Does this mean that they were wrong about the "generation" last time?
from, here is the new definition of the generation from the april 15, 2010 watchtower.. .
article: holy spirits role in the outworking of jehovahs purpose.
13 third, holy spirit is at work in bringing bible.
Does this mean that they were wrong about the "generation" last time?
i didn't want to hijack billy x's attempt at hijacking another thread directed to our apostate terrorist, reinna.
this is a parady that only ex jw's could possibly appreciate.
whether you appreciate my macabre sense of humor is entirely another matter.
Dear Faithful And Discreet Slave,
I am very well aware of the importance of praying before each meal. My question is, If I pray before my meal, and then I put the leftovers in the frige for a snack later, do I need to re-pray over this food. Is there a time limit before I have to re-pray over this food?
dear all,.
i love it when your avatar is a real picture of you.
i look at it with interest and my heart warms up.
If you need someone the the MN area we can get together and talk if you would like.
during the dark days of the second world war , the monsters that ran a concentration camp decided to hang a child.. they hung the poor little chap so that it took half an hour for him to die, all the while making the other inmates look into the face of the child.. where was your god then ?
was he not strong enough to do anything or did he just not care ?.
if the first then he is a very weak god, if the second then,.
If god or jesus ever show up during my life time, I will be on their side. Until then I will just have to take care of myself and my family. I cant spend any time talking to invisiable friends anymore.
during the dark days of the second world war , the monsters that ran a concentration camp decided to hang a child.. they hung the poor little chap so that it took half an hour for him to die, all the while making the other inmates look into the face of the child.. where was your god then ?
was he not strong enough to do anything or did he just not care ?.
if the first then he is a very weak god, if the second then,.
That is why I put my faith in ----
is this a literal price or a figurative price?.
I heard that the correct price is $586.
is this a literal price or a figurative price?.
Is this a literal price or a figurative price?
to the best of my knowledge if.
10857 is the latest number for memorial partakers then you have to go back to 1967 to get a higher number, 10981.. i wonder why they they don't print this in the january magazine anymore.. will they omit it even from the printed yearbook and only leave it as an mp3 online download?.
where is this posted?
as stated in part 1 the latter part of the 1980s and 1990s were very good for my wife and i. we are doing well spiritually and both had good jobs.
our increasing income allowed us to move at a relatively young age to a nice area.
we wanted to stay in our old congregation but i was told as an appointed man i should support the congregation in my new territory.. this new congregation had a completely different feel about it to our old one.
You have my attention.