im not bitter at all i am realisitc why should i be upset by what she is doing.. i realize that i have waisted years of my life in the cult. i just use my sarcasm to go against what other people are saying. no bitterness at all... purely happy to be free
JoinedPosts by chellechelle
letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle inmichelle, my dear girl :.
with all that you went through last year how could you felt yourself be sucked into a similar trap?
and when you saw yourseld going a certain way why didn't you ask for help?
letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle inmichelle, my dear girl :.
with all that you went through last year how could you felt yourself be sucked into a similar trap?
and when you saw yourseld going a certain way why didn't you ask for help?
yes well luckily that is what i have been doing..... making her realizes that this is the first extremly smart thing i have done in my mind.. to escape the borg.
however, my parents are creepy stalker obsessive people.. through her spy ways she has somehow come across my posts on jwd and is not pleased as i ahve just gotten off the phone with her about an hour ago.. ( i laugh.... )
she has also decided never to see me now.. never to be in the same room. however she is writing me a letter.
hurray for everyone here another dose of stupidity from my f'd up family... letters seem to be in fashion these days
Judas Iscariot: Destiny or Fate?
by sacolton ini've always wondered if judas really had a choice in his role of deceiving jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
did he really have any freewill?
since the scriptures had to be fullfilled, was his fate pre-determined by god?
thats is one thing i have always wondered about aswell. in the scriptures it says that jesus knew who his betrayer was. therefore, was it not part of some elaborate plan to set up the whole " sacrifice" of jesus death|????
Another One Joins JWD
by allgoodthings... ini've been reading threads off and on for about a year now so i feel almost like i know some of you.
i just thought i would take the opportunity to introduce myself to the board.
it's very exciting to join up and become one of you.
exactly what i felt i was kicked out of my house for leaving the religion so i have been a jwd junkie for the last few days. i havent done much else. it has really made me feel alot better tho..
Inappropriate "shepherding" calls.
by avishai inhow many have recieved calls by the elders that were under the guise of "shepherding", but somehow inappropriate, i.e, you were a woman alone with only one elder showing up, or you felt physically intimidated by both.
or say they show up at like, 10:30 at night for a shepherding call.
and you say "hey, i appreciate the visit but please call first!
i ave only once had a sheparding call where there were two " brothers".. and it seems the same guy had to hanlde all of my shizza. THe weirdest thing to heppen to me was recieving phone calls from that elder almost every day for a week. on my cell phone i might add. ( may just be me but i feel like cell phones are more personal .. ie. for friends family etc. ) he kept begging me to come back to the faith because he loved me.. yes no joke
how many insiders?
by agent zero inhi everyone, i'm new here, been viewing the board for a while, decided to join yesterday.. so i'm about 95% convinced now the wts is bogus, but i'm still in coz as yall know leaving is the hardest part.
i plan on doing a fade to avoid the complete disconnection, but first want to gradually help my gf to see things too.
in the meantime, i'm just wondering how many of you are still "active" jdubs?
i just joined yesterday aswell. i tried the slow fade and it didnt work for me. i did basically nothing for about a year but the last month has still be full of elder crap and judicial comitee excercises. and int he end thaey dont even give you the time to think. my advice is get out and feel free... whether you do it now or later the same things are still going to happen
Isn't this proof the GB doesn't believe what it preaches?
by nbernat inif the gb really thought they had the exact truth perfect from flaws, shouldn't they be telling their members, "go look at the apostate stuff-- you'll see it's all lies!
compare it to the bible and you'll see it's all lies!
" that would completely eliminate apostasy if it were all true, no?.
this is true.. if they were sure that the information they are putting out is true then they should have no problem with checking up on what others say.. the problem is that they arent sure of themselves. they realize that they only have so many ways of keeping their control over people's minds.. and one of these is the propoganda. if one of the so called " sheep" goes out and finds a greener pasture.. why would he want to come back..
letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle inmichelle, my dear girl :.
with all that you went through last year how could you felt yourself be sucked into a similar trap?
and when you saw yourseld going a certain way why didn't you ask for help?
letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle inmichelle, my dear girl :.
with all that you went through last year how could you felt yourself be sucked into a similar trap?
and when you saw yourseld going a certain way why didn't you ask for help?
daily updates on crazy situation...
