JoinedPosts by truthlover
Walkill Bethel Recreational Facility
by dontplaceliterature inmy wife and i just visited some friends over the weekend from another congregation.
these two are both full time pioneers, and also participate in various construction projects around the country.
the husband just got back from a 3 week trip to walkill, new york to help with construction on a new residence building at 'the farm' (does anyone call it that anymore?)..
Do your elders care at all?
by Mr. Falcon ini currently have an elder body who, for the most part, seems utterly complacent and disinterested in actually "shepherding" anything.
i can't tell if they are lazy or just oblivious to their responsiblities of being "teachers".
it seems like they are the last to know anything and always procrastinate on everything.
and then you have elders who are on the RBC lists to run their vehicles 2-300 miles to quik builds, every weekend for weeks on end, to put gas and upkeep the vehicle to haul others who will not pay towards any gas used.. using their time and then get dumped on by the elders left behind that they are not keeping their hours up to cong level... wonder what will happen now that gas is getting so highhhhh it will soon be out of reach to travel anywhere - even to assemblies to give their parts....
Those elders who are doing their best on the RBC are still expected to do parts in the cong and be out in service and be at the elders meetings and do shepherding calls - that the at home elders are not doing -
Tired? Yes Discouraged? Yes Disgruntled? Yes Enouraged by their fellow elders? No
and the responsibility keeps piling in from "head office"
Did you get a spritual family in compensation for your own?
by highdose intheres a scripture much touted by the jw's, goes somthing like " who has not lost brothers, sisters etc and not got tons more etc" ... no i ain't going to bother to look it up.. this was always offered as a great compensation for upsetting your family with your extreme jw beliefs.
but i never found it to be true.
yeah you went to the meetings and your so called spritual family was there.
Well, I thought it only happened in my congregation Nugget:
my Family is/was not in the truth -my parents now dead and I must say when I came into the truth, I kinda left them behind...for several years .. my mate grew up in it, I got baptized - all was fine with the world -- the years passed ..well, being an older person now, my grown up child is and has not been baptized - choice as a teenager,does not live close, my mates family - parents dead, well, hear from the brothers once in a while--one brother and sister in law- not for over a year - they are in the "truth"-live 1 hour away, other brother and sister in law - not often either.. guess I was a bad person.. seeing that my mate has now died... it's awful hard being a fifth wheel at parties and get togethers - hang out in the kitchen or find a spot in a corner somewhere....
All the folks we once hung out with in the truth are either divorced or out of the contact there either as we were in when they left to pursue other interests......
you can build a picture out of the rest -- those in the cong who are "friends" would not be so if I left - same story as most
Conclusion: No spiritual family! The only spiritual I get is studying the scriptures very close with my kid tho -- on the phone daily..
Jesus may have said it, but the brothers and sisters - for the most part --do not live it
Discussion involving my Dad & other long timers - Mood is definately different
by Doubting Bro ini've seen several posts relating to the mood among longtime jws here recently.
i thought i would add to that collection and recount a discussion i recently had with my dad and a small group of folks about his age.
quick background on the group:.
Mood change -- yes!
As a side issue - in our area we have been hit by many snowstorms lately on meetings nights/days -- several in a three week period - it was discussed that we have the meetings on the Family study night, but no takers - elders agreed to say "no" too busy --consequently, no extra meetings were planned at any time to make sure the congreagation had their "spiritual food at the proper time!!"-- I see that as a great comment on the times being spoken of - the desire is gone, people are only putting in mediocre service - attendance or service - not many have signed up for the April push on aux pioneers... it will be a slow descent, but one nevertheless
people are tired - there is no real heartfelt smiles or anticipation of seeing new faces at the hall - cause there isn't any unless a family moves in from another congregation....more publishers are getting sick, physically, families are tied up with each other and their illnesses, and those who are single or widowed are on their own.....
In speaking with others in various congregations, its the same -- no growth, no interest by the community at large...
If Bethel is monitoring this site - they should be aware they better change and soon, I once heard this system was like a freight train running out of track, well that applies today to the society, they are out of track, its panic time!!
Disfellowshipped for eating FATTY FOODS, BEING FAT, BAD DIET
by free2beme inheart desease is the leading cause of deaths in this country.
bad diets are leading to an ever increasing population of diabetic and fat children and adults.
if we keep this up, more and more people will be too sick to work or live a normal life.
Also - in the new Elders book - if persons are not cleaning their houses, messy, etc. they too can be brought up to a JC..
I guess the hoarding issues are starting to indicate some type of emotional illnesses that have to be addressed.. Chapter 5 Elders Book - Pg 65
• Extreme physical uncleanness
Chapter 5 - Pg 67- Gluttony
Do you think a lot of JWs are ashamed of their beliefs?
by I quit! inthe reason i asked this is because i'm going to the funeral of a man who wasn't a jw.
my mother-in-law has lived in the same neighborhood as him for years and knows his wife.
i asked her if she was going attend the funeral service.
