Get well soon and take care out there!
Love Newborn
big hug for you!
i am glad you are okay.
you are a strong woman.. so sorry grace.
Get well soon and take care out there!
Love Newborn
do you think you'll grow old and die?
or, do you think your life will be cut short by a worldwide apocalyptic event (put in motion by man or god)?.
disclosure: i'm definitely not apocalyptic and i do not live in expectation of any worldwide event that will cut my life short.. .
this is my darling cat java!
(this is obviously a cat thread so if you're not a cat lover you can move on to the next post).
java is an indoor cat.
No I can't see it :(
Please try again!
this is my darling cat java!
(this is obviously a cat thread so if you're not a cat lover you can move on to the next post).
java is an indoor cat.
Oh yes, and sometimes when I talk to her she also looks back at me with her big eyes and wonders "what the hell is she saying?
But we know each other quite well by now so most of the time we "understand" each other.
My cat is the same. She knows my routines. She wakes me up just before the clock does etc. She also jumps up on my lap as soon as I start the computer. What can I say, she rules!
Cat's are great! I hope you'll be able to get one some day
this is my darling cat java!
(this is obviously a cat thread so if you're not a cat lover you can move on to the next post).
java is an indoor cat.
This is my darling cat Java! 1,5 y old.
(this is obviously a cat thread so if you're not a cat lover you can move on to the next post)
Java is an indoor cat. She my first cat and was home less when I got her. She's such a good and well behaved cat. She's social and talks a lot! She runs to the door when I come home and is very cuddly. She can play for hours! I truly love her and I hope she'll stay healthy for a long time.
Please share pics of your cat and stories!
just about everyone in the hall my husband attends is deleting their facebook account.
he just cam back from a ms meeting.
what's the deal?.
Oh god!!
Internet will be the fall for the borg! I'm sure they'll advice them not to be on FB. It's Satan's tool...
So sad
The good ones get's sick. It should have been him.
I hope she's in a happy place now.
hi there, i am pretty new to this forum, this absolutely wonderful forum and i just wanted to know what made you all leave?
what were your positions, responsibilities and at what point did you know you had to leave?
and are there any persons here from ontario, canada?.
Welcome Safire!
I was born and raised a JW, I left 2y ago. I was so un-happy and stopped believing in a loving god. After was like the curtains were opened in front of my eyes and I finallly saw "the truth" abt the whole thing. I'm soo grateful to be where I am today. FREE!!
Good luck. I hope you can still be close to your mother. I understand it must be terrible for you. This is one of the most devious things abt the JW. They seperate families
Write here as often as you like and feel the need to. We're here for each other.
thought i was going to die at armagedon at the age of 21... 1975.... so i sucked all the juice out of the world.
smoking, drinking, drugs , bars, party all the time.
married at 16 with a baby.
I'm happy for you!
I was only 1y 1975, I'm very happy I missed the whole thing...