It seems like the numbers are going to start dropping worldwide if they have such a drive to ferret out everyone who is not living up to" standards"!! There are so many just attending the hall and going thru the motions, believing in Jehovah and Jesus and not in the organization -- after all, those of us who were baptized years ago got baptized in the Name of the Father, Son AND Holy Spirit -- today they have dropped theHoly Spirit for the "spirit directed organization" and many dont go along with that altho they have to play the game to hold onto their family and friends...
JoinedPosts by truthlover
Well Freakin finally this Drama has reached it's Climax
by troubled mind inhahaha i just recieved a certified letter , an invitation to a little party known as a jc at the local geneseo ,il kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses to discuss the matter more fully that i refused to discuss with an elder on the phone about .
come to our party june 23 held in your honor ...yea right !!.
so our certified letters will be received on the same day sweet !
I like the people in my Kingdom Hall!
by lavozsa inthis may sound like a funny title, but it is actually true.
just to give a brief background on myself, i've been a jw for nearly 12 years now.
i didn't grow up in a jw family, nor is anyone else in my immediate family a jw (except my wife and her family).
I can relate -- nice folks all, but conditional-- the will start to look at you sideways if you slow down, I myself havent had a shephering call but was approached for a recent one -- told them I was busy, so guess I am in line for another hit.... will see how it goes and what the reason is but FS is not one of my things altho I dont miss too many mtgs and hang with folks who are "connected" and will step up if help for someone is needed
Its all in the game
Ray Franz Passed Away Today
by Amazing ini just received word that ray franz passed away today at 1:37 pm eastern daylight time.
the cause of death is stated as head trauma, likely due to falling to the ground, and a stroke could have also been part of the cause or a result of the fall.
he died at emory university hospital in atlanta about 17 minutes after being taken off life support.
Never knew him but from the videos I saw on various visits around the world, he came across as a sincere honest gentleman who probably had a broken heart, knowing what was going on behind closed doors at Bethel... my condolences to the family and if there is a paypal site set up pls advise as I am sure his wife will need the support..... with her health problems that I have read in the past few days there is no telling how she will fare without Bros Franz
I miss cancelled shows & list favorite shows
by sd-7 ini guess i'm a sci-fi person, so...i like that kind of stuff and it's rare to see it in mainstream tv.
in memory of the following shows that got axed:.
Boston Legal - great show with Bill Shatner and James Spader -
Stargate Atlantis
Currently liking --
The Good Wife with Julianne Margolies
Castle with nathan Filian
Cant get the Closer anymore, but a great show
The Bridge - great police drama, new this year
Comment on Loneliness
by jgnat inone of the great lessons this board gave me is the cruelty of shunning by the jehovah's witnesses.
it is inhuman.
the toll it takes on a person cannot be underestimated.
even tho I attend meetings, I am down on FS and have been for a few years -- and do not feel part of the cong even tho I do have friends I can count on one hand that make sure they check on me and we do meals and shopping together.. others in the cong seem to be a clique and I dont go for that kind of thinking, so when I am home, with my cats and yardwork and scanning JWN and the I net, I feel ok - not lonely in the sense I am guilty of anything, just an introvert like some on this board -- and why not! There have been hurts and disloyalties over the years and I think it is a protection of the mind and spirit of a person.. I also can be an extrovert to the point that people do not think I am a shy type, but I am, and always have been, so "lonliness" for me is comfortable -- no real family to speak of - so me wonders what will happen in years to come - the nursing home with strangers -- I hope I go quick -
There are worse things than being "lonely" - find joy in your world, volunteer, speak to the elderly you see sitting on the benches, smile and it will help you - you will feel you have done good things
After Reinstatement
by truthlover incan any current elders, ms, etc.
tell me if restrictions are given when a person is re instated since 2005??
i ask this as i am reading the requirements for re instatement -- it says a person has to prove they want to be reinstated and have to attend meetings for a year or more before the elders would even accept the letter request for re instatement..... .
Thanks so much for all the replies -- will have some ammo to tell them what exactly to expect
GB Samuel Herd on "Angels and Women"
by freetosee ini find it interesting that samuel herd (as co) promoted the book angels and women in his talk "fear of giants".
he called it a fascinating book, once you pick it up you cant put it down without reading it from cover to cover!
he also mentions that russell wrote the foreword of the book and that it can be found in the gilead library.. .
Thanks Leo:
sorry took so long for me to get back to u but signed off shortly after I send the question..
This would make a great picture -- a James Cameron epic... something like Avatar in 3 D
I was actually of mixed mind to read or not, but threw caution ot the wind and thoroughly enjoyed the book..
Will mark this post to check when u have all redactions - but it looks like it will take quite a while with 284 done and more to do.. where do u find the time??
Thats a lot of work
Current Elder's Book
by chron82 indoes anyone have or know where i can get a scanned in version of the current elder's book?.
Great copy Yknot thanks for the site
Now a college graduate!!!
by Doubting Bro inwanted to let everyone know that i've finally graduated college with a bachelors degree!
ended up earning magna cum laude.. it's difficult to describe the sense of accomplishment.
i still kick myself for listening to the wts when i was a kid and forsaking "higher education".
Congratulations -- builds self esteem knowing achievements like this are hard fought and won!
Did you ever feel let down by the Bethel tour?
by maninthemiddle inreading jeff's thread about dress made me think of my one and only trip to bethel.. i can't remember if i was babtised at the time, but i went with a bus load of jws.. like someone said in the last thread, printing presses and empty rooms.
i was very disapointed, however i don't think i had any pre-concieved notions of what it would be like.
what i was diapointed in was so much of the "tour" was walking hallways looking at exhibits behind glass.
went on a bus tour with a gaggle of cong. members -- must say --best time for a long while - lot of jokes -- lot of laughs -- then we hit Brooklyn -- a warehouse -- nothing to see but hot, muggy cement walls and floors -- some in book binding.. walked over to a restaurant across the park for lunch -- then off to Stanley --- what a gorgeous building -- actually ostentacious -- that place is worth millions -- it should be sold and given to those in the cong who need to eat, let alone pay bills -- there is no need for this..... no org on earth should be allowed to have these types of buildings -- only Solomon in his glory when God was speaking thru the prophets should this have been allowed... but no .... hard work of volunteers carried out the big changeover to a visiting / assembly area - the auditorium alone boasts a ceiling that changes from day to night with stars, etc. plush seats that most halls dont have for comfort.... chandeliers that you would die for, brass entry doors, polished to gleam.
water fountain downstairs -- found a 16th century french rug in the basement and restored it -- much will that go for or where will it end up???In a GB apartment?? I believe Stanley is no longer on the tour menu..could be wrong....
Then the next day off to Walkill --- beautiful grounds with orchards -- no more farm there -- you can see where the money goes -- we got there at lunch time but were not invited.. saw a lot of the pictures in the mags on the walls, fountains and chandeliers.... mock up of Solomons temple as you enter the huge foyer... took a tour, nice
After being in NYC and the seaport and chinatown and a broadway show and some good eating - time to get back home...
returned home in same fashion --- laughing so hard -- so in all good memories of the folks - altho I have heard of horror stories on most bus tours...
Dont know what is going on there now - that ws about 7 years ago