Sad -= cause I thought this was the one
embarassed - because of flaunting the fact that no one who committed a crime would get away with it, as they would have to confess to the police before becoming a JW - only to find out that child abusers were committing the most horrible of crimes -molesters,physical abusers, emotional abusers (male ) and allowed to get away with it by other men,elders -- -saying we all sin, go your way and sin no more- yah right!
They do hot have training to deal with these issues - protect jehovah's organization??? Jehovah would not want this to happen - He has to be very upset that His name is attached to such things. And then, the organization has to pay off those who want to bring justice to light...using our contributions to pay off the unfortunate abuse victims....this eats me up!
embarassed - as a woman to think we are second class citizens in an organization that tells us God is not partial and who also says that "even" woman have been chosen to be of the annointed, yet the female gender cannot hold any position in the "governing body" of men... nor give them counsel being a woman, they are in subjection.... so what about Deborah-the prophetess???
sentimental- when I came into the truth, it was not like today - we sat around the dinner table and had real conversations about the bible, gave our impression about talks and points without being afraid someone would run to an elder to tell them we are becomning apostate
Mad - as to how the governing body is usurping Jesus' role as our mediator, how they have dropped the holy spirit from the baptismal vow
I think I will take a break..
Gas Prices Not Cooperating with Governing Body "Arrangement"
by LostGeneration inwe all know how the governing body has "lovingly arranged" for 30 hour aux pioneering in april.
but oil prices are going up, and $4 a gallon gas will probably be here by memorial day, and $5 gas by the summer.,0,7527696.story.
As of today, in one part of Canada - the east coast - pricing ranges from 112.8- 118.2 per litre -- so would that be about $5.08 - $5.32 per gallon??
So far, in my cong - not a lot of folks have signed up for the 30 hour push
CO's putting the screws on elder bodies, and ministerial servants to auxilliary pioneer this April.
by miseryloveselders ini have such a love/hate, 50/50 relationship with this organization any more, but a letter was read to the elders and ministerial servants that has pushed me to the 30/70 range in favor of hate, if even momentarily.
most of you if not all are aware of the auxilliary pioneering initiative for this upcoming april.
it's no secret that i'm not real fond of pioneering as its unscriptural for one thing.
***jr chap.8 pp.94-95 par.7 Will You "Keep Living,"as Did Jeremiah?***
Consider first that Jeremiah was to remain childless. Jesus did not command his followers to abstain from having children. Yet, it is noteworthy that he pronounced "woe" on pregnant women or those nursing a baby when tribulation came on Jerusalem in 66-70 C.E. That time would be especially difficult for them, given their situation. (Matt. 24:19) We now face a greater tribulation. This should add a dimension for Christian coupleswho are deciding whether to have children. Do you not agree that it seems harder and harder to deal with these critical times? And couples have admitted that it has been very challenging to raise children who will "keep living" through the end of the present system. While each couple must decide if they will have children, Jeremiah's case is worth considering.
Once the brain sees this -logic fails and if the org is hinting at this - it becomes ingrained and then law!!
Going back to MLE first comment -- talking of sisters having 1 -4 kids to grow the org.. not today -- ain't happenin -- they want pioneers -- eunuchs - commanded not to marry outside the Lord -- therefore, many single sisters have no hope of finding a mate since the ratio is 20-1 in favour of the male who has his pick of the litter... the older brothers can snag any sister -- mostly young uns.... the Muslim religion is growing leaps and bounds - why?? they are having up to 8 kids per family -- not so with the org...
This growth in the Muslim religion is going to put every religion in jeopardy - churches closing due to lack of patrons -- the older generation is dying off, no one is going to church, no growth in families that support the church finances... so goes the org too....
CO's putting the screws on elder bodies, and ministerial servants to auxilliary pioneer this April.
by miseryloveselders ini have such a love/hate, 50/50 relationship with this organization any more, but a letter was read to the elders and ministerial servants that has pushed me to the 30/70 range in favor of hate, if even momentarily.
most of you if not all are aware of the auxilliary pioneering initiative for this upcoming april.
it's no secret that i'm not real fond of pioneering as its unscriptural for one thing.
Well, this is a corporation, is it not?
My guess is that each CO/DO for a particular circuit is betting how much they can outdo the next circuit/district... in that way they can say to the higher ups how well they run their circuit/district, no problems there, every thing is being handled so well all pubs and elders are out there following instructions and taking care of the sheep... maybe getting special privledges for their hard won efforts???? Therefore, they are working to get as many elders/COBOE's out in the field for April...
I, for one, will not be out there