now LIKE going through the watchtower study?
for those of you who are interested, the project i've been working on for the last few months is finally finished.
i originally did a thread about it back in april: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/156497/1.ashx.
it seems that alot of us still have family members in the religion and have not infrequent arguments with them about some of the beliefs and practices.
Thank you,
I received my copy and have been reading it. I will be sharing the part on 607 with my dad and grandmother.
does anyone have any idea's on what the next new understading could be.
i think that it might be that they are going to make the 144,000 a symbolic number not a actual number.
could it be making a new date for the start of the last days?.
That is the best new understanding that I have ever heard !!!
That is funny - might be true!!
does anyone have any idea's on what the next new understading could be.
i think that it might be that they are going to make the 144,000 a symbolic number not a actual number.
could it be making a new date for the start of the last days?.
My brother is DF'd and he had a close friend that is still in ask him if he is going to come back to the hall.
My brother told him that he will never go back because he dont believe the Watchtower is directed by god.
His friend asked why and he replied that god would not have directed us to believe that the end would come before this generation would pass off.
His friend said that not all JW's believed that, only some of the JW's believed that (and that is was not taught by the watchtower).
I thought that was funny because that was the answer that my dad gave me about 1975.
does anyone have any idea's on what the next new understading could be.
i think that it might be that they are going to make the 144,000 a symbolic number not a actual number.
could it be making a new date for the start of the last days?.
Does anyone have any idea's on what the next new understading could be. I think that it might be that they are going to make the 144,000 a symbolic number not a actual number. Could it be making a new date for the start of the last days?
since the society has banned higher education the "harvard witness window cleaners university" offers witnesses many courses to better themselves.....in field service.
1. phd in window ledge wiping.
2. masters degree in scraping paint off glass.
I remember all the DCs with the window washers and watching them.
We were all very proud of how fast they were.
I had goals that someday I would be a window washer just like them.
Instead I became a Pizza Delivery guy !!
Great job for Pioneering - I could go out in field circus every morning and deliver pizza every night - except Tuesday & Thursday.
i loved it, it was very interesting... tell the rest...
I have always felt the same way about the bible stories. They never made sense to me !!
day 3 of creation .
gen 1:9-13 .
9 and god went on to say: let the waters under the heavens be brought together into one place and let the dry land appear.
It is hard for me to take this as literal.
I have the watchtower that explains how the days were periods of 1,000 years. The creative weeks are a peroid of 7,000 years. So it all started about 49,000 years ago.
day 3 of creation .
gen 1:9-13 .
9 and god went on to say: let the waters under the heavens be brought together into one place and let the dry land appear.
I am interested in hearing other peoples OPINION on this.