i find it weird how certain people can be so afraid of sharing their opinions. for example now that all of this bull***t is going on my family suddenly has this intesive opinion about my mothers religion. For example, my step grandpa is the closest to me out of all the members of my family. And I never knew that he had any sort of opinion about the jw's good or bad. however now that i have openly discussed my feelings towards the so called " religion" being a mind control cult and what not, i have learned that he was always dead set against it.. if he was ever baptised he would be one beauty of an apostate... first thing he did when i came into the house was hand me a book to read.. " Jehovah's Witnesses.. answered verse by verse" i haven't read it yet just the introduction but it seems to be on the right track.
anyway, he feels that my life has been stolen from me.. a big part of it would be not celebrating the holidays.. which i do not mind so much in itself. i dont think that my life was ruined because i missed out on presents but i understand what he is refering to. he believes that all children should have magic in their lives and be able to hold on to a fantasy world of innocence and amusement. lets just say he is really excited for this christmas.
He also thinks that my mother has destroyed a great many good things about my personality etc. which im not sure exactly what things he means but i guess i tend to agreee with him.. i have been noticing many things i naturally do or think of because of how my mother raised me in this intensive faith. However,, i think the biggest thing would be guilt. Which, i am happy to say, i no longer feel. yes it is in the back of my mind but i now have to ability to stop and say to myself.. " why are you thinking like this?" my aunt was just telling me a story that illustrates the fact perfectly.
I have never been one to cry. that is just my personality.. even when i was a child it just never happened unless it was something very big that had occured. well, at one point my aunt lived with us for a couple months. she said she remembered when i was about 8 years old being yelled at to a rediculous extent for doing something bad..and i cried in my room for about an hour (she couldnt remember what it was.) She said that she couldn;t believe the amount of guilt my mother had expected me to feel for doing whatever the thing was. and that her main point was " whe you do something bad you hurt jehovah.... more than you can imagine.. " she couldnt understand how religious beliefs could influence the disciplining of your child to such an extent. that is not something a loving religion does to its young children...
i think that my biggest problem with the whole thing for the time being would have to be this whole conditional love thing....does that not violate the very core values of the so called "truth"? and we "apostates" are the ones who twist the scriptures for our own purposes???? no.. someone has got that very very wrong. I dont believe in judging people for what they think.. yes i judge in the way that i believe the jw's are a cult any people who are affiliated with them have some real thinking to do.. But i do not think that i can no longer love my mother because she is one. no. we are still a family and religion should not devide us. however, her feelings are not the same. i guess i have to accept that fact and move on.. particularly because she has not exactly made my life, lets say, enjoyable.. but that is a whole other story.. maybe i will add it at some point.
anyways, back to the original topic. i ma now glad to have the support of my family.. i just hope it lasts..
letter from a supposed friend
by chellechelle inmichelle, my dear girl :.
with all that you went through last year how could you felt yourself be sucked into a similar trap?
and when you saw yourseld going a certain way why didn't you ask for help?
i guess i could add the opther development in my life...
so my precious mother stopped by today to bring me the rest of my shizza. and as soon as she stepped in the door. started crying... we miss you we want you home.. ok i did not leave i got kicked out.. wow how amazing it is , the speed at which people's minds degenerate. the conditions are apeal the dfing and follow the cult rules.. hmm let me think about it .. um helllzzz no!!! we actually started talking about it.. my goal was to avoid the entire fighting stage and just say you know what i think but it didn't wuite happen that way.
i realized, apparently she doesnt know what i think . atleats not entirely... however, i realize she has come to realize rte entire " apostate" thing now... oooh lucky me....she actually learned something.. thats major progress... ( seriously if you knew her it is). anyway she has decided that it is against her christian conscience to speak to me ever again..
and they wonder why everyone agrees it is a cult. you have to destroy family ties and never talk to your children whom you are supposed to love unconditionally, because they have changed their religous beliefs.. that is not right...
who ever started the entire shpeel about love your neighbour as yourself cetainly didnt think it through to the conclusion..
anyways, i am now effectively disowned by my mother ---lucky me--- and my father really just doesnt give a shit about anything.. not a jw but pussy whipped.. i dont understand how but u know what i mean... luckily the granparents are on my side.. completely and utterly.. this situation really has the makings for an interesting couple of months...
ill just sit back and enjoy the show