This experience is precisely why disfellowshipped ones should not play the game by the WTBTS rules. Make up your own rules. Sit in front. A friend of mine was surprisingly invited to the funeral of a family member recently. She told them she would not go if she was going to be shunned or have to sit in the back. They agreed she could sit with the family.
Until she got there. Then they tried to direct her to the back row. Several times the attendant did this. She refused and sat near or at the front anyhow.
I understand not going to the hall if you are bothered by it. I told the elders if they dfed me I would absolutely go and sit in front and smile and talk and wave and generally be my congenial self. Among other things that prevented them from dfing me. Who knows in the future they may still try.
If I were dfed I would go to the memorial at hall where I was not known. I would probably partake. If I were going to partake I would go to extensive lengths with a makeup artist to make myself appear old. Then I would remove the mask and inform them I was dfed hehe.
Joy said
I would have said a year ago that this behavior shocks me, but not any more. Be glad you saw first hand that the wtbts is not 'christian' when they can't even do what they say.
An examination of christian conduct, writings, and philosophy since its beginning will demonstrate that this kind of haughtiness, and acting contrary to your words, is exactly 'christian'.
there has never been or have I ever heard of seating the DF'd in a specific row. i.e "The Disfellowshipped Row"...its true most df'd people tend to gravitate to the back of the hall....
Why do you think they gravitate to the back row? If a disfellowshipped person leaves the witness he is no longer a member. If he continues to participate, especially with reinstatement in view, then he is a member who is being disciplined. There are certain things elders expect from a dfed person for reinstatement. These vary but acting dfed is one of them, including being nondescript, like sitting in the back. This is also important because if a new one talked to a dfed at the meetings there would be gasps. As complicated as the doctrine is, as hazy as the rules are about it, and as disgusting as it is to most people, few witnesses want to explain right away to a study who just came to a meeting, why such and such a person must not be even greeted.
What I want to know it who the hell made them judge and jury!!
We did. By joining, with the knowledge that we could be dfed. We did by adhering to their rules for dfed people if we are dfed. We did by trying to get back if we are dfed. And we did by being shocked that they should act like judge and jury when we give them consent to do so.
If you have read my posts in the past, you have seen that I simply refused to give them that authority. I told them plainly I did not consent to their authority, I did not passively assent to it, and I know the watchtower does not take authority by force, do they? I also informed them that they never were my elders, I did not know them, and they never would by my eldres. I had not consented for my publisher record card to be transfered to them.
I look at it this way, they can continue to judge me. I personally dont mind. But I will not give them authority over my soul, spirit, conscience, mind, or any other aspect of my life.
But then the same goes for the rest of you talking monkeys on this planet.