You are missing my point. I am not talking about killing animals for food. That is a very different subject.
I am talking about "god" being the first killer mentioned in the Bible because he killed an animal to make clothes for Adam and eve.
A Creator would not destroy his masterpiece. A Creator would be very capable of making clothing from something other than an animal.
If humans are created in the same image as the Creator, that should mean not just physical characteristics, but feelings and emotions as well.
The book of Enoch says it was the evil angels, the Nephilim, who first began to hurt the animals. I am asking the question, do you think its possible that this "god" is actually an evil spirit and not our Creator? Look at his actions.
Also, no one wanted to take responsibility for their actions.
Adam: "Eve gave it to me, so I ate it."
Eve: "well, the old serpent talked me into it."
God: "Well, heck, why don't we just give Fido a whippin for it and let him take the blame!
Somebody's got to pay for the damages to my tree. Make up your mind. Off with your head, or will it be Fido?"
So, the family dog ends up taking the punishment. "god" probaly roasts and eats the dog and makes a muu-muu and loin cloth for the perpertraters.
Really, it's still the same way today as far as some of these rituals. It's based on the fact that people will not take responsibility for their actions as well as illogical tradition.
Take for instance, voodoo. The houngan (voodoo priest) takes a live chicken and rubs it all over the sinner seated in proxy before him. This act supposedly transfers the sins of the sinner (or the whole group if he is sitting in proxy) to the chicken. Now how can this even be logical? If I rub my cat on my head, does this mean that my cat is now guilty of something I did wrong? According to tradition, it must be a magical transfer. Anyway, then, the chicken is now imbued with sin and killed as a sacrifice.
People freak out about this type of animal killing. But hey! Guess what? The Jews do the same thing. Voodoo has Judaeo-Christian roots.
A few days before Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) the priest will have a sinner sit in proxy for the whole congregation. He takes a chicken and swings it over their head three times while chanting some phrase about god accepting the chicken as a sacrifice for our sins. It is called Kaparot. And it is done in this day and age right here in the USA.....still.
These rituals are absurd and illogical and really, like something left over from days of the neanderthal.
I just cannot conceive that our true creators would teach and participate in killing animals. Nor that our creators would be so limited in options to make a covering for humans.
Have you never wondered if this god could have been one of the evil angels?
Also, maybe this is how Abel got the idea to sacrifice an animal. I don't think he would have thought of doing it had he not seen it done and known that it appeased this deity. What do you think?