Leolaia: So we read in logion 79 of the Gospel of Thomas: "Blessed are the wombs that has not conceived and the breasts that have not given milk".
I think this is taken out of context because the preceding verses are needed in order to understand where this idea is coming from.
Also, I do appreciate your taking the time and contributing the views and sources, however, I think the authors of these citations were misdirected.
The sense I get from GOT is that those who are singular and autonomous are not weighted down by cares of the world and having the responsibilities and distractions of having to attend to others and are therefore free to pursue spiritual quests and introspection.
Leolaia: The Gospel of the Egyptians has Jesus declare that he came to "undo the works of the female", for "as long as you women bear children death will have power" (cited by Clement of Alexandria).
This, to me, is not even logical. Death is a condition of a temporary body regardless of whether procreation continues or not. Maybe we should look at what motives Clement of Alexandria would have had for making such a statement and attributing it to the hero. Could it be that Clement was promoting his own agenda deceitfully using the voice of the hero as his vehicle?
How many others have instituted an agenda by rewriting translations and saying "well, Jesus said so"!