Any takers?
JoinedPosts by Momma-Tossed-Me
Are they still reading the Daily Text at the Field Service meeting?
by Momma-Tossed-Me inany takers?.
With the latest Australian Special Talk, we now have a complete picture of the Organizational Plan
by WingCommander inper this australian talk, found here: id say we have now seen the future........ ah yes........the governing body is now starting to show their hand, to begin to show their future plans for this false-religion-cult of fear and oppression.
it has been said on here for the last few years now, that with the elimination/combination of the book study at the kingdom halls instead of at homes, the introduction of new rule books (keep yourself in god's love) and the new elder manual that a "tightening of the reigns" was beginning.
and so, just as the members of jwd and the internet have written, so it shall be done by the governing body overlords.
My two cents.....
I wish that the GB would press down ever harder and harder.
Let them take away TV, the internet, radio, or make people send all there money to their "bank" or
make it mandatory to go out in field service to be a JW.
Oh yes please lurkers tell them to opress the sheep even more.
KM (Elder School) Brief Highlights
by XBEHERE inbesides the usual drivel there were a couple interesting things.
1. an entire 1 hour discourse on helping our children become little innocent martyrs for the wt via.
their flawed and unreasonable blood doctrine.
Has anybody seen the last two questions that came out of the elders school?
Is the WTBTS having cash flow problems?
by JW GoneBad ini was at a 2 day circuit assembly this weekend and i was surprised at how many times mention was made directly or indirectly reminding those in attendance (1,600) of the need to give $$$.
even in the soliloquies or skits they seemed to work in the need to give $$$.. it made me wonder if the society is having 'cash flow' problems and hence is desparate for cash.
over the years that i've attended conventions and assemblies the need to give $$$ has been subtle (imo), til now.
I really love the fact that they are getting into the faces of the rank & file.
Lately on this forum there have been experiences at conventions, elder & ms schools, and letters that have really ratcheted up the pressure on the sheep.
This money thing is just another sign, I feel, that let's us know they know that they are in trouble.
I really feel that the numbers are really in negative growth territory and they don't know what to do.
There have been some great opinions on this post as to what will happen if this continues.
Great post! Love it that the pressure is on the borg.
KM (Elder School) Brief Highlights
by XBEHERE inbesides the usual drivel there were a couple interesting things.
1. an entire 1 hour discourse on helping our children become little innocent martyrs for the wt via.
their flawed and unreasonable blood doctrine.
There was something on NPR this morning talking about those with a high school diploma are becoming less religious and those with college educations becoming more evangelical.
Did anyone else catch this?
So did Barr die or not
by therevealer inthis from an e_mail site.. governing body member john (jack) barr has died (or, "completed his earthly course") on saturday, december 4, 2010.. bro barr died at walkill aged 97 after 71 years of full time service - 23 years as a member of the governing body in new york ..
I bet there is a witness nazi elder heavy somewhere just rubbing his hands together just waiting for the call, Brother can you come to Brooklyn for a very important meeting.
"Brother Witness Nazi, is there any reason you could not serve as a member of the Gubberning Boobie?" No!
"Are you inclined to overlook the psychological wellbeing of any Jehovah's Witness so as to further Kingdom Interests?" Yes!
"Are you sufficiently far removed from current reality and will vote according to this current psychological state of mind?" Yes!
"Do you agree to hold secret any real truths, not revealing them to any person now living?" God Yes!
"With those affirmative answer I now declare you a member of the fraternal order of the Governing Boobie's, you may now jiz in your pants." Ohhhh, God yesssss!
Sick mf'ers.
The Watchtower Society, The Organization of Deceit
by wasblind inexample: sept 1, 2010 wt, public edition states on page 13 :.
" you have nothing to fear in examining your religious beliefs" they also state on this page: "yes, even though a certain religious teaching seems to be inspired-or to come from god- it is still the course of wisdom to examine the scriptures to make sure before accepting it as true_ john 8:31,32.".
in the sept 15, 2010 wt, study edition for witnesses only on page 13 paragraph 8 states: "this spiritual food is based on gods word.
Very nice find. love the people on this site.
What is worship? Does the WT promote the worship of Jehovah, or the worship of works?
by miseryloveselders indozy posted the latest suggestions for activities to do on family worship night.
thanks for that by the way, dozy!
in the thread i wondered whether or not jws are worshiping the things that make this religion unique or not.
The watchtower is a "workspace religion." This is the short answer.
By putting all of ones time into the "works" feature of this religion no time can be devoted to the "faith" aspect which in turn makes the adherents reliant upon the task master (WTBTS) for their next "assignment" thus replacing the true leader of Christianity (Christ) who said all you needed was faith in him to gain the reward of salvation.
So CAIR has a position on TSA pat downs i think JW's should have a position too.
by Momma-Tossed-Me inso the official position of the wtbts is............
i think it would be no to pat downs because it is porneia.
and no to body scan because that would be making porn.
So the official position of the WTBTS is............ I think it would be no to pat downs because it is porneia. And no to body scan because that would be making porn. So the correct thing to do would be to dress up like a dog and put yourself into a pet carrier. At least you wouldn't have to wait in line anymore.
Generation Teaching - Everyone is speechless?
by Red Piller inmaybe the effect of this change is bigger than realized?
in 1995, it was discussed (positively) by everybody, during the week we studied the wt.
one elder stepped down and was looked down upon.
Holy S**t Batman this has to be the longest thread EVER!!!