Even if they really are...so what?! You should see who they're making elders out of around here! I can't believe I used to be afraid of these jokers. Oh well...there's so much to be said for a little thing called perspective. I'm so glad I finally stumbled upon some.
JoinedPosts by hybridous
JW Elders- Too Many Of Them!
by TR inthese poor bastards.
wonder if any of them are actually jw elders.. http://www.switchboard.com/bin/cgiqa.dll?sr=&mem=1&lnk=3%3a154&f=j.w.&l=elder&t=&s=&search.x=0&search.y=0.
Other Planets
by Legendary U.2.K. in"what's your theory on the other planets in the throne of heavens?
we can only guess, cause no man is able to understand the truth about the fathers wonderful creation"
If physical life is out there somewhere, and we want to find it, we'd better be lookin' at where good old H20 can be found. Europa? Mars' polar caps? Reason is...water, and ONLY water is suitable to carry out certain biochemical reactions during cellular respiration.
F+D Slave...What next?
by ISP inthe fds has been a flexible type of entity, that has evolved as time has gone along and folks have died.what will it go to next?.
it started off being a single man...the president of the wts.
death and disappointment resulted in the fds title being passed from president to president.
I wonder if they (GB) ever considered returning to the original doctrine of ONE MAN being the 'slave'.
It would be a great way to consolidate power if things ever got shaky in Bethel. They could go back to the old...'it turns out Russell was right ALL ALONG!! Isn't new light wonderful, brothers?'
If this went down, it's obvious who would wear the crown...Teddy-Boy, right.
But, I don't think that nowadays, with information flowing as it does, I don't think that one man as the FDS could withstand the scrutiny. I think the GB likes their safety in numbers. Just a thought.
by You Know insome historians date the beginning of the end of the soviet empire to the chernobyl disaster, for the reason that for several days after the explosion, as the radioactive cloud floated quietly over europe, the soviet government said nothing to warn people of the dangers that may have minimized some of the exposure.
it ruined their credibility, from which they never recovered.
presently, the whole capitalist system has an even worse credibility problem.
So, the question is: Does Jehovah still merit our faith and trust?
Maybe He does. How does the WTS feel about it? What has the 'Faithful Slave' been teaching the sheep?
But, now, there are millions of Jehovah's Witnesses who claim to have faith in Jehovah, but who are more or less followers of the Watchtower Society.
Thank's for answering that. But....they were supposed to teach people to build their faith in Jehovah and his Christ, weren't they? How did the opposite happen?
Of course, loyalty and devotion are two separate things and it is possible to be loyal to the Society without having our faith bound by their every utterance.
Of course, the WTS does not agree with your statement, here. And THAT'S how JWs were/are taught to build their faith, can you deny that? Why else would they be in a position of misplaced faith?! Under penalty of disfellowshipping and shunning, Jehovah's 'slave' has demanded just that - JW's are, in fact, 'bound by their every utterance'. And you actually believe that Jehovah would hold deceived JWs at fault because they exactly gave both loyalty AND devotion to the men who demanded it? I smell a double set of scales.
Edited by - hybridous on 26 June 2002 10:43:30
Edited by - hybridous on 26 June 2002 12:33:48
A Mike Myers moment...
by jaccilynn inlate last night, i made a grilled cheese sandwhich and stuck "wayne's world" in the vcr.
i've seen it dozens of times, but it never stops being funny!
and i thought about how clever mike meyers is to come up with such a great character like wayne campbell... then i thought about austin powers and the fact that part three is coming out soon!
Were you looking at my bum?! You bumlooker! You cheeky monkey!
A Mike Myers moment...
by jaccilynn inlate last night, i made a grilled cheese sandwhich and stuck "wayne's world" in the vcr.
i've seen it dozens of times, but it never stops being funny!
and i thought about how clever mike meyers is to come up with such a great character like wayne campbell... then i thought about austin powers and the fact that part three is coming out soon!
Remember this?
'Velcome to Shprokets....I am your host, Dieter.'
I hope I'm not dating myself, here.
JW marriages
by Realist in.
since jw are not allowed to live together and cannot have sexual relations before they get married are many jw marriages unhappy?
i hear that they think jw marriages are much happier than normal marriages...can anyone verify that?.
i hear that they think JW marriages are much happier than normal marriages...can anyone verify that?
Uhh, yeah....just ask my JW parents (now divorced - but still in the 'truth')
They hate each other, won't speak to each other, wouldn't even walk over to piss on each other if the other was on fire....but they're both JWs and therefore, 'brother and sister'.
It's a laugh, or a cry, depending on your perspective at the moment.
Moving to the official JW site.
by Bleep ini will be going to the real jehovahs witnesses site.
anyone who wants to see the light go there.
no one will have bold letters trying to make a fool of themselves.
Why would God make the Bible so hard to understand or comprehend? It is a book for All mankind and not just those few who you think are the grannies.
Sorry, but your views seem to conflict with what the Lords of the JW faith think. Doubt it? Find out for yourself.
JWD is officially an Apostate site!
by Elders_Kid inso just for grins i thought that i would try to take a peek at jwzone and pln (pure language network, it took the place of greatcrowd.net), two dub forums.
i thought i would a friendly ambassador from jwd.
well since i went directly from this site to jwzone and applied, i recieved this nice little e-mail from their admin: from: "daniel glick" <dg371@***.
Wait a minute...isn't Danny Glick the name of the kid turned into a vampire that floats outside his buddy's window at night? From the Stephen King novel, 'Salem's Lot'?
Now you'll ask, 'what the hell are you doing even READING Satanic shit like that?'
I know...I know...I'm sorry....
JW's and drinking
by DanTheMan inis it just me, or is alchohol consumption at parties and vacations virtually an unwrittten rule of jw-culture?.
when i was in, i did not drink, and i still don't.
i often felt almost ostracized for this by my jw associates.
I've seen both extremes at our Kingdom Hall:
There was the dry gang - all the time, including wedding receptions.
Then there was the wet gang - all the time, every time. Probably always consuming beyond what the average person would consider 'moderate' amounts, but these were relatives of 'heavy' elders and were never...EVER spoken to or counciled in any way.
On another occasion, a few elder's sons almost got my brother and I arrested for supplying minors with alcohol. They had it, we didn't know it....then the cops came. We probably shoulda spent the night in jail....because of underage elder's kids. Certainly 'presiding over their household in a fine manner.'...or however that reads.