While it is true that there are double standards among the policies of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, many of these cases have nothing to do with those.
The cases of requiring a christian to swear an oath on the Qu'ran are of course the most obvious. Now some of you may not accept Jehovah's Witnesses as Christians. So be it. Are they then Muslim? Perhaps Buddhist. Hindu? Neo-Pagan? Wiccan? I could list more. Of course it is obvious that if one were to categorize them under one of the worlds main religions it has to be Christian. Why should they be required to swear on the Qu'ran then? I would not swear on it. I am not even christian, and I don't have morals. I just wouldnt swear on it because it is not my faith.
Other instances reported simply perpetuate the Witnesses concept of persecution. That satan will go to any lengths to attack them. Satanists? Please give me a break. Damaging to many, yes, but that is a vast cry from satanism. It is as silly as when christians call Wiccans Satanists. Wicca doesnt even accept the belief that satan exists. If you are going to attack a people, attack them with facts. It is not as if there are not sufficient facts upon which to demonstrate the failings of Jehovahs Witnesses, that falsehoods have to be created. Is it?
Further, what is wrong with being a conscientious objector? Do we in decrying the witnesses have to denounce everyting about them? I do not wink at their shunning practicies or their tolerance of molestations. But if a witnesses chooses not to put on a military uniform, well good for him. Let him remain tenacious. It is not like it used to be where they had to refuse all forms of non-military service.
Jehovahs Witnesses are abused, by the GB, the elders, their fellow members. They themselves are abused and abuser and many of them do not even realize it. What good then is wrought for outsiders to simply abuse them more? And think not these are crimes against Jehovahs Witnesses. They are crimes against us all. The general disregard for law, even by the law-makers, enforcers, and judges, will return against us all so long as these things continue. Imagine yourself in a muslim country, arrested for reading the bible. Or for quoting it. Or for stating that you do not believe in the Qu'ran. Imagine yourself in Russia, with a child, 20 years from now. Your child is Amerirussian. He refuses to join the military because he disagrees with the tactics or the war. Beaten and bloodied.
While we may disagree with the methods of Jehovahs Witnesses, we may disagree with the false information they disseminate, we must never disagree with their right to be, as we are, the captains of their own souls. If they, in choosing their destiny, choose to follow the edicts of the GB, so be it. If some adult JW decides to refuse a blood transfusion, military service, participation in a religious or political ceremony, or any other concept which is similar to non-JWs, or unique only to JWs, then we must be prepared to support that persons own decisions, even if they harm him.
Protection comes not from further abuse, or from 'persecuting' one group or another, but rather from factual information. Educate people, teach them critical thinking, give them a strong support base, and whether they are JWs, Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, Hindus, Buddhists, Pagans, French, German, African, American, Men, Women, Children, Old, or Young, and they will be able first to protect themselves and then afterwards assist others.
Let's see, three wives, seven concubines, nine slave girls, and twenty-seven black nazi female body guards. I've only got forty-five women to go and my cult is complete