Hey! I know all those people too!
But what about Sister Middle Aged Elders Wife? She was the one who was basically 'in charge' of the entire congregation. If she happened to be the PO's wife, she was a step closer!
She'd be the one who knew every morsel of gossip within the cong. She would also be the one responsible for spreading the above mentioned gossip to all her allies (i.e., other Elders Wives) but all the time assuring them that it is 'confidential information' and only safe in the hands of the most loyal cong members, i.e., themselves.
She would be the one to choose the decor of the hall when it was refurbished. Yes, it was HER fault that you had to spend the next 15 years staring at a brown carpet and pink floral curtains. Not forgetting the plastic floral display on the platform.
She'd be the one who knew the exact reason why anyone else in the cong had been DF'd/reproved. And she would never forget to give the offending cong member a knowing look during the next local needs talk. Oh yes, she KNOWS they are talking about you. She probably helped her husband write the outline.
In all my years out of the borg, I will never know a more formidable person that Sister Middle Aged Elders Wife.