The 'Born-Again' Christians I work with both believe, without a doubt, that the Earth was created in 6 actual 24-hour days
JoinedPosts by hybridous
Born Again - what do they believe ?
by twinkletoes inwe have neighbours who have been very sincere "born again" christians, for about ten years.
i know that quite a number of you on this forum are also born again, but my question is, just what do you believe?, i understand that you don't have any particular denomination and appear to join any church service as you wish.
when i used to go out on "field service", i seemed to get different understandings of the scriptures, from born again christians, some seemed to be of the opinion that they would be taken up into heaven and armageddon would wipe the earth clean and then they would be put back on the earth, others seemed to think that they would go to heaven and stay there ?
Did you think you were the only one?
by sleepy in.
when you were first realised the truth was wrong did you think you were the only one?.
i did.i had worked out the gentile times could not be right, but had not realised what this ment about the governing body etc.i knew there were apostates, but i thought these were just people who hated the religion.i was ready to research and find out the truth about the organisation.then i looked on the internet and found that thousands of people had beaten me to it already..
Yeah, I thought I was the only one who could see thru all the bull. Now I know, it's not always a matter of 'seeing' for a JW. It's a matter of being honest with yourself.
Anyway, when I started to see thru the crap and started to question things, I was a young teenager. And how much in life can you really be sure about at that age? Maybe it was easier to admit the whole thing is a scam because I hadn't invested year after year (and dollar after dollar) in the Watchtower.
What's the latest info on McNabb? I know they'd love to have him back for a playoff game or 2. I think the last team Philly wants to play is the G-Men. Collins and company went up and down the field (surprisingly) on that Philly D, yesterday.
Elder Says That We Must Guard Association W/ Bros.
by minimus in2 elders mentioned in their parts in the tms and sm, that just because a person is a witness, it doesn't mean that they they are acceptable association.
if someone misses a lot of meetings, rarely goes out in field service and is not the best example, we should not want to associate with such ones.
i clearly see a line being drawn in the sand.
How the heck can they hope to maintain that level of paranoia? Eventually, any poor JW you care to look at could be called 'weak' or 'bad association' because they missed meeting or cult recruitment on Saturday morning.
Where I live, the economy and job markets absolutely SUCK!! If any witness is lucky enough to have a job which makes him/her work the occasional meeting night/service day, they're gonna WORK it. Nobody who has to worry about paying bills is going to jeopardize their job so that the A-Holes at the hall won't look down on them. Maybe I'm only giving a narrow view here, I don't know.
No Pressure By Me!
by Blueblades inno pressure by me will be heavy upon you.the c.o.quoting from job 33:7 to the congregation!
was this said to your congregation?then the talks he gives puts pressure on us more!
don't get tired!
Being born & raised in the cult, I felt the pressure when it came to baptism. I gave quite a few talks at an early age, so I guess it was natural for people in the hall to expect me 'take the dive' as early as possible.
Well, it didn't happen. I kept up with the talks and service, but I kept baptism at arms length. Somehow, I knew it was a bad move for me, and once done - could NOT be undone. I studied with a few heavy-handed elders, and they did their best to corner me at the pool. That was enough for me. At the ripe age of 17, I decided I would never be baptized, and quit the studies, meeting, and field service.
Your favorite DA letter?
by Smiles inwho wrote your favorite disassociation letter?
many great da letters have been written.
some persons have chosen to share their da letter with us on this website or other websites.
LB, my impression is that your promise of personally targeted legal action has kept the elders from giving your son crap. At this point, would you recommend a similar stance for someone in a similar situation? Does the threat of lawsuits often work?
What will the WT become? (Sort of a Survey)
by Marcos ini have been out for a long time.
to give you an idea of how long, the concept of not offering subscriptions anymore is news to me!.
as they continue consolidating and down-sizing, what affect do you all think this will have on individual witnesses and on their organization as a whole?
What will the WT become in the next 5 or 10 years? The best I can hope for is....
What Jehovah, the Almighty God of the Universe(s) needs with billions of dollars...i can't figure out.
JW's and stuff
by JoeSomebody init appears as if this is a haven for those who hate the jehovah's witnesses.
if that is too tough of a stance, then this place is a haven for those who hate the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.
many are apostates.
Hi Joe,
I hope you are ready to deal with the fact that that millstone will end up around the neck of WT leadership. Good luck. Don't dismiss the truth just because it's not what you wanted to hear.
Alone at new years eve again
by Pleasuredome innew years eve 1996 was the last time i enjoyed a new years eve with a girlfriend.
even though i wasnt into celebtrating it in a major way because of the jw influence on my life, it was a really great time to be with someone i cared about.
1997 onwards i became involved with the jws and of course i couldnt become involved with a worldly girl, so i became celebate.
Pay no attention to those who would dismiss your feelings, my friend. Many of us feel that void at different times all thru the just happen to feel it now.
My advice is to indulge yourself in something (preferably not self-destructive) which brings you relief and pleasure. Do you play music? Or write? Do it...and do A LOT of it. As for me, New Years has fallen out of favor for a variety of reasons - mainly, I can't tolerate a spitting headache and an upset stomach....that's just me, though.
One more something nice for someone. I don't mean spend a lot of money...just put yourself out there for someone. You will enjoy the rewards, regardless of wether you are with someone for the New Year or not.
Good luck,
Baptism Age
by JH indo you feel as if children in the watchtower organization get baptized too early in age?
when you think that in most places, you have to be at least 18 years old to vote, go in a bar, or have a drivers licence.
being told that it was the most important day of our life, wouldn't it be reasonable to wait to be at least 18 years old before getting baptized.
Well, they're trying to folow Jesus, right?! So then be just like him...baptized at 30!!
Seriously, tho...the numbers would suffer if kids had to wait 'til 18. I think that about 1/2 the current number of kids would actually go thru with it, if they had to wait until 18. All that time to think about it...Geez!!