JoinedTopics Started by johnny1980
Urgent Help Please
by Gladring ina friend is being hassled by a body of elders to go to a judicial committee.
i have advised against going but if they go ahead.... the question is are you entitled to have a representative of your own at a judicial committee?.
a second, not quite so urgent, question is: does anyone know where to get a copy of coc in spanish.. thanks.
Did You Know Any "Gay" Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus ini suspect a few witnesses were not "straight" but didn't act on their sexual preferences.. i knew one up and coming bethelite who was approached by the bethel heavies and talked to about his "effeminate mannerisms" and was pretty much told that he could become a more prominent menmber of the bethel family if he "became more masculine looking" and preferably found a bethel sister to marry.
he followed the counsel and was thereafter a regular designated bethel speaker at district conventions.
interestingly, all of his bethel buddies thought the whole scenario was a hoot, knowing that he was really an effeminate man suddenly now looking very hetero..
The DEMONS broke her leg! Too funny or maybe sad!?
by QuestioningEverything inmy mom told me about a sister in her hall that came in on crutches to the meeting sunday.
my mom asked her what happened and she said that thursday night when she was on her way out the door to the kh, that two demons attacked her.
they knocked her to the ground and one held her down while the other one jumped on her leg and broke it .
Biggest Full Moon of 2009 tonight....
by Snoozy inthey say we are having the biggest full moon of 2009 tonight..and some can see it tomorrow night.. .
the thing is it will cause hightides and they can trigger earthquakes, especially around areas of water...
some believe that this will also affect our bodies...
Rallying the gays!
by jstalin init's been a while since i've been on here and just wondering if any of the gays are still around... in addition, if you are gay and new to the board (or even been here a while), go ahead and introduce yourself!.
if you're gay and stuck in the organization, this is a good place to talk about it and meet other people that are or have been where you are.
it's not a choice and there are plenty of people out there who understand what it is like to be in your position!.
Got A Letter From A JW
by JW Walking Away ini kept getting emails from a jw from somewhere, don't even know who she is.
last night i finally emailed this person asking them to stop emailing me because i am not a jw and have no interest in the emails she sends.
she practically sends 2-3 "spriritual" emails a day.
by whereami ingeat ready to gag.
you just can't make this stuff up.. .
subject: fw: book study change in 2009. .
Will the tower play there power trip on me?
by jacethespace insince i have left the watchtower i have met a really great girl [ or as the tower might put it-worldly].
the thing is i think i might be in a bit of a predicament because when i left the tower i decided on the option that i would just walk away and not send a letter of dissociation.and the local elder and his wife lives right next door to me.because of this i have still saw them and other of my tower associates and been able to speak to them and they have spoke to me.. but now i have a feeling that once i start to bring my girlfriend back to my place that my neighbour/elder will take more of an intrest in whats going on and it might lead them to dissfellowshipping me.although as far as im concerned my life is none of there buisness anymore.but im just wondering how long it will take for them to visit me and announce that they are going to df me.. anyone had any similar experiences or anything?.
Anyone know this guy?
by startingover insuccessful business man and claims to be a jw.