"Yet man day-by-day becomes more and more unhappy and discontented, and world is becoming bitter and bitter! It means: Though Science is right in its details, it has gone wrong in its direction. It failed to rightly judge and assess the true nature of its prime object (Man) for whom it works. Science saw man as matter, hence thought he would be happier and contented if he were given more and more MATERIAL comforts and luxuries!" - exWT
This is a very misleading and dishonest comment. Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.
Science is sometimes, for the convenience of people who want to see results, divided into applied science and research science. The first applies scientific discoveries to the development of new and improved technology, from cars to iPods. The second pursues scientific knowledge for its own sake with no particular practical goal in mind. The nice thing about this pure research is that it often ends up providing the raw material and knowledge for unexpected practical uses.
Science has noting to do with myths. Except debunking them.
"It failed to rightly judge and assess the true nature of its prime object (Man) for whom it works." - exWT
This is one of the stupidest lines I have read in my life. Are you giving science human characteristics?