The moderator of the PBS show said these men were actually Muslims by day and by night went to these houses where the dancing boys were made to dance, sometimes til they dropped -- and then the men argued over who would take them home and have sex with them -- one 13 year old died in the back seat of a car as so many men went in "one by one" to have sex with him..
One of the men was a warlord who said he actually had the ok of his wife to do this but seemed to have a conscience and stopped this terrible atrocity against young boys -- he eventually helped one child get away from this life - and helped the PBS moderator get the boy and his family to another part of Afghanistan so the child could go to school - he wanted to be a doctor -- he was 11 - and wanted to help other boys..
They buy these kids from poor parents and say they will educate them - train them for a year in dancing, dress them like girls and sexually abuse them......pigs!!! and if the kids want to leave this life, they murder them -
Apparently they said this custom came over from Pakistan -- my question is what is the fighting over in Afghanistan about -- poppy fields for the heroin or protecting these perverts -- and good men and women have to die for this?????
SO --