You finally asked your doctor about Viagra?
JoinedPosts by hybridous
Did anything a householder said ever make an impression on you?
by Alleymom incoming at this as a householder rather than an ex-jw, i'd love to hear from any of you about comments from householders that made an impression on you, back when you were active in the door-to-door work.
since the jw's first knocked at my door 13 years ago, i've done my best to give them something to think about every time they knock at my door.
i always introduce myself by name and try to get their names.
As a young kid, I was at a door with another young kid. We met a Born-Again pastor. He ended our discussion by shouting at us...
'You're going to hell, man....and you're TAKING PEOPLE WITH YOU!!!'
Prick. Yeah, that did so much to help me wake up from the cult. If people would only realize that kind of behavior only reinforces that cult 'us against the world' mentality. Never mind that fact that we were only young kids (maybe 10 - 12 years old) just doing what we were told.
Canadians: what do you think of them ?
by RAYZORBLADE injust wondering, all you non-canucks(canadians) on this forum.
what do you think of canada, and canadians?
be honest, good or bad or in between, it'd be neat to read what impression non-canadians have of us canuckastanis (thanks pat buchanan).
Did the Canadians invent the mullet? And ship it here to the states? If so, thanks for NOTHIN'!!!
Perverts, JW's & Chainsaws
by Aztec inq: what do these three things have in common?.
a: they can all be found at metro detroit busstops!
i actually, though hesitantly, got on a bus the other day with a man carrying a chain saw.
Hey, look at it this way....
You took those magazines, had your laugh, and probably disposed of them. Now, if you hadn't taken them, thry might have ended up in the hands of someone who doesen't know better. See? You did the world some good!
No Draft is Needed
by Yerusalyim innot really jw related, but when has this stopped any of us before.
representative charlie rangel has been calling for the draft to be reinstituted.
folks, this just ain't gonna happen.
Yeru, are you familiar with Retired Col. David Hackworth? I've been reading his columns for some time now. What do you think of his opinions?
The Watchtower Cancer Will Cure itself
by metatron ini ran into two old witness friends this weekend - and it's the same old story.. sister a belongs to a huge family 'in the truth'.
nearly all the kids in the.
extended witness family are gone or df'd.
I will have to stong for mom... I will have to be for mine. Good luck with you, Rock.
The Watchtower Cancer Will Cure itself
by metatron ini ran into two old witness friends this weekend - and it's the same old story.. sister a belongs to a huge family 'in the truth'.
nearly all the kids in the.
extended witness family are gone or df'd.
For me, it's more than 'feeling sorry' for the people caught up in it all. I have some genuine FEAR, for my family if/when the day comes that they can't ignore the cancer anymore. I'd like to think they can come to terms with it like I have, but I have no doubt that when the shite comes down, people will kill themselves rather than face reality.
Born Again - what do they believe ?
by twinkletoes inwe have neighbours who have been very sincere "born again" christians, for about ten years.
i know that quite a number of you on this forum are also born again, but my question is, just what do you believe?, i understand that you don't have any particular denomination and appear to join any church service as you wish.
when i used to go out on "field service", i seemed to get different understandings of the scriptures, from born again christians, some seemed to be of the opinion that they would be taken up into heaven and armageddon would wipe the earth clean and then they would be put back on the earth, others seemed to think that they would go to heaven and stay there ?
The 'Born-Again' Christians I work with both believe, without a doubt, that the Earth was created in 6 actual 24-hour days
Did you think you were the only one?
by sleepy in.
when you were first realised the truth was wrong did you think you were the only one?.
i did.i had worked out the gentile times could not be right, but had not realised what this ment about the governing body etc.i knew there were apostates, but i thought these were just people who hated the religion.i was ready to research and find out the truth about the organisation.then i looked on the internet and found that thousands of people had beaten me to it already..
Yeah, I thought I was the only one who could see thru all the bull. Now I know, it's not always a matter of 'seeing' for a JW. It's a matter of being honest with yourself.
Anyway, when I started to see thru the crap and started to question things, I was a young teenager. And how much in life can you really be sure about at that age? Maybe it was easier to admit the whole thing is a scam because I hadn't invested year after year (and dollar after dollar) in the Watchtower.
What's the latest info on McNabb? I know they'd love to have him back for a playoff game or 2. I think the last team Philly wants to play is the G-Men. Collins and company went up and down the field (surprisingly) on that Philly D, yesterday.