From the age of 10 or 11 years old, I knew that something was seriously wrong with this 'religion'. I tried to extrapolate and figure out what my life would be like if I did what was expected of me (got baptized).
For the life of me, I just could not visualize a nomal happy life for myself if I continued down that JW path. I knew that something was very wrong here, and that something would eventually make my life intolerable until I eventually killed myself.
When I was alone, I would pray to God and beg Him to help me sort it all out. If this is the right religion and way of life, why does it all feel so damn WRONG? I just asked that He show me whatever it was I needed.
I never did get that confirmation from above. I went through my teen years always knowing that I was playing a part; always knowing that eventually I would have to leave this miserable cult. And I was a model JW teen, too. Ministry school, field service, quick builds, etc. I did it all. Right up through high school.
Then the cognitive dissonance reached critical mass, and I broke the news that I was done with Bible study, would not be baptized, and would not attend meetings. I had postponed baptism, presumably because I knew all along that I would leave, and I wanted to be able to have a relationship with my family that was as normal as possible. Leaving before baptism allowed me to avoid certain labels.
Yeah, those of us who left prior to baptism dodged a bullet of sorts, for now. I would not be surprised if the WT soon invents a new category for us and instructs JW family to shun us as well. Until then, I will try to have my family be a part of my life.
I could go on about this forever, but I don't want to bore people......